Jerusalem – Edah Hachareidis To Meet Police To Release ‘Mishmeres Hatznius’ Suspects


    Jerusalem – In a meeting with Jerusalem police representatives, Rabbi Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss [Gave’d] head of the Edah Hachareidis will demand: free the Mishmeres arrestees. Word on the Chareidi street: “If the answer is no, we go to war.”

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    Both sides in the ongoing whirlwind following the arrest of two Mishmeres Hatznius activists have reached the breaking point tonight. After a meeting between the Jerusalem Beis Din’s Rabbi Yitzchok Tuvia Weiss and Jerusalem police, the Chareidi community will make its decision: Do we expand the protests or stop them?

    The meeting will take place late tonight or alternatively tomorrow in Rabbi Weiss’ home in Jerusalem. According to police sources, area commander Aharon Franco will be attending. According to Edah Hachareidis sources, Rabbi Weiss didn’t want Franco to attend; he will be replaced by high-ranking officer Bruno Stein.

    Earlier today the matter erupted in Jerusalem on two occasions. In the afternoon, rioters overturned a police vehicle on Yoel St., and a violent protest broke out at the intersection of Mea Shearim and Shivtei Yisrael Streets. Protesters used garbage cans and threw stones to overpower the police, who responded in force to disperse the protesters. Two protesters were detained for investigation at the Russian Compound prison.

    In contrast, the afternoon outbreak was unplanned and resulted from an opportunity seized upon by “zelalots.” A policewoman on a call at a Yoel St. apartment left her vehicle parked in the street, only to return to find it on its roof.

    A massive police presence sprang to the scene trying to capture those responsible for the act, though unsuccessfully. Several officers turned the car back over onto its four wheels. A huge crowd gathered at the scene, with Mea Shearim St. closed to traffic for a full hour.

    As mentioned, the Edah Hachareidit leader will demand the release of the three arrestees. “If the demand is not accepted, at least partially,” said Edah Hachareidit sources tonight, “the Beis Din itself will call upon its public to take to the streets and demonstrate until the police succumb and free the innocent arrestees.”

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    15 years ago

    Idiots. let them rot in prison for the rest of their lives. who cares about them.

    15 years ago

    IF the Eida Chareidis supports the Vaad’s MAASIM TOIVIM how come whatever they do is always underground; Let the Beis Din Issue a PUBLIC PESAK DIN that all the actions of the Vaad, both Public and Discreet, are under their supervision.

    The unseemly “BAMACHTERES” work points to an altogether different direction.

    moshe avigdor
    moshe avigdor
    15 years ago

    the brisker rov ztl (writeen in rav shlomo lorentz book) told the neturi karta officai

    who asked him why doesnt he participate in demostrating against the medina?

    he told him that “you are the biggest zionest”

    because in any other country if you demostarted like that(he gave russia as an example)they would shoot you in the street,but you know here in eretz yisroel that these are your brothers and that would never happen so thats why you feel that you can demand things .

    i feel these people today who destroy property and fight with the police are the biggest zionest for the same reason.

    hamaven youvin

    15 years ago

    To M. Avigdor:

    You are so right. Also, did the dayanim of the bais din ever hear what these guys are accused of. Or did the little fakers of the tzinus movement not tell them the whole truth. Maybe if they knew the whole truth what these guys do, the bais din would be the first ones outthere protesting these Chayos instead of defending them!

    common ¢
    common ¢
    15 years ago

    Just like pinchas did not need a psak so too they do not need a psak and that is the daas torah from the gaavd I think he has more daas torah then all u bloggers.!!!

    15 years ago

    Why should they be let free after violently attacking others? Do we want a country with law and order or not?

    15 years ago

    Pinchas – they are nothing like Pinchas who acted for the sake of Hashem, Moshes honor and Covod Habriut to stop a plague. These are thugs who beat women for having short sleeves or talking to a man in the grocery or beat a man for short sleeves –

    We live with many daas torah – what gives them the right to determine theirs is better??

    Obviously that’s one of the reasons Moshiach hasn’t come yet – Intolerance of others Daas Torah.

