New York – Orthodox Rabbi: Jews Need To Adopt A More Accurate View Of The Non-Religious World


    New York – In both the lead up to the election and the aftermath of the election of Barack Obama, orthodox Jews expressed opposition to Obama that had little to do with his policies or his political ability. He is a muslim, he will be terrible for Israel, he doesn’t like Jews, I am suspicious, who knows what he will do.

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    There is a tendency, I believe, in our world to paint the world in the paradigms of Yaakov and Esav – good versus evil. But we often paint the wrong people with the Esav label.

    There are Esavs in the world. There are people who display principles and attitudes that are dark and evil. Arafat, Hamas, Hizbulla, Aryan Nation, Ahmenidijad.

    But Obama is not one of them. He is an intelligent, liberal thinking man of integrity and great rhetorical ability. You may not like his attitudes or his platform. But that is a discussion in the realm of ideas not in the realm of good and evil. He is a good man, a man who wants good. The pursuit of universal health care, of helping the working poor, of raising the image of democracy and America in the world arena are all good ideas. Whether they will cost too much or whether his policies are the best way to help people receive health care, to increase their economic well being and whether his view of America in the world is the best way to bring freedoms to the world can be debated. But the pursuits are all good – and they are things that we, as Jews, believe in.

    “I am concerned about a leader with insufficient experience”. That is a fair statement. “He will be terrible for Israel” is totally speculative and unjustified.

    There is a simplicity of thinking that we should not fall prey to. And I think the paradigms of Yaakov and Esav may be the root cause – not the paradigms but how they are applied.

    The Torah and Medrash paint pictures. Esav looks lovey dovey – but he is trying to bite Yaakov’s neck. Ephron looks magnanimous in offering Avraham Maarat Hamachpela to bury Sarah – but Avraham knows the truth – Ephron wants his money and he wants a lot of it. Don’t be fooled by what meets the eye – there is much more than meets the eye.

    This is a great lesson. And dangerous. Sure, there are duplicitous people in the world. Tricksters. But the entire world is not populated by tricksters.

    We have all heard kids come home from yeshivas talking of shvartses and of goyim and seeing the world as “us versus them”. There is plenty for us to avoid in our world. But the entire world is not good versus evil, is not “us versus them”. It is not us versus them within the frum and non frum and it is not us versus them in the Jewish and non Jewish world.

    We live in a complex and nuanced world. There are tricksters and there are fine, principled non Jews. There are evil and there are educated, dedicated non Jews working for our good.

    I often feel this picture of us versus them, of good versus evil, of Yaakovs and Esavs is the dominant picture of how to view the world. It is taught in our schools from the earliest age and is reinforced all the way through Yeshiva. But it is not tempered with nuance, with subtlety of application, with an appreciation of the complexity of life and of human beings. And part of this is the insularity of our world – we meet too few highly educated, kindhearted non-Jews who share many of our values.

    But I don’t know how we can change this, how we can impact our system of education, of Jewish media, of teachers and influencers to adopt a more subtle, nuanced and accurate view of the world. And how we can become more worldly, more aware of the wonderful parts of the non-religious and non-Jewish worlds.

    [R. Tradburks is the rav of Kehillat Shaarei Torah in Toronto, the President of the Toronto Bais Din, and a former Board member of AJOP]

    We should not become Jewish rednecks. It would be a great disservice to our Torah in the eyes of our fellow Jews and in the eyes of the world.

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    15 years ago

    “More aware of the wonderful parts of the non-religious”….. Rabbi, are you really religious??

    15 years ago

    just like the rabbis that were telling people not to worry about hitler, oh, he’s from toronto so he could give a damn about the us president

    15 years ago

    But Obama is not one of them. He is an intelligent, liberal thinking man of integrity and great rhetorical ability.

