Jerusalem – History Unfolding In Belz As Monumental Wedding Takes Place (photos-video)


    Ultra orthodox Jewish men and women take part at the wedding of the Belz Hasidic dynasty rebbe's son, in Jerusalem, on May 21, 2013. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90 Jerusalem – Joy and elation are running high in Kiryat Belz as thousands are attending tonight’s historic wedding of the Belzer Rebbe’s oldest grandson. The chosson, eighteen year old Shalom Rokeach, who bears the name of the first Belzer Rebbe, is the son of the Belzer Rebbe’s only son, Rabbi Aharon Mordechai Rokeach and is the heir apparent to one day lead the Belzer dynasty. The kallah, nineteen year old Batya Paneth, is the daughter of R’ Yechiel Meir Paneth, a magid shiur in Yeshivas Nadvorna Bnei Brak.

    Hours before the onset of the wedding, Belzer chasidim were already securing their spots inside the “Groyse Shtub” hall for the Kabalas Panim, which began at 4:30 this afternoon. Kabalas Panim for the ladies was held at the wedding hall in the lower levels of the main Belzer Shul.

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    According to reports in Israeli news source B’Chadrei Chareidim, street closures in Kiryat Belz began an 10 AM this morning, with certain entrances to the large Beis Medrash closed as of noon.

    “The streets are jam packed with people,” one wedding guest told VIN News. “There is very tight security, with multiple private security firms hired for the wedding. I am seeing between four and five hundred security guards all around, everyone with different jobs.”
    A general view of a huppa (canopy) at the Jewish marriage ceremony of the Belz Hasidic dynasty rebbe's son, in Jerusalem, on May 21, 2013. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
    The chupah which was expected to take place at 6 PM in Kikar Belz at the entrance to the neighborhood, is actually taking place closer to 8 PM, with a specially constructed ramp leading to the chupah along Rechov Dover Shalom and Rechov Binat Yisachar. Numerous gedolim and rabbanim are expected to be in attendance for this historic simcha.

    Following the chupah, over 10,000 male guests will enter a newly erected structure located outside the Belzer Shul via one of six different entrances. Thirty bleachers, which are estimated to encompass three kilometers worth of seating, have been installed for the wedding, including a special gallery to accommodate the 2,000 yeshiva students who will be in attendance, with festivities in the men’s tent transmitted via satellite to various locations in Israel, the United States and Europe. The kallah and the invited women guests will be bused approximately half a mile away to Binyanei Hauma for their own celebration.
    A general view of a huppa (canopy) at the Jewish marriage ceremony of the Belz Hasidic dynasty rebbe's son, in Jerusalem, on May 21, 2013. Photo by Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
    The Belzer Rebbe’s planned entrance to the wedding at approximately 9 PM is expected to be one of the most joyous moments of the wedding, accompanied by jubilant singing and dancing. Following bentshing at approximately midnight, yeshiva students will return to the Groyse Shtub to watch the mitzvah tantz. Only the kallah and a handful of close female relatives will be in attendance for the mitzvah tantz, which is expected to be an extremely emotional and euphoric event, and is slated to last well into the early morning hours. It is estimated that it has been twenty years since the Belzer Rebbe last danced at a mitzvah tantz.

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    10 years ago

    The women will be bussed a half an hour away? The kallah in her gown? How is that polite? There wasn’t room for both? The kallah can’t see her new husband or eat with him on their first night together?
    What about Sheva brachos? The women can’t participate?

    10 years ago

    Belz and gur’s success, is every rebbes dream. A true malchus.
    If i were in Israel, I would probably go just to see this great chasidus. Don’t try to convince me to become a chosid thou. Ain’t gonna happen.

    10 years ago


    A bit of hyperbole!

    10 years ago

    Why are the women only a half-mile away? Shouldn’t they be in a different city or country???

    10 years ago

    Can anyone inform me if this wedding unites Belz w another Chassidishe dynasty ? Or is the bride from Belz?

