Midwood, NY – Fire Kills 7 Orthodox Jewish Children, Authorities Eye Shabbas Hot Plate, Lack Of Smoke Detectors (photos)


    Firefighters stand outside a home hours after it caught fire in the Midwood neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York March 21, 2015. REUTERSMidwood, NY – Seven siblings from a Syrian Orthodox Jewish family were killed early Saturday when a fire tore through their two-story Brooklyn home after they had gone to bed, a tragedy that authorities believe was caused by a malfunctioning hot plate left on during the Sabbath.

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    The blaze took the lives of three girls and four boys – ages 5 to 16 – and left their mother and another child in critical condition. Fire officials said the flames would have prevented the mother, who escaped out a window, from trying to rescue her children.

    “This is an unbelievable tragedy,” Mayor Bill de Blasio said after touring the charred residence. “Every New Yorker is feeling this pain right now.”

    Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro called it the city’s worst fatal fire in recent memory.

    “It’s a tragedy for this family, it’s a tragedy for this community, it’s a tragedy for the city,” he said.

    Fire investigators believe a hot plate on a kitchen counter ignited flames that raced up the stairs, Nigro said.

    Many religious Jews do not use electricity on the Sabbath, along with refraining from work and observing other prohibitions meant to keep the day holy. As a result, some families may leave them on so they are usable without violating any religious laws or traditions.

    The fire broke out shortly after midnight while the children were asleep inside the home in Midwood, a leafy section of Brooklyn known for its low crime and large Orthodox Jewish population.

    Firefighters arrived less than four minutes after receiving the call to find the mother, badly burned and distraught, outside and pleading for help. When they broke the door, they encountered a hopeless situation – a raging fire that had already spread through the kitchen, dining room, common hall, stairway leading upstairs and the rear bedrooms.

    “Unfortunately, the outcome may have been determined before they arrived,” Nigro said.

    After making their way through intense smoke and heat, firefighters found the young victims motionless in three of the four bedrooms in the home, officials said.

    “It’s difficult to find one child in a room during a search,” Nigro said. “To find a houseful of seven children that can’t be revived …”

    New York Police Department officials identified the victims as members of the Sassoon family: three girls – 16-year-old Eliane, 11-year-old Rivkah and 6-year-old Sara – and four boys – 12-year-old David, 10-year-old Yeshua, 8-year-old Moshe and 5-year-old Yaakob. All victims are from a nice Syrian Jewish family.

    Nigro said authorities believe the father was away at a conference at the time of the fire. Neither his name nor those of the survivors were released.

    Fire investigators found a smoke detector in the basement of the home. But none were found elsewhere in the house, Nigro said, adding, “To hear a smoke detector two floors below is asking a lot.”

    By Saturday afternoon, the fire department had set up a table on the corner of the block and distributed pamphlets reminding residents they should have smoke detectors.

    Karen Rosenblatt said she called 911 early Saturday morning after seeing the flames. Her husband Andrew said he heard a girl’s voice screaming, “Help me!”

    Many other neighbors who spoke to reporters declined to give their names, but expressed great sadness over the fire.

    The last residential blaze with a similar death toll happened in 2007, when eight children and an adult were killed in a fire in a 100-year-old building in the Bronx where several African immigrant families lived. Fire officials said an overheated space heater cord sparked that blaze.‎‎

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    9 years ago

    So sad, R”L. My heart goes out to them.

    9 years ago

    Boruch Dayan Ha’emes!

    9 years ago

    please please please lets not turn this into a blame game, lets not turn this into a reason to fundraise, there is no reason for one. dont profit off this, dont take advantage of people mourning a tragedy!

    9 years ago

    A truly sad story. But one can learn from this to try to prevent from this ever happening again. Install smoke co detector on every floor. Check batteries or get a 10 year detectors. I hope the leaders ribbonum
    Of the community emphasize this instead if other stuff or mention both

    9 years ago

    There is nothing to say. We all must go to this tragic funeral and mourn with the family.
    We’re all mourners.

    9 years ago

    Beyoned speechless. May Hashem send a nechoma to the family and the entire community on this terrible loss, the pain is unimaginable :/

    9 years ago

    The scope of this tragedy is beyond belief. A family in klal yisroel destroyed. I can’t even begin to imagine how this family and the extended family can pick up the pieces from here and continue. My heart is beyond broken…..

    9 years ago

    Terrible news! BDE

    9 years ago

    my head is hurting , shomu shomayim, hamokom yerachem aleinu

    9 years ago

    What a horrible tragedy. There are no words that can describe the pain.may god bless that these tragedies stop happening

    9 years ago

    Yes we should help the family. But we should also use this as an opportunity to remind people about having smoke and CO detectors and prosecuting landlords who fail to live up to fire code. People- fire codes are not a games by stupid rule makers. They save lives.

    9 years ago

    How very sad.

