Monsey, NY – Bobov Yeshiva Administrator: Cow Slaughter Has Zero Affiliation With Us; Done Without Our Permission


    Ramapo Police were called to Yeshiva Bobover at 609 Route 306 last night after neighbors reported students and teachers had tied a cow to a tree and were slaughtering it. (Vincent DiSalvio / The Journal News)Monsey, NY – After the Journal News reported today [posted by VIN News] about an allegation that a Jewish school took part in an illegal slaughter of a cow, the Yeshiva Administrator of Bobov released the following statement to VIN News:

    Please note that the story of the shechita of the cow on our grounds had nothing to do with me, nor with Bobov. A group of people learning hilchos shechita, used our lot for their practice without our permission. They say that they tried to contact me, but they couldn’t reach me. I surely wouldn’t allow our grounds to be used for this, although no laws were broken.

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    Rabbi Gershon Borenfreund
    Yeshiva Administrator – Bobover Yeshiva of Monsey

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    15 years ago

    RIGHT! some people just showed up on their property and shechted a cow……
    things like this happen all the time

    Halacha LaMaaseh
    Halacha LaMaaseh
    15 years ago

    It is good that they would ask for permission, but they went ahead with the shechita anyway. Why did they not deliver the cow to a meat market to prepare steaks and other cuts? Bal Tashchis is a mitzvah that is a choshuva nekudah in this case. Poor cow. All that steak gone to waste. Chaval, I could have eaten it for dinner.

    15 years ago

    So why would he not have given permission?

    In any case, so long as they clean up after themselves, and leave it as clean as they found it, I don’t see what right he would have to deny permission. Zeh neheneh vezeh lo choser. Especially since it isn’t his private property, and its purpose is to promote Jewish learning.

    15 years ago

    And how nobody realized there was a cow in yeshiva is just amazing. This is new meaning to Chasidishe shechita.

    15 years ago

    When I told my rebbeh I heard someone go moo moooo he said I was hearing things. Apparently not.

    15 years ago

    Maybe people wander past cows all the time in BP. Funny, I never thought it was India.

    Was the Yeshiva in session? Could the talmidim see? If they are young kids some of them must have been upset. How did they secure the animal? There are a lot of questions, and I think laws were broken. USDA regulates schechita and all animal slaughter.

    Typical I can do what I want attitude.

    15 years ago

    It would seem that Rabbi Borenfreund is well versed in local and federal laws and ordinances to unequivocally declare that “no laws were broken.” Now might be a prudent time to consult with counsel.

    15 years ago

    i think its wild to think its ok to take a cow and learn schitah in the back yard of a yeshiva, wherever it may be .the place to learn schitah is in a slaughter house, not a back yard. it was wrong and who ever did it must take the responsibility accordingly.

    Bill the Poet
    Bill the Poet
    15 years ago

    The friendly cow all red and white,
    I love with all my heart:
    She gives me cream with all her might,
    To eat with apple-tart.

    But then she came to Monsey town,
    It was a big mistake;
    They tied her to a willow tree
    And turned her into steak.

    The neighbors cried out loud they did
    To see a cow so dead
    And spread upon Route 306
    With a yarmulke on her head!

    15 years ago

    just be glad they werent learning hilchos niddah or kiddushin

    15 years ago

    I don’t see in his statement which bobov it is & it is a big nafka minah because then we will be able to detirmine how big of a baheimah we are discussing here

    The smart one
    The smart one
    15 years ago

    Oh Yeah This Can Happen Only In Monsey!

    15 years ago

    Did anyone watch the video? This “Carol Friedman” person is clearly an antisemite (and please don’t tell me its impossible for her as a Jew to be antisemitic, sadly some of our greatest enemies are fellow Jews). She has nothing better to do than to try and shut down what she calls an “illegal yeshiva” with its “hassidim men.” She was so happy to show off to the goyisher velt on TV that she is ‘enlightened’ unlike those religious Jews who “were slaughtering this calf, and it was chained to a tree, and the hassidim teenage boys was [sic] circling around like some kind of ritual.”

    Granted whoever was in charge of orchestrating this event should have considered it further and foresaw the potential for a Chillul HaShem (especially if they knew there were people living in the community who are intent on working against their every move). However lets call a spade a spade, and recognize that none of this would be on anyone’s radar if this antisemitic woman had not reported the event to the police and invited the media.

    15 years ago

    One thing is for sure that Bobov under the leadership of Rab Shlomo Z”L or Rab Naftali Z”L this would have never happened they were an example of mentshlichkeit that if all the chasidim had chasidus would not have a bad name

    15 years ago

    Wich bobov does any one know ? This story is crazy. Where did they get this cow ?

    15 years ago

    The Bobover rebbe is not telling the truth if he is saying that this whole affair could happen on their property in broad daylight without their knowledge or implicit authorization. Even in Monsey, people just don’t happen to show up with a cow to be tied to a tree, wrestled to the gound and have his throat slit. Is it any wonder that the neighbors in Monsey and KJ will do ANYTHING they can to fight the location or expansion of yiddeshe facilities in their towns. They have created a public relations disaster for yiddin that will cause more problems than they ever could imagine. How could the Bobover act with such sinas chinam towards other yiddin.

    15 years ago

    no affilation nor is he a known relative

    15 years ago

    And Tartikov should be welcomed to Pomona?

    15 years ago

    Inder alter heim they didn’t shecht in a biutcher shop they took the chicken to the shoichetsd house in a residential area.

    15 years ago

    what a chilul hashem. why cant frum yidenn act like a mensch. this shchita shouls take place in a shlacht hoiz only. this is not good our childr4en need to be taught manners how to deal nicely with other people.