    With all due respect to rabbi Tradburks, where is the integrity? Associating with most vial and controvercial people for as many as 20 years, many of whom have explicit anti-Israel (modern day antisemitic) views or straight forward antisemites (Farakhan)? What is ranni Tradburks basis for these paragraph? Can rabbi Tradburks name at least one, just one incident where Barak Obama illustrated that he is a “good man” of “great integrity”?
    Actions speak louder than words. Obama made a ton of money and barely gave any charity (based on his tax returns). He has not helped his own family living in extreme poverty in Kenya. “Good man”? “Great integrity”?
    “The pursuit of universal health care, of helping the working poor, of raising the image of democracy and America in the world arena are all good ideas. Whether they will cost too much or whether his policies are the best way to help people receive health care, to increase their economic well being and whether his view of America in the world is the best way to bring freedoms to the world can be debated. But the pursuits are all good – and they are things that we, as Jews, believe in.”

    I am not sure where do you get the idea that we believe in this? Universal healthcare run by government? Living in Canada Rabbi Tradburks might not know that we have so many healthcare programs like Medicare, Healthy NY etc. I do not want socialized medicine so like in Canada and London what’s available to most people becomes at best mediocre!

    ” helping the working poor” – they are already are being helped with section 8, WIC, fodd stamps, HEAP etc.

    “raising the image of democracy and America in the world arena” Who is the world arena? Antisemitic Europe? Lovely Arab countries? Russia? Who exactly do we need to improve our image for?

    “But I don’t know how we can change this, how we can impact our system of education, of Jewish media, of teachers and influencers to adopt a more subtle, nuanced and accurate view of the world. And how we can become more worldly, more aware of the wonderful parts of the non-religious and non-Jewish worlds.” WOW, no comment.

    “We should not become Jewish rednecks. It would be a great disservice to our Torah in the eyes of our fellow Jews and in the eyes of the world” Looks like somebody watches too much CNN.

    Big Masmid
    Big Masmid
    15 years ago

    When the Hskolah started this was a famous fraze, that was already famous then, Jews Need To Adopt A More Accurate View Of The Non-Religious World, its not as bad as you think etc, LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING its a million times worse than you can imagine in your wildest dreams.

    We might have a need to be Makarev them Alpee Torah but not at your cost of Yisishkite.

    Redneck Jew Boy
    Redneck Jew Boy
    15 years ago

    I am a Jewish Redneck and proud of it. How dare this guy insult me. I am frum, I am chareidi, I am chassidish, and I am a Jewish Redneck.

    But, does he even know what a Redneck is, or is he showing HES prejudiced ignorance. A Redneck has often been defined by the Redneck guru Charlie Daniels as “A man who works for his living, and resents those who don’t but who want to sponge of those who do.”

    It that wrong to be?

    Not to me. As per the above definition, accepted by most Genuine, self-confessed rednecks, I am proud to be on.

    “Rabbi” Tradburks, you owe us real, honest rednecks an apology.

    Some of what you say is true. There ARE many good people among the lost of our tribe, those whose parents have strayed from frumkeit, and know less, and practice less than they should. Just because they are not religious, does not mean they are bad in any way. But, that also does not mean that we do not need to try to be mekarev them, and we certainly need to obey the halochos in the Shulchan Aruch regarding them.

    As for the goyim… There are many WONDERFUL goyim out there. Funny, the best of them are Rednecks who are very friendly to the Jews. In fact most honest to goodness genuine Rednecks have a deep respect for FRUM Jews. Yes, many do look down at non-observant Jews. But that is because they can’t fathom how any good person could be among the chosen people and toss their gift from Hashem into the trash, ignoring His commandments.

    Those are my experiences with Southern Rednecks. And, I am proud to consider myself a Redneck Jewboy.

    15 years ago

    So do we have to send our kids in college, they should be educated?!

    Oh g-d
    Oh g-d
    15 years ago

    Bet you can’t answer this question rabbi, what percentile of jews voted for this guy?

    You don’t know, do you?

    Second, 55 million Americans were worried about this socialist and voted against him, while the entire Williamsburg and Monroe voted for him precisely for that reason!

    15 years ago

    This is a wonderful article. Too bad it’s already bringing out the rednecks.