    15 years ago

    If Eda Haredis wants these punks released, maybe they could kidnap some IDF soldiers and hold them hostage.

    Moishe Mulva
    Moishe Mulva
    15 years ago

    I think war would be a good idea. But if you don’t recognize the ‘state’, doesn’t that mean that the ‘Tznius 10’ (as we can call them), are not incarcerated?…The state doesn’t exist, so where did the Tznius 10 go to?…Perhaps this is all a ruse, and the Tznius 10 are galavanting in Tel_Aviv? If they truly are in jail(which I doubt), perhaps we can get that tzaddik Al (slim/shady)Sharpton to organize a ‘real’ protest.

    He can bring with him some Ethiopians and make it racial?

    15 years ago

    all you blogers who care so much about yidden why dont you care about these guys in jail no jew should ever want to see another jew in jail there are other ways to deal with things

    you obviously are lacking yichus and therefore have no right posting on this site get off!

    am chareidi chai!

    15 years ago

    They should free them.

    Then throw bleach at them.

    15 years ago

    To Ann 8:32

    Do you call them Jewish? these people are not human. they belong in jail. Good for them let them rot in jail nobody cares about them. They ruin peoples lives, They ruin family’s, They ruin yidishkeit. Leave them there. They belong there.

    15 years ago

    the police realistically have no choice but to release them. they will do anything to avoid widespread protesting and rioting by the chareidim of jerusalem. it would be an epic mess if the israeli police refused to cooperate. more and more each day jerusalem is run by chareidi law instead of israeli law. the police arrested these “hoodlums” to make an example of them, but since they now will release them from pressure of the chareidim the police will be a laughingstock and no one will take them seriously. very bad PR move on the israeli governments if they care anymore at all about attempting to gain any chareidi loyalty whatsoever.

    aaron k
    aaron k
    15 years ago

    The Charedim were in Yerushalaim centuries before the Zionist punks existed. Zionism is the scourge of the world and anyone who opposes Zionism is worthy of our support.

    think a bisele
    think a bisele
    15 years ago

    instead of going to court, thre will be a din torah at the eda beth din between the victims and mismered and let’s see how wins al pi torah

    Yidelmitn fidel
    Yidelmitn fidel
    15 years ago

    This nonsense only happens because Bein Hazmanim is too long.

    15 years ago

    what a chilul hashem, they think they can do whatever they want to whomever they want and get away with it. what is this world comming to

    15 years ago

    “The Charedim were in Yerushalaim centuries before the Zionist punks existed. Zionism is the scourge of the world and anyone who opposes Zionism is worthy of our support.” – aaron k

    Ahmanidejad also opposes zionism. Do you count yourself among the NK mishegoyim who support him as well? Your ignorance is a terrible reflection of torah-true yiddishkeit.

    In order for moshiach to come we have to live like he is already here, as the Rebbe constantly taught us, leben mit moshiach. Do you think that stoning people that don’t know any better or are even FRUM but maybe dont follow all your chumros, is a good thing? Really? What happened to kaf zchus and ahavos yisroel? What happened to plain old seichel?

    15 years ago

    I think they should be released and receive the same vigilante justice that they so proudly display.

    15 years ago

    Hey Aaron K. – the Charedim you are talking about were zionists not socialist zionists of secular type.

    You certainly are not ohev sholom vrodef sholom as your namesake. It is the secular zionists who were zoche to Binyan Eretz Yisrael and have made it possible to have a base of more torah learning than anywhere else since Tzidkiyahu – like it or not.

    And as for going to a Din Torah a Bais din of these Haredim wouldn’t recognize the Shofet the victims would select nor would they hear tesimony of a woman

    15 years ago

    Some people should just get themselves a job and go to work. Bein Hazminim means there is no Yeshiva but does not mean that there should be hefkeirus. Definitely chavrusos should be paired and learning should continue. Where are the parents?

    15 years ago

    Moshe Avigdor 7:30 PM. …I feel those people today who destroy property and fight with the Police are the biggest zionists… No! They are plain thugs! I bet you they DO have Bituach Leumi and other [welfare] programs of the Israeli Gov’t! Except they don’t have jobs and their mind is not into learning Torah! (or else they wouldn’t be busy all the time speculating what kinds of Aveiros the next person is committing)In their boredom they look for action and stirring up trouble where none exists! The reason that the GAAVE”D Shlit”a is intervening on their behalf is because they [after all] belong to his community! And they have families!

