Gaza – Palestinian Students Helping Barack Obama To Get Elected As Next US President


    Gaza – “Hello, I’m calling from Gaza. I want some of your time. We are supporting Barack Obama…” For the past seven months, a group of 24 students and young professionals have gathered in the Gaza Strip nightly to phone random telephone numbers in the United States, urging the voices at the other end to “vote for Barack Obama.”

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    Although only American citizens can actually cast a ballot in the election, this Gaza-based effort is a forceful demonstration of how Internet technology opens the door for anyone, anywhere to take an active role in US politics. Even if they have never even been to the USA.

    Far from utilizing a state-of-the art call-center of the sort that have become a mainstay of American political marketing, the Gaza callers are amateur volunteers who meet in a local Internet café or in a stark room at a local youth center equipped with little more than desks, chairs and outlets for the personal computers through which they will make their calls. That – and the desire to see Barack Obama become president of the United States.

    The bare-bones décor belies the fervor with which the callers go about their task. Organized and led by Ibrahim Abu Jayyeb, a 23-year old student of media at Al Aqsa University, the group’s effort has taken on the flavor of a well-organized campaign – complete with title: “All This for Peace.”

    Ibrahim is a self-described political junkie who says he has been following events closely and hopes that Obama will win the presidency. He says he finds the Illinois senator “the kind of person who when he says ‘I will change America’ will do what he says.”

    Ibrahim relies on his colleagues and friends to make the actual phone calls because he feels his own command of English is not up to the task. His knowledge of technology, however, very much is. Utilizing Voip and Skype, Ibrahim has crafted a system of politicking that runs on almost no cost in dollars (or shekels), but requires a great deal of patience and persistence. According to Ibrahim, 19 out every 20 calls his group makes ends with an unceremonious “hang-up.”

    Ibrahim told The Media Line that during the past seven months his group has reached between 5,000 and 6,000 Americans. If his assertion of 1-out-of-20 completed calls is accurate, 120,000 calls have been placed. Asked how he could weather such mass rejection, he replied, “It’s worth it.”

    When pressed about how a politician five thousand miles away who was relatively unknown to his own constituency before the campaign began is able to evoke such monumental dedication among people who can’t even vote in the election, Ibrahim replies simply that, “I believe that Barack Obama will achieve peace in the area, in the Middle East and Palestine, between us, the Palestinian people, and the Jewish people.”

    Could such gargantuan efforts on Obama’s behalf lend credence to accusations that he has closer ties to Islam than he is willing to let on? Ibrahim insists that, “Barack Obama is definitely not a Muslim. It had never even crossed my mind to support him because of his Muslim background – which I doubt even exists.”

    Without exception, the Gaza phone-callers insisted that their efforts are “independent without ties to any organization or government.” They say the Obama campaign has never contacted them, and they have not contacted the Obama organization. Sources in the Obama campaign confirmed to The Media Line that the group is unknown to them and that “no such group has been authorized to solicit on behalf of the campaign.”

    Moatz Twael, a Gaza pharmacist who makes phone calls with Ibrahim’s group says that although he never visited America, he “visited Israel many times before 2001” and harbors no optimism on reconciliation between the two sides in the conflict.

    “Some people don’t believe in peace,” Twael contends. “But these are the same people who are preventing it.” He says that listening to Obama persuaded him to encourage Americans to vote for the Senator. “He’s a good man to achieve the goal (of bringing peace between Israelis and Palestinians).”

    Like all of Ibrahim’s telephone volunteers, Moatz claims no affiliation with any Palestinian faction in Gaza. “We don’t want to live in war, in siege. Many want peace,” he said. “I think people in the world don’t understand Gaza very well. They think that all the people here are terrorists; not educated. We want to persuade them that we can live like any other people in the world.”

    Twael claims that listening to English channels and watching American films is the basis of his love of the English language. It’s also the reason that he is involved in Ibrahim’s campaign to enlist voter support for Senator Obama. “From television and film, I learned to love democratic life.”