    10 years ago

    I dont know about the rest of you, but I dont care. Stopped caring about these so-called princes and princesses a long time ago.

    10 years ago

    B”H shelo asani hasidic lady!

    10 years ago

    TO # 1
    the womens hall is 5!!! yes FIVE!! minutes away at binyanei hauma!
    where they rented ALL of the halls.
    certainly the only place big enough- & lucky for them only 5 minutes away!
    [btw sounds like you dont know know much of jerusalem geography – well then maybe its time to visit!]

    10 years ago

    Sorry, no Belzer around to comment.

    10 years ago

    Very cult-like. Tens of thousands of Jews flying in to attend the Chuppah.

    Stay away from the Kool Aid.

    10 years ago

    wow! the kallah is older then the chosson. this is not common in orthodox circles, but among chasidim – is unique.

    10 years ago

    In order to be able to see the wedding LIVE, you had to pay $50 for men and women showing at 2 diff places in BP. If you wanted to see it on your internet LIVE the price was $500. Can you imagine that???

    10 years ago

    The kallah is an einekel of the Makover Rebbe.

    10 years ago

    Amazing not a Belz chusid but if i where in israel i would make sure to be there

    10 years ago

    Baruch HaShem that Belz has been blessed to see the Rebbe marry off his oldest grandchild with the full glory of Belz as it was before the Holocust ! As a Belzer I wish the Rebbe loads of Simcha and Nachas

    10 years ago

    What a bunch of spoiled pansies. Self proclaimed royalty with thousands of ovdei Baal “The Belzer Rebbe’s planned entrance to the wedding at approximately 9 PM is expected to be one of the most joyous moments of the wedding,”
    accompanied by jubilant singing and dancing.”
    Oh so that’s the most joyous time……. I don’t trust people who spend MILLIONS on a wedding and then tell you all about the takanos in the community. Sheer audacity. His loser followers are wearing cheap plastic glasses while watching this wedding online for $500!!!!!!

    10 years ago

    I guess my wedding was “historic” too it was the first time it happened

    10 years ago

    I was by the Chupah, One word AMAZING it was probably the biggest in history. What a nice Chasidus!

    10 years ago

    Mazal Tov! But can someone please explain to me why if a Jewish young man marries a Jewish young woman, its historic? This Boruch Hashem has happened millions of times before and IY”H will continue to happen forever.

    10 years ago

    I am lucky to have a 1/2 hour seder with a chavrusah who learns b’erech 18 hours a day. He’s a tremendous talmid chochom (I’m talking shas b’iyun) and is quiet and unassuming. He is pleasant and good natured and does many good deeds without any fanfare. A real class act.
    He just became a choson– to the daughter of a 7th grade Rebbe– of very modest means. They are prepared to live a poor and humble life and aspire to nothing more than to be ehrliche yidden, although I would not be surprised if he becomes a gadol one day. My point is, that he wasn’t born with a silver becher in his mouth. In shamayim, do you think my friend’s wedding will be any less important than this lavish and extravagant feast? I seriously doubt it.

    10 years ago

    Yeshiva students at an emotional and euphoric event watching a young bride dance with her zeide till the wee hours of the morning.
    Let me say that again.
    Yeshiva students at an emotional and euphoric event watching a young bride dance with her zeide till the wee hours of the morning.

    10 years ago

    Can we all celebrate this Simcha, without jealousy & hatred? Long may the young couple live together in happiness.

    10 years ago

    Maybe I don’t unerstand what it’s like to be part of something so “glorious” because as a woman I cannot be a part of it. I talk to many hasidic ladies and they could care less about the shtus the men are involved in since they are not a part of it.

    10 years ago

    The Kallah is not from a major Chasidic dynasty, but rather from an ordinary Belzer family. The Chosson, in addition to being a grandson of the Belzer Rebbe is also a grandson of the Makover Rav and a great grandson of R’ Chuna Halpern of London, who served as Mesader Kidushin at the wedding.

    8 years ago

    Fargin yiddish kinder! Only simchas by yidden.