    15 years ago

    The Charedim were in Yerushalaim centuries before the Zionist punks existed.

    SO RIGHT U R, the CHaredim that came to Yerushalayim centuries ago and including Rabbis Rivlin, Salomon, and Sonnenfeld were ohev zion, that is why they were there and did not remain in ‘holy europe’.

    15 years ago

    These Chareidishe zealots are Taliban in drag! Gisgusting

    15 years ago

    To “Moshe Avigdor”: the Brisker Rav said the creation of the State of Israel was the greatest success that the Satan has had since the Egel itself. He added that the State of Israel was a specific punishment for the sins of this generation. In particular, he said that after WWII there was such an eis ratzon in the heavens, that the redemption could have come, had klal yisroel turned to hashem and asked for the real moshiach. Instead, the Jews desired a State to protect them from future holocausts and to give them whatever national identitiy or redemption or independence they felt they were lacking. So instad fo Moshiach, he said, the ais ratzon was poisoned and the State of Israel came instead. You can find it brought down in “HaRav MiBrisk” by Shimon Yosef Muller.

    15 years ago

    its all down to hollier than though. They think they can rule the world, I was once followed many years ago in isreal and my freind realised who they were she quickly stopped them and told them to clear off just for the sake of the poor two Yeshiva bochurim in frount of u who were totally innocent (we were tourist) they are very sad people.

    15 years ago

    the pirke avos says be slow to judge the way you judge others thats how you will be judged i think that in way its good that they causing mischief for example look what hapened to the woman they wanted to do autopsy on these same people rioted and guess what they relesed the body and all was good the goverment is self hating jews and the only way they learn is by violence if all of you are so against it look what happened in boro park while back were you guys made riot burning garbage cans breaking cop cars windows for what because i guy got arrested so they have full right to do what they are doing ad mosai ad mosai we need moshiach now

    15 years ago

    The more interesting question here is who finances this.

    According to the Israeli papers and the police, one of those arrested was paid $2,000 for beating up a woman in Ma’alot Dafna a couple of weeks ago, which was the trigger for the the polics finally cracking down on them.

    15 years ago

    i agree i hope they rot in jail forever what kind of talk isthis that they can do whatever they want like the mafia i bet with you the edah is being terrirized if they dont come out theese are terrorists and yes if they are leigit let there be the bet din backing them openly when somebody has a problem with them have to who to talk but a few tugs should decide who they pick to beat or terrorize like the taliban police why do we lagugh at the taliban police in iarn this is exactly the same

    15 years ago

    A quick question-how can people that are responsible for Tzinutz beat up a woman? Isn’t having contact with a woman against halacha?

    15 years ago

    i guess these guys are shomer negiah except when it comes to brutality. way to go, what a kiddush hashem.

    15 years ago

    Where’s the Kol Koreh against this kind of behavior?

    Give their wives a break…keep them in jail!

    15 years ago

    To Anon 8-21 7:08

    What ever you write about another jew should come back to you. amen.

    15 years ago

    Anon 08-21-2008 – 10:36 PM writes

    And as for going to a Din Torah a Bais din of these Haredim wouldn’t recognize the Shofet the victims would select nor would they hear tesimony of a woman.


    This writing shows that you never atendet a din torah. this is a simple false statment “sheker”

    15 years ago

    bigwheel 08-21-2008 – 10:44 PM writes

    The reason that the GAAVE”D Shlit”a is intervening on their behalf is because they [after all] belong to his community! And they have families!

    this is fales “sheker” he is doing it because they are jewes and he is doing “pidyon sh;vuyim”

    15 years ago

    Anon 08-22-2008 – 9:15 AM writes

    i agree i hope they rot in jail forever

    What ever you write about another jew should come back to you. amen

    15 years ago

    “Ha’vei mispalleil b’shlomo shel malchus”. These are the words of our sages. Why, because if there is no “shilton” then we would all look like the taliban.