    Despite Twael’s own involvement with American culture and democracy, he doubts there are many others like him who are able or inclined to become involved in the American campaign on either side. When asked whether there are Gazans who would do the same for Republican John McCain, Twael was quick to reply that, “If Gazans don’t know about Barack Obama – and most Gazans don’t know – how would they know about McCain?”

    Asked whether he believed race is an issue in the American campaign, Twael was up front about what attracts him to Obama. “He’s black. And he’s better than (President George W.) Bush.”

    Ibrahim also sees a historic imperative inherent in American politics. He says , “historically, it was the Democrats who achieved peace between (Palestinians) and the Israelis,” citing the Oslo Accords as his proof.

    Despite the group’s exercise in democracy, the specter of Hamas –declared terrorists by the United States and iron-fist rulers of the Gaza Strip – hangs over the callers’ activities. Asked whether he worries that Hamas might put a stop to his efforts on behalf of Obama, Ibrahim replied, “Personally, I fear some about this.”

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    15 years ago

    Hopefully Obama will win and we will see a peaceful dismantlement of the state of Israel and a defeat for Zionism and a win for true Torah jewry

    15 years ago

    old news. they were doing this during the obama / clinton primary campaign and no one cared

    15 years ago

    Anon 3:08

    Its great how you love your fellow jew



    15 years ago

    I hope Mcain wins and first order of business to recognize NK as a terrorist org.

    15 years ago

    Anon 3.40, I wont come running to Israel, I will certainly come running to Eretz Yisrael with Moshiach in power. With apikorsim like you and your Zionist thug freinds , thats a reality you dont want. But you rather want a heretic government that is anti torah and anti jewish. Way to go idiot.

    15 years ago

    anon 3:08 is right. obama is the best chance to end this chillul Hashem known as the “state of israel”. anon 3:40: stop your hate and fear mongering. yidden are more safe and will always be more safe in america than in the state of israel.

    political analyst
    political analyst
    15 years ago

    if this news will be broadcast across america, mccain will win this election with his eyes closed. probably won’t happen though- mainstream media biased towards obama. obama is probably in damage control.

    15 years ago

    another reason not to vote for micymouse ear Obama

    Borg A'bamna
    Borg A'bamna
    15 years ago

    … he finds the Illinois senator “the kind of person who when he says ‘I will change America’ will do what he says.”

    What kind of change?

    Where do the yiden fit in?

    15 years ago

    …he finds the Illinois senator “the kind of person who when he says ‘I will change America’ will do what he says.”

    Where do the yidden fit in to this “changed” America?

    15 years ago

     frummy, that’s what the Jews said about Germany in the beginning of the 20th century too.

    15 years ago

    Interesting I think Simcha Felder converted to a Neture Karta. He apparently went al the way out of his district to Satmar’s UJ-Cares in Williamsburg and funded them heavily. While he cut funding to Agudath Israel of America. No wonder he is for Obama.

    Let him run for Abu Mazon’s Senate. I will not vote for Felder.

    15 years ago

    Anon 4:06 – If it were not so tragic it would be hilarious to see you talk of Moshiach in one breath and in the other use such hateful speech. You certainly won’t hasten Moshiach with such anger and name-calling. Ahavas Yisroel my brother.

    15 years ago

    Anon 5:42 – My father escaped Germany in 1938 at the age of 27. He used to rail against the kind of comparison you made between Germany and this country. It is true that assimilationists and modernists in Germany misguidedly thought that by becoming “German” they could escape the stigma of a minority – Here in the U.S. minorities can militantly maintain their distinctiveness and still expect, demand, the right to thrive – it is ingrained in this country’s culture that we do not have to conform – that we have the lawful right to live as Yidden if we so choose. That is the uniqueness of this country, why it is the Medina shel Chesed.

    15 years ago

    These zionists that you self hating jews despise support more torah that any time since Chizkiyahu.

    So before you write your stupid hateful messages just remember there is a Jew in uniform prepared to sacrifice his life to save another jew and yes governments make mistakes too.

