Tehran – Leader Of Iranian Jews Criticizes French Government For Not ‘Punishing’ Charlie Hebdo


    Tehran – The leader of Jews in Iran condemned Charlie Hebdo’s latest publication of a cartoon depicting the Prophet Mohammad.

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    The Chief Rabbi of Iran, Rabbi Mashallah Golestani-Nejad criticized French government for not punishing those responsible for the drawing published on Jan. 14, reports Tasnim News Agency (http://bit.ly/15tOwvo).

    Golestani-Nejad said the French government should have punished the magazine when they first started publishing images of Mohammad in 2006.

    The Rabbi said, that all the divine prophets were sent by God to guide humanity and that no one has the right to desecrate them, adding “Insulting religions is insulting God,”

    In 2007, A Paris court dismissed a lawsuit filed by two Muslim organizations in 2007 who sued Charlie Hebdo for drawing cartoons of Mohammad.

    Rabbi Golestani Nejad took over the position as Chief Rabbi following the death Of Rabbi Yousef Hamadani Cohen who passed away last April at the age of 100.

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    9 years ago

    Is this guy Jewish?

    9 years ago

    was he put in prison to say this it is agens torah

    9 years ago

    no one should criticize Rabbi Mashallah Golestani-Nejad I cant image the stress of heading a Jewish Community is such a massively anti-Semitic country where the threat of prosecution-judgement-&Death; is always a real possibility.

    9 years ago

    Are you freakin kidding??! “The Rabbi said, that all the divine prophets…”

    Mark Levin
    Mark Levin
    9 years ago

    I really feel bad for this guy. He was probably told by the regime this is what he had to say.

    9 years ago

    Hey, the guy is scared. He’s in Iran; cut him some slack.

    9 years ago

    The RambaM writes: Shevuos 3:1-3

    כל הנשבע שבועה מארבע מיני שבועות אלו באונס הרי זה פטור מכלום. ואחד הנשבע מתחלתו באונס כמו שבארנו. או שנשבע ונאנס ולא הניחוהו לקיים שבועתו. או שהשביעו אנס. לפיכך נשבעין לחרמין ולהורגין ולמוכסין

    באי זה מוכס אמרו. במוכס העומד מאליו שלוקח ממון שלא ברשות מלך המדינה. או שלוקח ברשות המלך אבל מוסיף לעצמו על הדבר הקצוב כמו שיתבאר בהלכות גזלה

    צריך הנשבע באונס להיות כונתו בלבו בעת השבועה לדבר הפוטרו . ואע”פ שהדברים אלו שבלב אינן דברים. הואיל ואינו יכול להוציא בשפתיו מפני האונס. הרי זה סומך על דברים שבלבו

    In Nedarim 4:1

    נדרי אונסין ונדרי שגגות ונדרי הבאי הרי אלו מותרים כדרך שבארנו בשבועות. הרי שהדירוהו האנסין והמוכסין ואמרו לו נדור לנו שהבשר אסור עליך אם יש עמך דבר שחייב במכס. ונדר ואמר הרי הפת והבשר והיין אסורין עלי הרי זה מותר בכל ואף על פי שהוסיף על מה שבקשו ממנו. וכן אם בקשו ממנו שידור שלא תהנה אשתו לו ונדר שלא תהנה לו אשתו ובניו ואחיו כולן מותרין וכן כל כיוצא בזה

    (read between the lines).

    9 years ago

    The quote of the Mishna in Pirkei Avos that admonished individuals not to judge their fellow man, is appropriate to apply here.
    The Rabbi, as the spiritual leader of the Jewish community in Iran was forced to protest the so-called insult of the Muslim prophet Mohammad by the Charles Hebdo magazine, in order to protect its members who live in that tyrannical country.

    9 years ago

    Why is poking fun of blacks considered illegal & racist (cuz it hurts them), poking fun of Jews, antisemitic (cuz it hurts them) but anyone can feel free to poke fun of “religion” without any regards to so many hurt feelings. It’s true that Arab’s dont really need a reason to kill, and they’ll find plenty ‘excuses’ anytime as for why they killed ‘infidels’, but yet the prophet cartoons seems to have angered even relatively ‘calm muslims’.. See how much blood it’s costing everytime such cartoons are published. How many more people do we have to sacrifice for this so called Freedom of speech?

    What’s the point? What’s the gain?

    9 years ago

    do you think he really has a choice, he

    9 years ago

    do you think he had a choice? he was forced to criticize, I’m sure

    9 years ago

    I can’t believe he means what he is saying, even in europe rabbis used to say things that they didn’t mean because they were afraid

    Look at all the prayers for the czar, and poritz, and the cosacks, you think the Jews praised them willingly?

    9 years ago

    Nebbach. A pathetic dhimmi. Didn’t he have anything to say about the four kedoshim Hy’d murdered at Hyper Casher?
    Surely, this rabbi knows that nevua (prophesy) ended with Chagai, Zecharia, and Malachi, who predated Jesus and Mohammed (l’havdil) by centuries!

    9 years ago

    What dont you people understand????? Hes living in Iran with Muslims at his side for G ds sake! All he wants is peace& live in harmony alongside his Muslim neighbors. Dont u get that???? With all due respect to Charlie Hebdo, they are absolutely increasing antisemitism by depicting the Prophet in these cartoons!! We know there are Muslim animals out there. Why incite them?!? Who like this Rabbi knows what hes talking??? Hes suffering on his own skin!!!!Charly Hebdos killings were a gruesome act of murder but that still doesnt allow them to continue with their cartoons. Get a life you people out there! What do you know what this man & people are going thru due to these stupid cartoons! Is it worth it?????

    9 years ago

    If only we could have the zechusim and schar that this ruv has for being stuck in a country, not allowed to leave and giving chizuk to his community trying to keep torah and mitzvos while tip toeing around one of the worst anti-semetic countries in history.Chazak v’ematz. May Hashem continue protecting you and the members of your members community.

    Active Member
    9 years ago

    What he says about the prophet says in Rishoinim like the Abarbanel etc. That hashem sent Mohammed and Yushka to instill civil and religious tolerance in the gentiles, so the Jews can survive in Galus. Despite everything the Crusades and Arabs have done throughout history, nevertheless, they were still way more civil and tolerant of jews than the idol worshippers prior to them….