New York – OpEd: Is There A “Most Preferred” Tzedakah For Purim?


    New York – Eight-page color, glossy inserts arrived included in major Jewish publications this past week heralding rabbinic rulings purportedly issued by leading gedolim (sages) in Eretz Yisroel proclaiming Va’ad Harabbonim as “The Most Mehudar” (ideal, preferred) venue for Purim matanos l’evyonim (charity [distributed to] poor people [on Purim day]).

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    The brochures included pictures of various gedolim placing money in their charity boxes accompanied by terse, hand-written endorsements of their charity as an appropriate and/or preferred venue for Purim charity. Finally, one of our most beloved and revered gedolim is quoted as saying that his, [halachic] ruling is for “everywhere” – presumably meant to include Jews in the Diaspora as well as Eretz Yisroel.

    However, both legs of these endorsements as presented are shaky at best.

    To begin with, the pictures of our gedolim contributing to a charity box are meaningless as far as an endorsement is concerned. It does not suggest any level of oversight or stewardship of the organization whatsoever – only that they did what most of us do; place charity in a collection box when we are solicited. Since they are irrelevant, these images are frankly demeaning to the stature of our greatest tzadikim, and this practice of posting them should be stopped immediately.

    As for the written endorsements, they are most certainly not halachic rulings, as they lack details and context. For example, it is unclear if they were written for their local community, all of Eretz Yisroel or for Jews worldwide.

    Even a cursory review of teshuvos (rabbinic rulings) issued by Reb Moshe Feinstein z’tl illustrates how halachic rulings are to be conveyed. All of Reb Moshe’s teshuvos follow the time-honored outline passed down throughout the generations. They:

    1) Are dated to convey the time the ruling was issued and by extension the perhaps unique circumstances prevailing at that particular time.

    2) Begin with Reb Moshe repeating the question posed in detail, and usually including the name and city of the individual posing the question.

    3) Include Reb Moshe’s articulation of both sides of the argument posed.

    4) Include detailed source material and references so the reader can become acquainted with the logic that drove the final ruling.

    5) Convey the final p’sak in clear and concise terms – and generally speaking note if Reb Moshe’s response is halachic in nature (a final ruling) or a chumrah for a ba’al nefesh (a non-binding stringency which an individual who is scrupulous in mitzvah observance can voluntarily accept upon him or herself.)

    In any event, halacha clearly states that local charities always take precedence over out-of-town causes following the dictum of “Aniyei Ircha Kodem, (Lit. [the] poor of your city come before [those outside your community])” In fact, there are ongoing, broad-based rabbinic efforts in communities such as Baltimore’s “26-51” program encouraging residents to dedicate 26% of their charity funds to local schools and 51% to local charities.

    Jews worldwide are eager to help our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisroel, and there is extraordinarily good work being done there by many wonderful organizations that deserve our support. However, misleading ads that claim a “preferred” status for any given charity are inappropriate and disrespectful to our gedolim.

    Promotional materials soliciting people for their hard-earned charity dollars simply need to state the leadership of the organization, the work they do and give donors the confidence that their gifts will be used to help people celebrate the coming Purim and Pesach holidays with dignity and joy.

    Rabbi Yakov Horowitz is the founder and dean of Yeshiva Darchei Noam of Monsey, and founder and Director of Project Y.E.S. (Youth Enrichment Services). He is recognized throughout the Jewish community as an authority on raising children in these troubled times. He can be reached at [email protected]

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    11 years ago

    Thank you very much for the excellent article! You said what needed to be said for a long time already. Tizku lemitzvos!

    11 years ago

    This is a terrific article! Couldn’t agree more!