    So where is all the outrage of outside elements interfering in US politics? Has Obama returned the money some Gaza Arabs gave him illegally?

    15 years ago

    are their so many nk that we dont knoww about 3 of the 7 comments are saying the same thing nk says and beileives. just b/c u dont do these things that u beleive in actuality doesent keep u from being diffrent then nk

    15 years ago

    NK shnook’s,

    I dont give a hoot about your kanoi brainwashing.. Does the state of israel force you c’v into shmad ? answer YES or NO.. YA ADER NISHT ?!?!

    And since the answer is NO the state of israeli is not forcing you into r’l shmad.. and the destruction of medinat yisrael would cause the murder of c’v r’l thousands and maybe millions of jews.

    Your are #1 a apikores who is kofer kol hatorah kulah disregarding “ushmartem” disregarding shulchan aruch hilchos shabbos siman shin chof tes.

    Disregarding that its a lo sase m’doreisa to commit suicide, that not every one is zoche to die al kidush hashem (see rav yosef caro’s wish that he be zoche to die al kidush hashem)

    So nuch dem, besides for being a apikores koifer, your oichet a soneh yisrael, a michalel umashchis shem shamayim b’rabim.

    All this in the name of “kedoshim tihiyu” wheres your kedusha you shtick drek?

    Go shlufen mit arafat y’msh.

    old bananas
    15 years ago

    any endorsement (to obama) from those nutjobs mental cases will only hurt him. BTW its a clear indication who he is and who likes him etc.

    maybe he too is a NK? seems like anyone hating israel is a NK….???

    15 years ago

    If the Islamo fascists want him that is more than reason not to vote for him. How sad that these dopes think that anyone in this country will vote for their president based on what some cave man living in the 7th century 5000 miles away has to say. It is bas enough we must talk to them whenever we call a company for service.

    Mark Levin
    Mark Levin
    15 years ago

    Those Islamonazis yemach sh’mom better not call me!

    15 years ago


    “…peaceful dismantlement of the state of Israel…”

    Please do us apikorsim a favor and describe the scenario: how will Obama Melech Hamoshiach pull that off, and how will it play itself out? This has to be interesting.


    i don’t know who you are, but your words betray that you’re either a NK or some other loonytoon fringe group kanoi. Oib azoy, you have no license to talk about chillul hashem.


    host mich g’kost a lach. i love you my brother.

    ex frummie
    ex frummie
    15 years ago

    why bother arguing with the Nk they dont even believe their garbage themselves……however these arabs are not terrorists not every palestinian is a terrorist theyre just caught in a bad situation whether u like it or not there are plenty of innocent Palestinians out there why shouldnt they do theyre part to try and better their lives if thats how they view it? im not pro Palestinian but stop lumping everyone together- you just sound ignorant

    Lock & Load
    Lock & Load
    15 years ago

    This is mote the reason we all need to vote for Mcain…..

    15 years ago

    “If the Islamo fascists want him that is more than reason not to vote for him.”

    This article is nothing but a ruse meant to stir up strong emotions. Shame on you, vos iz neias, for publishing this staunchly biased article.

    The bias is simple.

    This online news site appeals to a generally conservative group of people, a group that tends to vote republican (Mccain). This group of people tends to not like arabs, with some exception, particularly Palestinians. Therefore, by placing Palestinians in this article and marking them as proponents of something many of us oppose, say Barack Obama, it is clear that this article is subtly meant to sway opinion rather than deliver actual news.

    Now, I am not a supporter of Mccain or Obama, rather of journalistic integrity.

    I want the news, not the news editors opinion. I want the facts, not construed facts to fit an agenda.


    Kiryas Joel/Washington Heights

    Avrohom Abba
    Avrohom Abba
    15 years ago

    Finally, the Obaminable Showman is shown to be what he is, a sonay Yisroel. The Palestinians and the Arabs and all the angry little countries all love Husein Obama! This should make us ask, “Why?”

    Now I see a new reason why I hope to vote for McCain.