    15 years ago


    15 years ago

    “There are Esavs in the world. There are people who display principles and attitudes that are dark and evil. Arafat, Hamas, Hizbulla, Aryan Nation, Ahmenidijad”
    May I continue the list? Lois Farrakhan, Minister Wright, Bill Ayers, Rashid Khalili just for starters. Your “good man” of “great integrity” has relationship with them for many years, and based on what we know and heard from him so far wants to establish relationships with the ones from your list Hamas, Ahmedinijad.

    I have met rabbi Tradburks on few occasions, when dealing with the Toronto Bais Din, and had a great impression. This article is really making me think if he should remain a president of such a good Bais Din.

    Random Jew
    Random Jew
    15 years ago

    Knowing Rabbi Tradburkes in the real world I can tell you he is a man of deep concern for the behavior of man towards his fellow man, regardless of what one or the other might have done, and kal v’chomer on he basis of what one may do in the future. He neither speaks nor writes without first trying to ensure he has all the fact possible at his disposal. I find it rather arrogant to assume that just because he does not currently reside in the US he has not done his homework as to what is available south of the border. I find it disconcerting that people on this site choose to attack the messenger, someone whom they do not know anything more than what is written under his title- that he is president of the beit din in a city with a very large Jewish population, rather than assume he to might have a perspective based from Torah knowledge, that happens to differ from their own. Aye, there is even some merit to saying he sees things as an outsider so might have a very different picture of what is going on.

    15 years ago

    In Buchenwald non-religious Jews and non-Jews saved Jewish children in block 66. In December 1944 Jewish children arrived from Auschwitz with frozen toes. Communist non-Jews and other political prisoners many Jews came to block 66 with small bottles oil[a rarity] and took the shreds of their footwear and rubbed their frozen toes with oil in order to avoid frostbites. All the big mouths have never experienced real life except their little island in Boro Park. Yes there is another world and if you go to a hospital you will ask the doctor if he wears tzitzis and attends the daf yomi before he delivers the needed medical care? The world shrinks and we must become less insular without giving up our mitzvas. First and foremost be a mensch.

    Go redneck jew boy
    Go redneck jew boy
    15 years ago

    Amen Redneck Jew Boy!!!

    I am a chassidishe redneck, go to college full time, keep a part time job, and raise a family of two.

    You couldn’t have said it better!

    15 years ago

    Enjoyed this article. More, please!

    15 years ago

    One more item for all gedolim. During WWII any Jew who reached the Garibaldi partisan brigade was safe.
    After 4 years of Concentration Camp I needed medical and I was treated by Italian doctors in Italy.
    The AJDC neglected the poor survivors and lined their pockets. G’d willing hashem yisborach will never put you in a matziv like I was and for this reason don’t shout off you big mouth so quickly. It is useful to use you brain first before you open your mouth. Learn Perek silence even protects a fool.

    15 years ago

    our leaders/rabbonim have to be more pro-active. we have rabbis in shuls that tolerate totally improper behavior from some and teh people who the improper behavior is shown to are upset with it and tell the rabbi.
    does the rabbi do anything ? not a chance. he only makes up excuses . this is nto the way to be.

    15 years ago

    About all one can justly say about this article is that it is articulate. Personally, I have not read anything quite as foolish for many years. It takes little to recognize that this is a politically driven piece with an agenda, though I have some questions which agenda it is.

    I voted against Obama for a list of reasons, all well thought out. Here are some of them.

    * One is to be recognized by the friends he keeps. Obama has a friend list that is quite alarming.

    * Having accepted a spiritual leader for more than 20 years is an indication of one’s allegiances. That is frankly frightening when looking at Obama’s history.

    * The best predictor for the future is the past. Obama brings the poorest and weakest experience in foreign or domestic national policy in US history. He has been an elected official in the US government for less time than any national candidate for a major political party.

    * Jews almost always examine the attitudes towards Israel and Jews. His statements regarding Israel and the war on terror should make anyone who feels positive towards Israel shiver in his boots. Perhaps these campaign statements do not determine the policies of actual presidency, but they do not look good.

    * Israel’s safety is paramount to safety of Jews around the world, regardless of one’s opinions about Zionism. Shrinking Israel’s borders by handing control over a single grain of sand of Eretz Yisroel to enemy entities places Israel and its people in jeopardy. Whatever will be done to Yidden there will be copied around the world.