    9 years ago

    I can hear the smoke detector ringing in the background

    9 years ago

    I think it is important for the public to know what brand hot light was involved in such a tragedy. we must remember that lives are at stake every time we use it was it one of the Israeli hot plates or was it just an American brand was it the model that one leg keeps falling off and caused the fire in the past

    9 years ago

    The first of Nisan is the yahrzeit of Nadav and Avihu. Aharon’s response was silence. May Hashem have mercy on the father and mother.

    9 years ago

    This is a terrible tragedy that could have been prevented! Hopes and dreams have been shattered. My heart goes out to the rest of the family. May the good memories help them through this.

    9 years ago

    And what are some of us men going to do tomorrow morning when we get to shul as if nothing happened the day before? Play with our “dumbphones!”

    9 years ago


    9 years ago

    Whens the levayah?

    9 years ago

    A tragedy beyond comprehension. BD’E R’L Aside from prayers, everyone must install working smoke/fire carbon monoxide detectors and check weekly before Shabbos to see if they are working. THAT SHOULD BECOME A FRIDAY RITUAL IN EVERY FRUM HOME! For people that use hot plates, A heavy duty SHABBOS CLOCK SHOULD BE USED TO TURN IT OFF. Keeping a fire burning on the stove for 24 is not a great idea either. Perhaps Yidden should invest in appliances that have built in Shabbos modes. Safety first.

    9 years ago

    Every year thousands of people die in fires across the country and fire chiefs tell us the same storyline “no working smoke detectors.” It’s human nature to be complacent and believe that tragedies can’t happen to us.

    I survived an apartment fire. More than a decade later, it is still a traumatic experience and I get scared when I hear fire truck sirens. Then I almost had another fire when a plastic cup from a ready to light oil menorah started melting and spread fire to cabinets. The second time my smoke detector worked and I rushed in time to put out the fire myself. I sent photos and email letter to manufacturer of these pre-made mehoah oil. Their only reply was “sorry but we pass all safety testing and regulations.”
    Smoke detectors save lives but we forget to install them on every floor or change batteries regularly. Teach your kids fire safety so when they have their own families they’ll install detectors everywhere and service them religiously. We don’t need to hear about tragedies to make changes. We hear about these horrific tragedies every year. How many went and checked their smoke detectors?

    9 years ago

    #24 a hot-plate does not cook food. It keeps food warm for extended periods, and to a hot-plate, 3 hours is the same as 12 hours. Might be an idea to hot-plates for Friday night only that turn off with a time switch.

    9 years ago

    Hashem Yeracheim! No words..

    9 years ago

    seven Korbonos for Klal Yisroel – time to do Teshuvah

    9 years ago

    Tragedy beyond belief. My stomach is in knots.
    beyond ones comprehension
    I keep thinking of The poor father to go through something so horrific .
    with all the arguments of smoke detectors my neighbours smoke detector went off on shabbos by fault everything was okay. They asked the shabbos goy to turn it off he said he would not take such a responsibility.
    However, with such a tragedy please comment with sensitivity.

    9 years ago

    I checked all my smoke detectors tonight and 3 of 4 is not working.
    I prepared them for tomorrow morning after davening to replace all batteries.
    It’s so horrible to think that working smoke detectors could of saved this beautiful family.
    Burech dyen emes…refuah shelymeh for the surviving mother and daughter.
    Klal Yisroel is mourning your loss and praying for the father to overcome those terrible days…

    9 years ago

    please do a chesed for the sake of all those pure neshomas; make sure your smoke detector works and also check one neighbors house if they have working smoke detectors

    9 years ago

    #41 Did you ignore the beeping when the batteries were dying? Why?

    9 years ago

    It’s often recommended that the batteries in smoke detectors should be changed twice a year when we change the clocks for daylight savings time. It’s a good way to remember.
    It’s so annoying sometimes when I’m cooking and the detectors go off, and it’s so tempting to shut them down.
    This is a horrible reminder of how important the detectors are.

    9 years ago

    oh! its so sad to here what had happened, first of all barach dayen haemes!! and god should be menachem the rest of the family and put them on the feet to go ferther. and lets ask from hashem with teers in our eyes to stop giving tzaros for yiddin and bring mashiach right away! amain!!!!

    9 years ago


    9 years ago

    By the way, they sell timers in any hardware store. You can and should put your blech on at 8 am and off at 12. O
    Or whatever your schedule is. No good reason to leave it burning all night.

    And to the nut jobs above who don’t approve of smoke detectors, blood is on your hands, keep your nonsense opinion to yourself

    9 years ago

    Baruch Dayan Emes. My heart goes out to the Sassoon family. When I heard about this tragedy my first thoughts were the Unesaneh Tokef prayer we say on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, which says “Who will live and who will die.” It then enumerates how it will occur, “Who by water, who by fire, etc.” This proves that Hashem is in control.

    May these heilika neshamalach rest in the highest rungs of Gan Eden. May Mrs. Sassoon and her daugher have swift refuos – complete physical and emotional healing. May Mr. Sassoon have emotional healing.

    Please take on extra mitzvohs to elevate their neshamos. Thank you.