    11 years ago

    I have something important to share. As one who has donated thousands and thousands of dollars to a particular organization…. I was hurt beyond words at my following experience with them this past Monday.
    As life is a wheel, I am now forced to be on the receiving end… I mustered up every ounce of courage and dropped every ounce of pride and dignity and called an organization (that is advertising EVERYWHERE FULL page ads) I asked to apply to receive.
    I was rudely told in the coldest way possible “IT’S TOO LATE.” when I questioned whether the Rambam or the Rabbanim endorsing it would agree to that statement, they repeated it… I asked to apply for Pesach I was told “IT’S TOO LATE” then I asked to speak to the head…. He said the same exact thing and went even further and said “we have a small window open for applicants. The ones that really need it know when and whom to contact. It is not our fault that FARSHLEPTE people call at the last minute.” This was said in not the kindest way. Mind you it is 5 weeks before Pesach and ads will be running until chol hamoed Pesach… I am shaking as I write this… This devastating slap in my face was emotionally paralyzing.

    11 years ago

    Rabbi Horowitz is right. If anything, he is too polite. Gedolim are being used as puppets in an attempt to draw tzedoko dollars to large organizations from which people make a parnosso.
    I’ve always done matonos lo’evyonim by giving the money to my local rav who knows who the poor people are in our community. It’s just dumb to give it to some massive operation that spends tens (hundreds?) of thousands of dollars on advertising campaigns.

    11 years ago

    I still can not get over the blatant disrespect for a human being… are we all not beggars- at the mercy of G-D for EVERY breath we breathe???!!!??? Does He say “IT’S TOO LATE”
    I was on the giving end.. I used to give to organizations and then I started hearing such stories.. I refused to believe it… How can it be? There are so many Gedolim endorsing it…. just to be sure, in order to fulfill the mitzvah, I gave thousands of thousands to people privately… NO ONE knows. I did NOT get honored, nor will I get honored, nor do I want to get honored
    I just feel mortified at the lack of sensitivity shown towards someone tht is already suffering gezeiros min Shamayim, poverty & after shaming themselves and asking, they are told they are “farshlept”? NO ONE WANTS TO TAKE FROM OTHERS!!! I promise you!!! I cry bitterly every day vna al tazricheinu shelo l’yadei matnas basar v’dam!!
    They did not know my name until AFTER the conversation- so I assume they speak to every pauper the same way… you can test them and call… see for yourself.
    B”H- HaShem runs the world!! bec. we are NEVER too late
    what are farshlepte aniyim supposed to tell their children? “It’s too late for food.”

    11 years ago

    I’m so glad this issue is being addressed. For the longest time Kupat Ha’ir flyers have been used for havdalah in my house. It has taken tzedaka and misconstrued it by saying the only way to get helped is by giving them money. Hakodosh Boruch Hu is available to each of us through tefilla and tzedaka without Kupat Ha’ir’s intervention. The fact that they are able to have such mass production of flyers and inserts every week in every newspaper plus mailings tells me tzedaka money isn’t going to those that need it! Thank you Rabbi Horowitz.

    11 years ago

    I know of someone who lists himself as a person of import in an organization which he in facts doeas almost nothing for except use as a way to promote himself and as a vehicle to raise funds to pay himself while he spends most of the day on the internet.

    You have to be careful about who you give to.

    11 years ago

    the poskim bring down that the poor of eretz Yisroel are aniye ircha. furthermore the gedolim have backed these organizations because they have been involved with them firsthand and witnessed their honesty. therefore it might very well be a preferred place for tzedaka on Purim and throughout the year.

    11 years ago

    Thank you Y. Horowitz. Someone in the know told me that 90 CENTS OF EVERY DOLLAR is going to PR firms, PR people, and many other ‘workers’ in the organization. It is high time these ‘glossy’ GEDOLIM TZEDAKAS should have available free for the asking online pref. , a ceritified CPA statement where the money is going!

    11 years ago

    While donutman and other longtime establishments on 13th ave are closing.. Guess who is opening?? Kupat h’air!! Yes they have a storefront handing out segulos for the right price.