    15 years ago

    First of all, I believe that the USDA has nothing to do with slaughtering for your own private purposes in a private setting.
    What they did was totaly legal, and common until a few years ago (OK, I admit it was done with small animals). They still sell live animals for slaughter in Brooklyn (on 61st St).

    What a funny story.
    What a funny story.
    15 years ago

    What a funny story.

    15 years ago

    I just find this extremely funny… hope that welsley hills will not turn into potsville now… I understand people pay too much for the real estate to live in a slaughterhouse…

    15 years ago

    In case anyone is interested, this story is now on ABC Radio news and probably will be picked up by most media by tomorrow. This is truly a Chillul Hashem of huge dimensions as nearly everyone hearing this story will think that “Orthodox” Jews are very strange and primitive. If you can’t understand that it is only because you are so sheltered you have no idea how other types of people think. Furthermore, I am willing to bet that there is indeed a state law against slaughtering livestock in residential neighborhoods. But that is a secondary point. The biggest point here is that the idiots who did this have brought further embarrassment to the Torah world, and made us even more of a laughing stock in the eyes of the non-frum and gentiles who do pay attention to what we do.

    15 years ago

    I wouldn’t be surprised if these Bobover idiots whjo shected the cow in Monsey were related to that deranged Bobover chasid who showed up a the Kotel in Yerushalayim on erev yom tov last month dragging a goat that he wanted to schect as a karban pseach. (VIN ran the story in early April). To the best of my knowledge he is still being held in an institution for observation. While the Bobover are ehrleche yiddin and have wonderful midos, this obcession with shechita and karbanos is going to be a real burden for the rest of klal yisroel unless they begin to show some common sense.

    15 years ago

    They shouldn’t have done it. Why do they have to make themselselves look like some kind of “white trash.” You would think that educated Jews would show a little more class and take the students to a slaughterhouse. When I was a child, my father (who was a butcher) did just that. I saw how a cow was slaughtered, I spoke to the shochet, and that is how I learned. We didn’t shecht the cow in our yard, and if we did, the neighbors would have been correct to do something about it.
    I do think however, that Mrs. Friedman’s comments were ignorant and disgusting.

    15 years ago

    The school administrator, Rabbi Borenfreund, is clear that he understands (now) that it is not acceptable to slaughter a large animal on private property in view of neighbors. It’s a shame some here defend this strange occurrence.

    15 years ago

    This monsey incident about the cow being g’schet outside the bes medrash in Monsey was the closing item on the 9:00 PM news tonight. They made a big joke out of it as if yiddin were like the Hatians the commentator said live in Miami who still schect chickens as part of their voodo rituals. I’m afraid anyone hearing the show will think all Chassidim are like these meshuganahs in Monsey.

    15 years ago

    What happens during deer hunting season? Where do you take the deer to get slaughtered to eat the meat. I witnessed someone carving their deer on Camp Hill Road. No one was calling the police there.

    15 years ago

    OK folks, clearly this person has an axe to grind here. I saw the video on and this was almost gurnisht mit gurnisht.

    She has such hate and contempt for the “illegal yeshiva,” for “hasidim men,” for frum yiddin in general that it drips from her words like venom.

    The story makes no sense which tells me she embellished it. This was a CALF not a cow. There is a big difference. She said they were “dancing around it with knives,” however I say “OH COMEON” how do we beleive that.

    Monsey is still suburbia and it makes sense that people could kill animals in their yards so they could eat it. Had she been happier if her goy neighbor would have brought home a deer that he shot with an arrow or a gun and gutted it in the backyard? Probably.

    She is a sikko and I hope this person and her rosha neighbors make complete fools out of themselves at the Zoning Board meeting next week.

    goldy rosenberg
    goldy rosenberg
    15 years ago

    Time for some Jewish pride…
    Now I don’t know what the story really is, but I do know that in all high schools they take animals and dissect them for the study of biology and Carol doesn’t call police. Even if she would, the police would say, “that is the study of science” and there would be nothing illegal about it. Speak to any public school (and some Yeshiva) kids and they will tell you they have dissected animals. If no law was broken, as far as the police know that there aren’t any regulations against it, then the police doing a search did something illegal. They can only search when they think a crime has been committed.
    So why did the police search a Yeshiva campus when they didn’t know “if any laws” were violated? Ah, there are different standards for Jews — anything that looks wrong to a neighbor must be wrong and all the bloggers answer Amen. Why is it okay to dissect rats, frogs and pigs to study science, but not okay to study a cow up close for Shechitah. Oh, because my fellow blog commentators are embarassed to say “Ivri Anochi” I am a Jew and it is okay for me to learn things about Halacha, just as the others learn about science.

    15 years ago

    They shechted a cow. How horrible.

    By the way, all of you crybabies got me into the mood for steak. Obama is taking away all of my money and I can’t afford it. Thanks for nothing.

    15 years ago

    we are our own worst enemy (carol Friedman)!! It would be prudent for the hanhala of teh yeshiva to meet with friedman, and try to establish some nice neighborly relationships, because, for some reason, she really hates them, and wants to see them go down!

    nu nu
    nu nu
    15 years ago

    when a (goy) hunter kills a deer with a gun or a bow he guts the deer within 1 or 2 hrs of his kill so the meat wont go bad for the goy its ok to hang a deer by its hind legs in his yard during hunting season but g-d for bid a yeshiva kills a cow its no good double standard ? that’s Pomona, THANK G-D they fired the code enforcer !!!!! LETS SEE deer hunting season call the police about a deer in a yard or drive on the NY 17 in November and see how many dead deer on cars on the road…Pomona would love to see all the Jews move out so they can go back to tree hugging

    15 years ago

    that neighbot needs to get a job and mind her own business this is a non story