    9 years ago

    Levaya info? Pls post time and place

    9 years ago

    Now would be a good time to remind everyone that many of the household cleaners are caustic and can cause severe burns. My brother spent a Pesach with his daughter in staten Island burn unit. My son does appliance repairs the main call he gets before pesach is people literally taking apart their ovens, especially the front door and then can’t put it back properly. May we be zoche to eat the korben pesach in yerushalayim this year.

    9 years ago

    Every home with two stories or more should also have a steel/rope roll up/down ladder in which one end hooks on to the window ledge and the rope end with actual steps can be tossed out the window vertically which can facilitate a fast escape route if the main staircase becomes engulfed in flames. Smoke detectors should be the first warning and if that fails then escaping through a window serviced by a throw down ladder should be in every bedroom by a window, just like all apartment buildings are required to have fire escapes, a two story home should be no different and should be enacted in to law.

    9 years ago

    I am a certified electrician; First you must install a heat detector in the kitchen and smoke detectors in the halls and even mmore you must be able to hear them in the room with closed doors; if not you need one in the room. AND THEY MUST BE INTERLINK; MEANING IF ONE GOES OFF THEY ALL SOUND. IF A HEAT DETECTOR DETECTS A FIRE IN THE KITCHEN IT PASSES THE SIGNAL TO ALL THE OTHER DETECTORS SIREN AND PEOPLE CAN GET OUT. In such a fire if they are not interlink it might waste too much time until it is received on the upper floor. If you house is not wired to interlink buy the radio base interlink detectors but DO IT TODAY AND INSTALL THEM. All flats that I rewire I install them or I don’t do the job

    9 years ago

    Baruch Dayan HaEmet

    9 years ago

    many years ago I wanted to replace my Broil King hotplate because the enamel top was peeling and bubbled and no longer looked good. I went to numerous stores in Boro park and Flatbush, and nobody carried broil king only a heimish brand that was not ul approved. When I asked the proprietors why they were selling hot plates without ul approval they just shrugged. Finally, I found a new Broil King hotplate on 18th avenue. Our community should demand that our local houseware stores remove these shoddy hot plates from the market. My friend Ella threw hers out after she noticed the cord melting one day. Thank g-d she noticed it before she had a disaster. And even if you buy a good brand like Broil King, it should be used with a timer. Mine goes off 3 hours after Shabbos starts, goes on at 9:30 Shabbos morning, and then goes off at 1:30 Shabbos afternoon.

    9 years ago

    BDE. Please note that there are no name companies that sell many charging wires that are from china and are not UL approved. they get hot as they are plugged into the sockets.
    Everyone should start looking at these items more carefully.
    they are a danger to use.

    9 years ago

    BDE, a tragedy beyond the scope of the human mind.

    9 years ago

    בראש השנה יכתבון וביום צום כפור יחתמון, כמה יעברון וכמה יבראון מי יחי’ ומי ימות, מי בקצו ומי לא בקצו מי במים ומי באש.

    Remember people, אין עצה ואין תבונה נגד רצון הקב”ה. Yes, we should take precautions but the final outcome was from הקב”ה.

    9 years ago

    As a Christian, I would like to offer my deepest sympathy for the family, and for the entire community. My prayers are for all of you, and my love , respect and support steadfast.

    9 years ago

    #4 is right!! buy smoke detectors #9 you are telling #4 to learn Mishnah .#9 open your eyes you are dumb …. #4 he is warning people to buy smoke detectors he is 100% correct it can save lives!

    9 years ago

    The hotplates come from E’Y? That is rich…take a closer look. China, my good man, the hotplates are from China.

    9 years ago

    Hashem I love you even when I don’t understand. Ein od milvado. There is nothing But you. And I thank you for the gift of this beautiful world. Please watch over your creations.

    9 years ago

    If one reads the postings on Yahoo news pertaining to this horrible tragedy, one will encounter raw, and blatant anti-Semitism. Some of those comments on Yahoo news equated Orthodox Jews “with extremists in Israel”, and even worse. The fact of the matter is that a few months ago, there was a fire in a large home, as a result of faulty Christmas tree wiring. As a result, a Grandfather, and several of his grandchildren were killed in that fire. Yet, at the time, there were none of the horrible remarks, equating religion, with the carnage, and deaths which resulted. This is just another example whereby (according to some bigots), there is one standard for Jews (especially frum Jews), and another standard for gentiles. In other words, gentiles are allowed to have accidents resulting in deaths of children. However, chas v’shalom, if it happens in our community, then the worst anti-Semitism results!!

    9 years ago

    There is nothing to say about how , why, or what should have been done but one thing is very clear- you CAN NOT set a hot plate to turn on during Shabbos. Also to suggest that no one should have hot food on Shabbos due to the safety of these hot plates is similar to the wrongful belief of the Karrites. Live your life as Hashem wants you to live and understand that we will never understand such tragedy, but should learn the lesson from it. Baruch Dayon HAEMES!

    9 years ago

    To #86 , that is how YOU paskin. Many rabbonim say you can use a timer if you do as #83 said. In addition If eating cold food on Shabbos will keep my family AND neighbors safe so be it. I’m not concerned about yentas like yourself calling me names.