    11 years ago

    I think the Satmar Rebbe Zt”l paskened that Aniyei Eretz Yisroel are considered Aniyei Ircha for the pupose of tzedakah preference.

    11 years ago

    I didn’t realize that yeshivish yidden were taken in by these rediculous advertisements. As soon as I see one of those ads, I think “what a bunch of baloney.” I agree with the poster above who sayd to give it to your local Rav that will distribute it directly to families in need. Many communities have their own tzedokas that give 100% of the money to needy local families. Also, pre-paid cards and gift certs to local supermarkets is becoming a common way to make sure the tzedokah is spent on food.

    11 years ago

    As I purchase the weekly newspapers, I shake out all the garbage shnore letters that come with it, in the garbage. Who reads those? I have my “priorities” where I give graciously. No need to read those inserts.

    11 years ago

    Thank u Rabbi Horowitz for publicly stating what most normal people think of these organizations. The most important point you make is #4 .
    A psak must have maarei mkomos (source material) for others to peer review and concur/argue. this is the way of Torah, and how halacha developed over the generations. Without it, we descend into blind obedience, and future generations wont’ have a basis to apply halacha to their lives.

    11 years ago

    Many organizations claim that if you donate a certain amount of money they will daven for you. Isn’t it their jobs to daven for all of klal yisroel?

    11 years ago

    Noson Yaffe is simply marketing his product. The so-called Godol endorsements are so people should be more inclined to acknowledge his product as opposed to some other competitor. It’s like when a famous athlete drinks a cola or wears a certain brand of sneaker. It’s all about consumer perception. The only one guilty of anything is the sucker who buys into the marketing of any particular product. Rabbi Horowitz has terrific points but I don’t think he’s going to deflect the Madison Avenue style savvy of the advertising experts in from hitting their intended targets.

    11 years ago

    One’s first priority is one’s family. People who run tzedakah organizations understand that and take care of their family and friends first. If you have excess money, you must understand that your family is first. All these issues start when people truly don’t realize aniyei ircha is first.

    11 years ago

    Anyone interested in researching this organization and how they spend the millions of dollars they raise in the U.S. each year, can check out their publicly filed tax 990’s under their EIN # 37-1456890 at According to their 990 filed back in 2010, they raised from 2006 – 2010 $10,690.912.00. In 2010 alone they raised $1,925,526 of which they sent $880,375.00 to Eretz Yisroel. Their expenses included $255,794 for advertising (that’s a quarter of a million dollars for those glossy ads), $162,404 for office expenses and $20,039 for travel expenses. Also listed on the 990 are some of the organizations in the United States to whom they make major grants, such as Cong. Keren Hatzulas Nefushos located at 1523 -54th St in Bklyn, who received $348,850.00. Rabbi Horowitz need not fear, it appears that a major part of the money raised is staying in the United States. I don’t know if all the “segulos” work for the people whose money doesn’t go to Eretz Yisroel.

    11 years ago

    thanks rabbi horowitz for a well written said article…you always say and stand up for the right thing…i have only great respect for you….

    11 years ago

    At the risk of being cynical I often wondered why these people in EY needed my help when 1) they receive gov’t subsidies & 2) their community is helping them. While I do give money to some charities in EY, I am far more judicious than in the past, when I once responded to every letter with a stock photo of a sick or starving child. Most of my money now goes to family members (my unemployed brother) or local charities, where I know the people running them & how they’re being managed. Generally I don’t wish to give to anyone who has other sources (i.e. family, welfare) or those who are cheerfully doing their own thing while working the system.