    * View of the non-religious world needs to be mechlich. No one ever challenged that. But that never meant that anyone needs to adopt any view that is counter to Torah and Torah values. Chazzer is just as treif, even if I am civil to the Yid who chooses Ch”V to eat it. I may not be mean to this Yid, but I will not be tolerant of behaviors and values that are unacceptable.

    * We remain obligated to pray for the peace of our government, including Obama. We are going to be citizens of USA under his presidency for the next 4 years, and we must make the best. But that does not even hint that we become blind bats, resting assured that his policies will always be fair and just. Our liaisons to politics and government will need to deal with him and put our best faces forward, and our tefillos should help them in this mission. But one is just in feeling the hesitation and fear with consideration of his past.

    * Lastly, the accusations hinted at those who opposed Obama’s rise to presidency are unfair and degrading. The article suggests that we voters who chose McCain made infantile choices, being afraid of Obama’s skin color or his middle name. I did neither, and do not know anyone who was as “klayn keppeldik” as that.

    15 years ago

    The author is a modern orthodox rabbi with interesting perspectives. I’ve heard he was reportedly opposed to any support for the frum Winnipeg family during their ordeal with the hospital doctors who wished to end their disabled father’s life, advocating that people understand the perspective of the Ukrainian doctor whose behavior toward the family reminded many of our recent past.

    From his comfortable pearch in Canada, the coming to power of a leftist liberal elitist professor who has surrounded himself with anti-Israel advisors is a wonderful thing.

    There is certainly a necessity for many of us to see the world in a more nuanced way. However, that perspective should stem from Torah, not from some foreign ideology, and should be based on reason, not on wishful thinking.

    The US is facing an enormous crisis, as in the rest of the world. Soon, simplistic solutions may be offered by a man who thinks he has all the answers. In his calm voice, he will explain to Americans why the State of Israel must withdraw to what Abba Eban called the “Auschwitz lines,” ie the pre-1967 borders.

    And he will have the support of persons such as this modern orthodox rabbi.

    Sometimes, our enemies come from within.

    Proud to be a Redneck Jew Boy
    Proud to be a Redneck Jew Boy
    15 years ago

    Sorry for all the typos above. I am on my laptop, and hate this tiny keyboard.

    The most important thing I wanted to say is what a real Redneck is. A Redneck is not a racist or hateful person. He is a person who works for his living, and does not like to support those who are able to work, but choose to sponge of the rest of us. We resent freeloaders. That is what Rednecks stand for. Too bad many people in the NE equate being a Redneck with being a racist or hateful person. It is just a false impression.

    But, my type of Redneck is also opposed to Obama. Not due to his color, creed, religion or background, but based upon his ideas. We do not like his idea of “speading the wealth” … which translates into taking my hard-earned money by force, and giving it to others.

    So, if I normally give about 20% of my gross income not to charity, he will take another chunk of my money and give it to charities of HIS choice. And, no, I am not saying his choice recipients are not needy and/or deserving. I am not passing judgement on that. I am talking about resenting the very action of doing this. Charity should be voluntary. I give to those I choose, and wast not a cent in administrative overhead. I give my charity directly to those who need it. And they are recipients of MY choosing, usually chareidi people who really need financial help. If I am taxed more to satisfy Obama’s dream, I will have less money to give to those I give now, and I know that most of that tax money will go to administrative overhead, and the portion which does make it to his intended recipients will not be the recipients of my choice.

    Bottom line, a dollar given to a person I want to give it to, will likely turn into 20 cents given to someone I would not have given it too, while my recipient will not receive less.

    Do I resent this. YOU BET.


