Jerusalem – Rabbi Issues Orders Forbidding Yeshiva Students From Reporting To IDF


    Wiki via YoninahJerusalem – On the heels of Yair Lapid’s Knesset speech on Monday in which he mockingly told Haredi MKs not to worry about IDF recruitment numbers because there would be “plenty coming from your own backyard,” Rabbi Schmuel Auerbach has issued a published order “forbidding” yeshiva students from reporting to recruitment centers.

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    Subscribe to our Daily Roundup Email ( is reporting that Rabbi Auerbach issued his order in the Hapeles newspaper amid growing concern among yeshiva heads about what to tell students who receive notices to report.

    Recently, after receiving a first call-up notice, some yeshiva students have been reporting with the understanding that medical exams and initial interviews would not necessarily result in being placed into active service, but Auerbach now calls this tactic a “destruction decree” and an “uprooting of religion.”

    Auerbach said this tactic is clearly for “sorting” and “assigning” yeshiva students for the purpose of “real” military service.

    “It is forbidden to report at all,” Auerbach said.

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    11 years ago

    And I say he doesn’t run the Government and can’t make a rule like this because ultimately, they will come knocking on your door.

    11 years ago

    Leave the country, if don’t want to be a part of it.

    11 years ago

    in my opinion it would be wiser to negotiate with the idf. how to implement.
    now families will be without necessary fiance. i also dont see what the avleh with contributing to the idf in a way that can maintain charadi lifestyle…i wonder sometimes on the brilliance (sarcastic) at times of some of todays rabonim.

    11 years ago

    does he really believe that this will stop young men from enlisting?
    so very sad to see this.

    11 years ago

    Will he go to jail for these boys.
    No offense (and I am sure I will be called all sorts of foul names), but why do my kids (who are frum as well) need to report and not their kids?
    What ever happened to “achdus” and attempting to work within frameworks?
    So all the aguda rabbonim agree?

    I am utterly disappointed! Presents a poor mida for our impressionable (and sometimes unintelligent) youth

    11 years ago

    The problem with yeshiva students enlisting in the IDF is not really because of Bitul Torah it is much worse.
    The IDF is a place where in no time a frum yid becomes secular.Even if he stays frum there is no chance the person will stay the same.The IDF as its known is one of the lowest places when it comes to modesty.I try to stay clean here on VIN but its a place where people do the dirtiest of dirtiest.
    Would love to hear from former IDF soldiers if what i just said is not true.

    11 years ago

    Those torah giants like rabbi aurbach with his mesiras nefesh are the ones who kept torah alive in the last 2 millenia KO LECHOI!

    11 years ago

    #5 . Do you really think he wouldn’t go to jail with them? Of course he would.
    And Achdus? Did you not hear Lipid just yesterday? They hate the chareidim. As far as they are concerned there will never be “Achdus”.
    The Rav is “forcing” his view to be recognized. Just as the left is “forcing” their views on the chareidim. Now let’s see them jail hundreds of bochurim.
    We’ll see who blinks first.
    In my humble opinion the move is brilliant.
    Stop looking at the chareidim as backward stupid cavemen. Mark my words it will come back to haunt you very shortly.

    11 years ago

    Obviously, a memo must have gone out making him Ruler or King or something, which I happen to have not received. If someone has it, can you forward it to me? Thanks

    11 years ago

    Baruch HaShem we have true gedolim like Harav Shmuel who understand the Torah. May Hashem grant him arichat Yamim veshanim. May all the apikorsim and malshinim have a quick end. Those who speak against the gedolim are apikorsim. May Hashem punish them with tremendous ferocity quickly. Amen

    Active Member
    11 years ago

    If a chareidi conscript were to come upon a Hamas fighter who was about to throw a grenade, would the chareidi fire his gun?

    11 years ago

    For commenters 1-5 : you aren’t getting it at all. Rabbi Aurbach never said No One should go to the IDF, he feels that the latest push to draft current yeshiva students is (as the article says) a way to mock the Charedi MKs. With today’s technology there is less of a need for actual “foot” soldiers then there was in the 6 day war. Many of these boys are put on bases in the middle of the country and given nothing to do, but sit and wait in the hot sun for orders. Those who are closer to the “hot spots” are(sometimes) forced to incite the Palestinians ( for the enjoyment of some sick commanders) and the rest are exposed to (Nebach) girls in the Idf that have no respect for anything Frum that they believe in and have no problem exposing them to lude behavior, language, and nudity.