    11 years ago

    The story does not end after my petch from this disgusting organization to whom I donated $30,000 plus in the last several years… & another one- whom I donated over $50,000 _ I asked for a LOAN- they said “we only help aniyei eretz yisrael” so I asked if I should move to eretz yisrael?
    a/w- I was devastated after the “it’s too late, you are farshlepte beggar… ” I cried bitterly… w/i 12 hrs- I got a call from s/o whom I do not know but is helping me regarding a different issue… as I thanked him for speaking to his Rav about my question… my voice began tearing & I quickly hung up thanking him.. I did NOT mention a word about my financial woes…5 minutes later, he calls “please text me your address, we are coming over to drop s/t off… I was shocked..10 min. later his wife stood in front of my door. did not e/ look at me- handed me a check & ran down so fast- I couldnt even finish thanking her! I sat & cried for ONE hour- bentching this person & thanking HaShem for reviving me- literally!! & showing me that the glamorous organization was not zoche to help me- but HaShem sent me His special quiet messengers to show me “imo anoichi b’tzara” HaSHem shld bentch this tzaddik

    11 years ago

    when I asked why they don’t advertise their “window for beggars (like me) to apply?” his answer.. “the ones that really need- know.. “
    Hodu L’HaShem ki tov!! That HaShem has sent me angel after angel!! quiet people- no one knows of their true tzeddaka- they come straight to my door or to me- in the most dignified way!!! I’ll continue davening and He will help me – read kapitall 22 that Esther Hamalka said when she approached achashveirosh… “for He has never despised nor loathed the supplication of the poor, nor has He concealed His face from him; but when he cried to Him, he heard” (possuk 25)

    My tears will definitely pierce the gates of heaven. I just question- “why do the Gedolim allow themselves to be used for matters that are not ethical? ” How can they undersign when they do not know for a fact? I met nosson yaffe and he did NOT convince me that EVERY penny goes to aniyim. why the ads? he says its donated.. .yes.. right… the organization is closed to new recipients even for pesach while their ads will rake in thousands until chol hamoed pesach…when I asked the BP org why do they give Israeli’s $ from the aniyei ircha bp fund? may HKB”H investigate!

    11 years ago

    so fifty cents on the dollar is a good deal ? ok maybe it is when compared to the net proceeds from other charities. For decades (finances were better then) i never said no to anyone gave freely to everyone … with an open hand and a kind word , B.H our children saw this and internalized that lesson. However now i play it safe and emphasize giving to the needy in our community through our rov and tomchei shabbos. Net proceeds to those that need 100 cents on the dollar! Maybe i am getting smarter with age . just dont ask the wife. .
    R horowitz is confirmimg what we have known for sometime . Tzedaka has become a big business with attending large salaries (often deserved) and lots of overhead.
    i am truly saddened by those whose financial lives have been turned upside down and wish you renewed hatzlacha and bracha . pls do not loose faith. As a jew you dont get that option . Hashem Yaazor

    11 years ago

    Every Gadol that endorses any of these organizations- should call pretending to be a ani and asking to receive tzeddakah- only then will they see what fraud their names are being used in…. There should be an outcry… people are desperate for yeshuos and fall for the glitzy ads…. while poverty struck families continue to drown in hunger and despair… and don’t tell me to go to masbia- I went there today and almost fainted… I was offered a bag of potatoes and pears …. for Shabbos… and the food in house- well, it looked good- but you take your children their first… and then I will take mine…
    There has to be a way to give tzeddaka in a dignified manner. Anyone on the giving end- or who has the money to give- try pretending to be poor for one day.. try these organizations… you willl say Hallel for the money HaShem blessed you with.

    oh and for the person that said “I only give for bread and butter and NOT EVEN FOR JAM” do you eat only bread and butter and NOT EVEN JAM??? Do you want HaShem to give you life and breathe but not the ability to walk? it is the same thing… tzeddka is a concept in the Torah- learn the halachos!!!

    11 years ago

    Rabbi Horowitz, you are right on the mark!

    I am particularly incensed when I see them “make up” segulos that do NOT exist! They are going around now before Purim saying that if you give money they will use “the Segulah of the Kav haYashar”. Well if you look up the Kav haYashar (I believe it is chapter 97) you will see that he does not say ANYTHING about a Segulah. What he does say is that during Adar and ESPECIALLY on the day of Ta’anis Esther as well as Purim, it is very effective to say Tehillim kapitel 22. And that you should have in mind the zechus of Mordechai and Esther.