    If you feel as I do, you are a Redneck also.


    a concerned yid
    a concerned yid
    15 years ago

    Finally!!! a rabbi speaking out and saying something intelligent about politics in this country

    15 years ago

    It seems to me that many posters in this thread have chosen to focus on one aspect of the Rabbi’s article in an attempt to find an excuse to ignore the bigger picture. The fact is that some frum Jews have very bigoted and close minded views of non-religious Jews and non-Jews. I agree with the Rabbi, and have heard many racist and closeminded comments myself, and these are often excused by saying Esuv Sonei es Yaakov. As if two wrongs make a right. We are supposed to be a light unto the world and role models. Yet the infighting in our communities are unacceptable. And stating that others do it as well is no excuse since many frum jews claim our torah makes our behavior superior. I remember one shabbos in which a very frum looking kid (long payos, huge velvet yarmulka) saw me walking down the street on shabbos, called me a “guye” and spit at me in front of his father. I then yelled at him in yiddish, and walked into the nearby shul where I had been headed for mincha. His father ran after me and apologized saying his sone had not realized i was a “yid” (I was wearing a white shirt, black pants and medium size suede yarmulka). As I pointed out to the father, who cares if he thought i was Jewish or not? How dare he allow his son to disrespect another human being like that regardless of affiliation. And that was not the first time I witnessed a frum child harass someone he thinks is non frum or non jewish. I like to think that this behavior is not the norm in the jewish or even religious community. but we should have zero tolerance for it and the Rabbi’s article is dead on!

    15 years ago

    Who gives the blind liberals a pen?

    15 years ago

    I agree with the rabbi 100 percent

    15 years ago

    What a sad set of comments. Please, my friends, remember what sinat chinam has done to us!
    Rabbi Tradburks wrote an article. As with any opinion piece, there are parts that I agree with and parts that I disagree with. He wishes to sway my opinion and change my behavior. I will give it some thought. I will share the article with my Rav if I need further guidance.
    HOWEVER, many of the commentators have seen fit to launch attacks of such vitriol that they should be ashamed and should ask him for mechillah. Calling into question his credibility, his position in the community, his smicha, and even his basic yidishkeit is too much. In no way does he deserve these type of ad hominem (personal) attacks.
    If you disagree with him, then post a respectful rejoinder.
    If he made a factual error, then post a respectful correction.
    The fact that you disagree with him, even strongly disagree with him, on matters of opinion or facts is not a heter to attack him, to insult him, or to disparage him.

    15 years ago

    wonderful article!!

    Charlie Hall
    Charlie Hall
    15 years ago

    Nice article. All of my rabbis have stressed the need to see good in non-Jews and to express appreciation to them for the good they do.

    I’m also distressed by the attitude toward those who “choose not to work”. What people posting here is exactly the language that anti-religious Jews in Israel direct towards our brothers who learn there full time. And in fact, almost all non-working Americans would love to have a job, including a lot of Jews whose lives have been destroyed by the financial collapse. I hope that President Obama will be open to new ideas that can allow us to recover; it is clear that the old ideas haven’t worked.

    15 years ago

    When someone uses their title as rabbi and then proceeds to publicly criticize a kehillah, in which he has never lived, from another country, based on his views (many of which seem to stem from sources outside of Torah), it is legitimate to ask who is this person, what is his background, and does he represent a point of view within the haredi Torah community or outside of it? In this case, it is clear that this secular trained modern orthodox rabbi represents a liberal political point of view, based on wishful thinking, and denigrates much of the orthodox Jewish community.
    The liberal NY Jewish Week had a page-one story on how orthodox children are biased against Obama. Maybe some of this anti-Obama has nothing to do with his race and everything to do with his past history and the danger he represents to the State of Israel and to values orthodox Jews hold dear? We are living in truly dangerous times, and it is perfectly reasonable for orthodox Jews to be fearful of an inexperienced elitist leftist politician who has spent over two decades listening to hate-filled rhetoric from his prejudiced pastor.

    For a Canadian modern orthodox rabbi like Tradburk (whose admits that most of his congregation does not even attend shul on Shabbas, on the RCA website) to attack our community is convenient, but those who know his record and background should take that into account when deciding whether what he has to say should influence the thinking of haredi Jews.

    15 years ago

    The Zohar says it.
    The Vilna Gaon says it.
    The Divrei Chaim says it.
    The Arizal says it.

    Go to this Torah Web site and click on the first article. Read carefully . . . as if your very life depended on it.