    If you disagree with me then you’re the one with your head in the sand.

    IDF service is no longer something to be proud of but rather they are made into pawns in a political game.
    I believe that the political strength and success of Abbas and the Palestinians is DIRECTLY a result of the lack of respect for Torah learning.
    Rabbi Aurbach isn’t a raving lunatic, that has a political agenda and if he says don’t go that’s good enough for me.

    11 years ago

    Unfortunately the “gedolom” in Eretz Yisroel are totally removed from life today. We are no longer living in the ghettos of Eastern Europe. In Western Europe the haredim understand that life has changed. In Israel they do not. Rabbi Auerbach, get real!

    11 years ago

    Moshe rabbeinu led the Jewish people in war against the Egyptians. Not by actual fighting but by using divine powers from G-d

    Rabbi, until you attain divine powers from G-d, we are in need of a military to be able to go to war. Stop being frummer than Moshe rabbeinu

    11 years ago

    Once again, a rav decides that he is above the law of the land. they do it here in america, they do it in Israel. And then they wonder why we lose all respect for them. Perhaps they should stay in the bais medrash and just shut up. Yesterday it was Zargar, and the other one with the demonstration, today another loudmouth appears. If it was up to me, he’d already be sitting in jail for treason.

    11 years ago

    I’ve been maintaining and will repeat again: chareidim will not serve. Sure, there will be allegedly-religious zionists, who will enlist (and whose pictures will be taken and endlessly displayed by the zionist propaganda outlets, calling them “chareidim” to make the unsuspecting believe that chareidim are successfully drafted), but the Jews loyal to Torah and Jewish way of life will not serve. There.

    Noble Member
    11 years ago

    They need to resort to a Hesder type of Yeshiva/Army setup – that was separating the yeshivaleit from the chiloni unit, while in the army. Thats the only way it’ll work.

    11 years ago

    Dear Rabbi,

    I am an observant Jew.
    I work 10 hours a day
    I make sure to have a chavruta 2x a week
    I go to shul on shabbat
    I pray everyday
    I have 25 employees all paid reasonably
    I provide extra benefits to all of them
    I take care of them as if they are family ( 2 of them happen to be arabs )
    I live in a suburb of Jerusalem
    I wear a kippah on my head
    I served in the army for 6 years
    I do milium with pride
    I have a 23 year old son who is in the Israeli air force. He has a chavruta every single day on base. He has more yirat shamayim than you can imagine.

    I ask you dear Rabbi, why is my life and my sons life less meaningful than any of these? What gives you the right? If a full pledged war broke out tomorrow, I will run to the front line while your students will hide in a basement. It is an utter disgrace.

    11 years ago

    Yads never form little canopies of tricks. Torah requires you to comply with liberty. Thus the children should serve.

    11 years ago

    I’d like to hear Rav Aurbach say that in addition to not serving in the IDF, Chareidim should not accept any State money and assistance. But no, that will never happen.

    As long as chareidim are accepting State money, they absolutely should be drafted and be productive members of society. Constant taking while never giving back unfortunately proves that Yair Lapid’s derogatory assertion is not that incorrect.

    11 years ago

    Reading some of thesse (heretical) posts; for example,

    8 – Passaicguy
    11 – Alter
    28 – Amicable
    29 – Maxedout

    I see a silver lining to the sadness they cause.
    Chazal teach us that in the time immediately preceding Moshiach’s arrival,
    CHUTZPA will be rampant.

    With the amount of chutzpa we’ve seen here directed at our gedolim,
    pack your bags, cuz he’s gotta be around the corner!

    11 years ago

    Did his father zatzal hold this too? Anyone know?

    11 years ago

    You live there……… serve there! just like everyone else

    11 years ago

    what you people don’t understand is that the test that klal Yisroel faces before the geulah is a test of emunah.Hashem should have pity on a generation who thinks that the more soldiers we have on the battlefield the better our chances are. Wars are won because of the people sitting and learning. The “soldiers” who give up from their own personal lives to do the ratzon of Hashem is what will determine an outcome of a war. What the state of Israel should be doing is drafting non learners and make them report to a yeshiva, not the other way around. May Hashem continue to watch over us and protect us from evil decrees that threaten klal Yisroel. Decrees from the enemies and from our own flesh and blood