    While some might say that that’s called “a Segulah” I disagree totally. That is called saying Tehillim which is part of Tefila that we should always do when we are in a difficult situation (or even not in a difficult situtation). To me it is a complete and total LIE! A falsehood! SHEKER GOMUR!!! TRYING TO DO A MITZVA WITH SHEKER NEVER WORKS. I have lost alot of respect for this organization…

    11 years ago

    I never would give to such an tzadakah. I heard that Yad Eliezer raises millions of dollars and their expenses are less than 3% of their gross. That’s an efficient way to run a tzadakah. And they do tremendous work.

    11 years ago

    I would think that the best charities for purim include food banks. After all, you are enjoying the hamentaschen, help someone else.

    11 years ago

    Personally, most of my charitable giving – and, at my time of life, it’s not an astonishingly large sum – goes straight to my shul’s gamach. I have also given to street beggars too, but I have no way of knowing whether or not they are authentic.

    The “chuggers” (a conflation of charity muggers”) who waylay passers-by on the streets trying to get them to give their bank account details and to sign up for regular donations taken straight from bank accounts are nothing less than vermin. It was reported on the BBC that the upfront costs of employing a chugger would mean that not a single red cent of a donation would actually reach the charity for almost two years.

    Kupat Ha’ir’s possibly fraudulent and definitely unethical fundraising activities have cast a blight on other charities that no doubt serve very well deserving causes. Oorah’s somewhat irritating and inane propaganda has a very similar effect.

    The gamach method means I can at least ensure that only a very small proportion of my gifts will be swallowed up by administration, advertising and all the other pernicious deductions mentioned by earlier contributors.

    11 years ago

    Our community suffers greatly from confusion between tzedokoh which is one of our most precious mitzvos, and generating money to run a business. Aside from the glitzy glossy ads for organizations, we have a few more black eyes that hide behind the label of charity.

    Mishloach manos campaigns. In a world full of disclaimers, we should require these organizations to affix a label that states that the donation does not fulfill the mitzvah of mishloach manos.

    Raffles and ruboffs. Most of these are being pushed by bochurim and children. Some go door to door (let’s not address the disruption to family activity), others disturb mispallelim in shul. I have these kids disturbing me during kriyas shema and shemoneh esrei! What chutzpah it takes for a yeshiva to make their talmidim their fund raisers but not teach them the proper ways to do this al pi halochoh!

    Phone solicitation. Robo calls are offensive. Worse are the callers who tell me that I gave generously last year, asking me to match or beat it this year. Trouble is, I never heard of them. The marketing is based on pure sheker. They insist on my credit card numbers. Rude, offensive, and not Torahdig at all.

    11 years ago

    Anything from Kupat Ha’ir goes right in the trash bin. Their marketing materials set off every common sense alarm in my head.

    11 years ago

    1. Inyim in E”Y are considered Ani Ircha
    2. I heard from people living in Bnei Brak that the Vaad Harabbonim do tremendous work. The literally help so many people – the poorest of the poor.
    That being said if you don’t wish to give, don’t. Ask your Rav whom to give to, but why publicly bash an organization without hearing their side BEFORE printing. On whose chesbon is this?

    11 years ago

    reply to # 38 i am heartened by your actions of not disturbing someone who is davening …… unlike so many other collectors. however did you ever think that the feeble response you received is because you are satmer…. not exactly jew lovers. not tolerant and not one of my favourite chasidishe sects……..heilligi rebbe notwithstanding

    11 years ago

    I too throw all the glossies in the garbage. I also ignore the ads for giving to those who are going to the kever of such and such tzaddik and will personally mention your name for $$$, all scams preying on desperate people.