    Heimishe Yid
    Heimishe Yid
    15 years ago

    VERY WELL SAID, but to my knowledge, most jews are very happy and supportive of Obama, except for some radical self made chachomim..

    15 years ago

    Obama has spent a lifetime (at least until 3years ago) associating with people who are antithecal to the needs and interests of our community. If Rabbi Tadbruks has specific information that Obam has done Teshuvah, like Evil Meredoch, Nebuchadnezzar’s son, then let him say so.
    Otherwise we are left with Farrakhan(million man march) Wright (his Us is KKA galach) Pfleger (his other “galach”) Ayers (a terrorist who dedicated his book to Sirhan, Sirhan) Dhorn(another commie bomber) Khalidi (Arafat’s spokesman) Brezenski(who wants Israel dismanteled and rails against Jewish “control” of Congress; Malley( his Jewish adviser on foreign policy who advocates, like his commie father, against Israel) Saul Alinsky (his mentor and whose “shita” he follows) etc.
    Remember, these are not people we may “disagree” with, these are people who want to do us harm and whose hand we would not shake.
    Speaking of shaking hands, his new ‘rav hamakshir” who “attends” an Orthodox synagogue, was the one who forced Rabin to shake Arafat’s hand at the Washington sisgning ceremony.
    PS- I forgot about Michelle,

    15 years ago

    The verse says Eisav Sonei es Ya’akov, but nobody seems ot have picked up that there is no opposing verse of Ya’akov sonei es Eisav. Nowhere does it say we should hate others. However, sadly, it seems some people have decided to be machmir and repay hate with more hatred, as if that will bring the Geulah!

    15 years ago

    You May Be a Redneck IF…Fifth grade was the best four years of your life.

    15 years ago

    Many rabbonim through the ages have translated the word “halacha” in the teaching about it being halacha that esav hates Yakov NOT as a Torah law but as “tradition” or “commonly accepted wisdom.” Additionally, many gedolim have taught that “”Esav” does not refer to all non-Jews everywhere for all time. This verse has been used as a means of excusing all sorts of anti-social, racist and even criminal behavior by Jews. All one needs to do is shrug and say, Esav Sonah L’Yakov, as if somehow that makes everything ok.
    It pains me to say this, but any thinking, sensitive human being who comes across most of the comments posted to this site cannot help but think that Torah Judaism is a hateful, paranoid creed practiced by ignorant, self-absorbed, prejuduced people. There’s absolutely no beauty or spirituality or humanity to be found in the “Judaism” championed by so many of the regular posters here.

    15 years ago

    To the dear Rabbi, maybe people speculated on Obama and maybe they’re wrong. But, how do you know they’re wrong? Are you a Novi? When people asked me who did I want to win -McCain or Obama? I answered that I believe McCain was the lesser of two evils. What makes Obama so good -he espouses very far left policies. We Jews did that once, we supported the birth of Communism.
    Not only was that horrible for Jews, it was horrible for everybody! How do you know having Obama and his ilk, we won’t end up the same way?

    15 years ago

    Some of you close-minded people disgust me. The proud Jewish Redneck is right. Sure, NYers think rednecks are bad people. Why? Because NYers don’t get the humor. They believe that the redneck jokes are a documentary instead of humor. Rednecks are not evil hateful people. Actually, those of you bashing them sound more hateful. Redneck humor is similar to Jewish humor. They make fun of the old, outdated stereotypes.
    To believe that the rednecks are like you hear in the jokes, would be the same as a goy believing that every Jew is money hungry, a theiving cheapskate, has a long bent nose, and is born with horns which are cut off at birth. All the Jews use Gentile blood to make matzos.

    As Yidden, how do we like it when we hear some jerk believing those sterotypes? They are not only offensive to us, but they are hateful and false. The same goes for the redneck stereotypes. Go live in the Deep South for aw

    15 years ago

    sorry. go live in the South for awhile, and you will meet wonderful people who just happen to be Rednecks. Some are Jewish, Shomer Shabbos Yidden. But even the goyim there are nothing like most NYers believe.

