Rockland County, NY – Tznius And Style Not A Contradiction At Monsey Event


    Rockland County, NY – Hundreds of women gathered Sunday in Monsey at the Vishnitz boys school for an event that was designed to portray tznius in a positive light and to inspire women and girls in their personal quest for modesty instead of bombarding them with warnings and admonitions linking the tragedies of today’s world to women’s hemlines and necklines.

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    Described by organizers as a “Refined Shopping Expo”, the event showcased over thirty vendors from Monsey, New Square, Kiryas Joel and Brooklyn, whose collective wares included robes, women’s and children’s apparel, modest hospital gowns and assorted accessories to help women in their quest to be both modestly and fashionably dressed.

    Press releases that ran prior to the expo stressed the difficulties that many women face when looking for attire that is appropriate, yet stylish.

    “In a world where modesty is recognized more by its absence than its presence, it is a great challenge to find beautiful, fashionable clothes that are modest and appropriate for Bnos Yisroel. Many women and girls who have become much more in tune and sensitive to proper refinement in dress are becoming increasingly frustrated by the difficulty in finding clothing that is appealing, age appropriate, yet in full compliance of Halacha.”

    Various displays cautioned women to be aware that even a skirt that covers the knees while standing may not be appropriate when sitting or walking. A “Two Step Easy Check Ruler” offered by an organization called Kol Kevuda offered a simple means of determining appropriate skirt lengths while both sitting and standing on women of any height.

    Also present were seamstresses offering their services for alterations and advice as well as a ongoing demonstrations of EZ NeckLastic, a thin elastic like thread that can be used to tighten up necklines of shells, blouses, sweaters, snoods and other garments, without any bunching or sewing skills.

    “I gave workshops to crowds of people from 11:30 to 7:30,” Mrs. Tzviya Bock, inventor of EZNeckLastic told VIN News. “The general response was one of appreciation, for helping women with an issue that they deal with all the time. That was the message of the whole expo. We are here and we can provide for you needs with the combination of clothing that is appropriate and looks nice.”

    Shoppers and vendors alike seemed please with the results of Sunday’s ten and a half hour event.

    “The stores who came here today are all so happy to see how many people turned out for this event,” reported the owner of the Monsey branch of Blue Ribbon Ladies Robes. “Women can see that when they go shopping here that it is easy for them to find things that are beautiful and tasteful without having to compromise on their tznius. Every person who is came here has already earned a big zechus, for showing an interest in tznius. It is things like this that will bring Moshiach.”

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    10 years ago

    If I got a dollar for every robo call I got touting the “refined shopping expo” I could my weeks gocery bill, this was a private money making thing not a not for profit venue

    10 years ago

    Boruch Hashem the more tznis we promote the better. Lets just remeber that our girls are the most tznuis than most of the past 2 generations probably the most tznius in close to 100 years. Lets keep it up.
    (Some times in the course of tznius people forget and knock us how low we are. Thats far from the truth)
    Disclaimer; This comment is not meant to put down prior generations rather to show how we shtieged in tznius BH.

    10 years ago

    A bissel too feel.

    10 years ago

    I don’t think there’s a shortage of stores that sell modest clothing, it’s a personal choice of which clothing to buy, alter..etc. Nice idea though and I wish the vendors much hatzlachah on their business verntures!

    10 years ago

    I like the positive attitude of this expo. But can someone explain to me why we are constantly being bombarded with exhortations about women’s clothing. Far more attention is given to this area of halachah than any other!
    Why is it so much more important than lashon hara, tefillah, Shabbos, emunah, stealing, sinas chinam, etc., etc.?
    The last time I checked the “great law of the Torah” is ואהבת לרעך כמוך, not the length of your hemline.

    It should also be pointed out that many of these “halachos” about tznius are not absolute halachos; some are just chumros, and some depend on the custom of the community. For example, those who live in a community where the women do not wear tights do not have to wear tights. The same goes for showing a little hair in front of a tichel. There are many other examples.

    10 years ago

    “cautioned women to be aware that even a skirt that covers the knees while standing may not be appropriate when sitting or walking”

    I live in a frum neighborhood and you rarely see anyone with a long skirt anymore. Its sad that the only ones with proper dress are girls in school uniforms. One of the problems is that jewish stores don’t sell long skirts, and only offer the tight short skirts that cover the knee only when standing. Someone recommended once that women should draw a face on their knees one day, and see how many people notice them. Then you know that you are not covering your knees and in Hashem’s eyes that is just as bad as showing cleavage, which you would never find in our community, but somehow exposing knees is accepted.

    10 years ago

    A huge part of the concept of tznius is to NOT objectify women. Lets teach our girls to be tzanua in their carriage and gait, in their speech, and in their attitudes, and dress will follow. Reducing tznius to inches and centimeters is beyond degrading. Moshiach is not going to come because women wear socks when they sleep.

    10 years ago

    I hate the fact that women and their skirts are blamed for all of the world’s ills, instead of each of us looking at what we can improve in. But no, its the skirts that are the fault, not the men who steal, commit fraud ect and end up in jail. Its not the pedophiles and the people who cover for them. Its not kashrus and lashon hara. Its an easy way out for people to just blame the women.
    Stop making tznius something to hate- instead focus on something else and you will see how much easier and receptive women will be when its not shoved down their throats every day and after every tragedy.

    10 years ago

    In my neighborhood someone put up on the light poles urging women to dress tzniusdik. Placing these posters on the light poles is illegal and contravenes halacha. Some frumkeit!
    “Kshot atzmecha techila!”

    10 years ago

    The biggest problem with all these frum tznius shops and gadgets is that they are very often much more costly than your regular stores – I know the story of extra cost for import, small line production costs,supporting the extended family in kollel etc but for a family that is just about putting food on the table, without extra parental support it is not an option to use them and we are forced to” make do” with the cheaper options! They should offer a fair/show of this sort helping those that don’t have money to throw around-fixing what is already in you cupboard, longer under-skirts or even a piece that can be easily clipped on and off to lengthen skirts, sleeves and necklines!