    15 years ago

    Part of the problem is that most of us implicitly promote this, by romanticizing the exaggerated seperateness of some chareidim, and by excusing many less extreme expressions of intolerance. There is a material difference, it seems to me, between the distinction from the outside world that the Torah requires us to maintain . . . and the biggoted, intolerant, anti-intellectual, Taliban-like thinking that permeates too much of the Klal.

    genig shoin
    genig shoin
    15 years ago


    you must be a sick and demented person who can blame you because i am dan lkaf zechus the way you curse other yiden that thats the reason your talking like this u doint look any smarter by cursing…….. but the reason those posts say those THUGS should rot in jail i agree with them 100% and if u think that these animals for a second are doing rotzon hashem how come r’ chaim kaniefsky, rav shteinman, belzer rebbe, gerrer rebbe, Rabbi Weiss himself do i need to list all the gedolim of our dor and how can i forget Rav eliashav, HOW COME THEY ARENT GOING AROUND BEATING UP WOMAN IF ITS THE RIGHT THING huh i want to see what your answer is now and dont tell me that they are shlichim from these tzaddikim whom i just mentioned bec if it was such an important mitzvah then you would see them on the streets screaming and beating up other innocent yiden………… and another reason they arent doing this animalistic acts is because the right thing to do is to love other yiden and be mekarav other ppl that arent like you and the most important thing of all they are SITTING AND LEARNING something these schmucks dont know how to do including you and your whole cult…. i hope your wifes next which i am sure you would have no problem with…………

    common ¢
    common ¢
    15 years ago

    Let’s look at it this way if there was a terorist killing people and someone tried to stop him we will thank him so f course we must thank thease askonim because Godol hamachtio yoser min hahorgo

    15 years ago

    To common cents- you make no sense!

    To Yonason- the problem in our generation is we do the opposite of the misnah in Avos. Al testakel b’kankan elah b’mah sheh yesh bo. In other words don’t judge a book by its cover. We judge our frum brethen by the way they dress -not by the way they act. We do this with shidduchim and in every facet of our lives. This is the outcome of spitting on maimar chazal- what we see with these mishagoyim.

    Fed Up Reform Jew
    Fed Up Reform Jew
    15 years ago

    Good and honest Jews do not “go to war.” This is fanaticism and sounds a whole lot like Islamist extremism to me. Maybe we should be more concerned as a Jewish people with following the law, rather than threatening to overturn it.

    15 years ago

    To genig shoin

    2 wrongs dosen’t make 1 right. It is wrong to curse another jew, finished. you can write that we all should be mispalal for them, and they shoult first talk to a talmid chochom before they perform the mitzva of “kano’os”

    15 years ago

    These people need something called a job?

    15 years ago

    Let the BUMS rot in jail. They deserve it because they crossed the line with their thuggery.

    15 years ago

    This has nothing to do with Zionism. If these thugs had run their reign of terror under the British or the Ottomans they would have been arrested too, and nobody would be demonstrating for their release. It’s an open din that if someone hits you you’re allowed to masser on him.

    15 years ago

    Mayer 10:22AM. …And what did I say [the GAAVED is doing]…if not Pidyon Sh’vuyim?! The only difference is, that he’s not doing it in Timbuktu or South Africa, but in Yerushalayim… (Yes, he would do it for any Yid! That doesn’t mean he agrees with their tactics, or strategy, (if they have any)!!!

    15 years ago

    Common cents – You are part of the problem – L’havdil (or not) you think like the Islamic terrorists do, that G-d is on the side of those who terrorize, beat and even murder the evil heathen in their midst.

    15 years ago

    . . and Izzy, you hit the nail on the head. The Torah says sheishes yomim t’avod – but I suppose “not really” – for how else could perpetual unemployment, assisted by a yeshiva system that prepares no one for employment in today’s world, be such a desired condition by so many chareidim – and I am afraid to say that this applies to Lakewood as much as to Eretz Yisroel.

    common ¢
    common ¢
    15 years ago

    Yonasan- I am just quoting what chazal tell us how we should look at the world if the islamist stole something from chazal should we just erase it?