    15 years ago

    Great article. We will unfortunatly stick our heads deeper into the sand

    15 years ago

    To the idiot that wrote ththe piece in the newspaper.

    Obama shoold have a chance before we really give our opinions again.

    At the same time lets clarify exactly why 80% of orthodox jews did not vote for the person.

    1) Obama is a liberal
    2) friends with the clintons
    3) he wants change but is appointing every person from the clinton administration except for the fat shlub names monica Lewinsky
    4) talks about cutting the deficit but so far has plans to spend 1 trillion dollars and therfore is doing the same thing as a republican. In essence this guy is a liar and lied to the American people.
    5) he talks about great ideas but does not tell the American people HOW he will do it. It’s easy for any of us to say we will do this and that but at the end of the day the people who talk to much end up doing nothing.

    6) Obama mentioned experience is important but from “new faces and from washington outsiders”, yet made fun of Palin who had MORE experience as governor and then picks Biden as V.P who is as old as my Apple tree outside and someone who has done nothing in 30 years to change anything for the better.
    7) Obama is friends with Carter – A jew hater and a man that htes America.
    8) Obama is friends with Pastor Wright who also said “damn america” and white people are……..
    9) Obama had secret talks with PLO reps two months ago.

    10) Obama is friends with a person named Ayers who bombed the Capital and killed police officers.

    Obama is another Clinton and this should scare the heck out of anyone. Oh, and for the people that say under the Clinton Administration there were 8 great years and job creation let me tell you it was not Clinton but the thanks go to Bill gates.
    Think about it. YES YOU CAN.

    15 years ago

    I will be blunt and say it us vs. them. For 2000 years evry country that the Jews has lived in has either expelled their Jews. Forced them to convert, or shipped them off to Auschwitz. Germany, were Jews were more assimilated, more intermarried, and more secularly educated than ever before, did not fare better than the standard treatment meted out for 2000 years. Perhaps one should take a deep breath and think “Wow. G-d really does run the world and he when he tells us we should have beards and Payos and fringes hanging off of our clothing so the world thinks we’re freaks and leaves us alone, maybe he has a point. Because in all the societies were the Jews kissed up to the Goyim and mimicked there culture it didn’t help. Obama has no military experience he has never authored a piece of legislation, his total political experience consists of three years as a junior senator, two of which he spent running for president. I don’t need an excuse not to vote Obama. Obama is a good enough reason by himself. He’s a good man because he wants universal healthcare? I don’t recall seeing anyplace in the US constitution saying a person has a constitutional right to government sponsored healthcare. In my eyes that makes him a socialist. He’s an academic. He has played in the theoretical world. He has no experience in the real world. Those of you than “embrace the secular world”, i.e., goyishe culture, have long since forgotton about G-d, and believe that a piece of paper called the constitution protects you and keeps you safe, may have a rude awakening. Why should America be different than any other country that Jews have lived in for 2000 years? Germany was also a constitutional democracy that held democratic elections in 1933.

    Who Cares!
    Who Cares!
    15 years ago

    I dont care about the world and what the “world” thinks! I care about what HKBH thinks.

    This seems to be a problem among the left… always worrying about how others see us – lav davka yiddin. TOO BAD!

    15 years ago

    I lived in Alamaba. Sure, there is a town or two, like Cullman, AL where they are still living with older hatred and prejudice. But, they are an embarrassment to most Alabamians. If you make an anti-semitic remark in many parts of AL, someone may say to you, “What’s with that remark? Do you live in Cullman? We don’t appreciate talk like that around here.”

    I worked in Florence, AL,and I remember a relatively new employee making an anti-semitic remark. Some big “Bubba Type” pulled him aside and told him off. He told him that if wanted to work there, he must leave his “stupid, olf-fashioned bigotry” at the door when he comes to work. “Talk like that is not welcome here. In fact you may consider moving away, for you will have no friends in this community if you speak with hatred about anyone, especially our Jewish neighbors.”

    This guy, the one who said this was a large man, with a confederate flag tattoo.

    He was the classical Redneck. Hard working, and loving ALL other hard-working people no matter where they came from or whom they worship.