Tokyo, Japan – Yossi’s Brother Speaks Up About Sentencing and What the Family Went Through


    this is a real photo from inside the Japan prison, a cell similar to where Yossi is being held, as seen the futon on the floor where Yosi sleepsTokyo, Japan – Israeli Charedi Hebrew newspaper Sha’ah Tova printed an interview with Yosef ben Itta Rivka’s older brother Yona, who returned to Israel a short while after Yossi was sentenced in Japan last Friday for smuggling drugs to Japan. He had been conned into this deed unwittingly by a respected member of his chassidus 15 years his elder.

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    For the past year, the families of the three bochurim incarcerated in Japan have refrained from giving interviews. This is the first interview with a family member which intimately touches on what this brother has been going through, the suffering of his family, their feelings after the sentencing and their hopes for a miracle.

    “The sentence,” says Yona, “was the lesser of two evils. It involves a lengthy prison sentence, but everyone involved are happy to be over this point. Now we can start doing things to relieve Yossi’s prison conditions by applying for his transfer to Israel.

    The family believes that the boys had been set up already in Holland. Yona says, “Something didn’t smell right. The boys were given electronic tickets with a reservation for the Hilton hotel in Tokyo — which was cancelled even before they reached Japan. Apparently, their senders realized they were going to get caught. We’re aware of a few other signs which show that it was doctored. The travel agency through which the reservation was made provided the details after the judge forced them.

    “Yossi was placed in the Chiba prison. Over the past year my parents visited him a few times, and I did too. We rented a one-room apartment in Chiba for the ‘low’ price of $1,700 a month. For Shabbosim, we travel to Tokyo so we can daven with a minyan at the local Chabad House.
    Rav Mendel Shafran in consultation with Lead Japanese attorney Matsuo
    “The first time I saw him, several days after he was imprisoned, he looked terrible. He was still being interrogated daily, with some of the sessions lasting 12 hours. When they brought him to the room to meet me, he was sure he was being taken for another interrogation. He almost hadn’t slept 15 days. When he saw me, he was sure he was seeing a heavenly apparition. Until today he doesn’t stop saying how important that moment was for him. He didn’t even know if his family in Israel knew what condition he was in. When he heard from me that thousands are praying for him every day, it greatly encouraged him. Before then, I had never heard of Japan and had no idea how serious the affair was. It was nightmarish. Yossi, who was then 17 years old, looked like a sack of bones.

    “All we could give him was 5 pieces of white bread. That’s all he has been eating since he was incarcerated last year. Avraham Schwartz (a Jew who lives in the area) has been visiting him every day and buying these pieces of bread from the prison to give him. Everything else was treif. Besides being treif, he’s not used to Japanese food. Once they brought him fish and he couldn’t even approach it because of the smell. Besides the bread, he is allotted a fruit once every two weeks. For Pesach, he was given a large amount of matzos, but whatever was left over was taken from him right after the holiday.”

    “He is in a small cell, most of which is taken up by a futon placed on the floor. He is woken every morning at 7. He has to fold the futon and can’t sit on it during the day. He can either sit on the floor or stand. If he was sitting and just placed his hand to lean on something, the guard were already shouting at him to sit straight. They have tough discipline there. Only at noontime is he permitted to rest on the futon for an hour.

    “Twice a week they take prisoners out to the yard for 10 minutes. If it’s cloudy, they don’t let them out. Sometimes it was several weeks until Yossi could move his limbs.

    “When I came to visit him, I could only speak with him through a glass,” Yona recalled. “Yossi was put in the worst building of the prison, without heating in the winter or cooling in the summer. When I saw him last, he told me, ‘Summer is again approaching. The heat was scorching. Do what you can to get me out of here because I can’t bear another summer here.’ They only allow taking showers twice a week, and the prison cell is crawling with bugs and other animals.”

    Winter was no picnic either. Yossi had ice on the walls of his cell. His hands were blue from the cold. Because they didn’t give enough blankets, his family provided him with 5 coats which he used to sleep in.

    “We managed to bring him many seforim as well as chareidi newspapers from Israel. Yossi is angry at the papers who mentioned his name; after all, he was a minor. I buy him all the chareidi papers in Israel and send them to Japan. Avraham Schwartz brings them to the prison. Most of the time he learns Torah, davens, and studies sifrei chassidus. He’s gotten much stronger in his Yiddishkeit.”

    Yona has only good words for the Israeli ambassador to Japan, Nissim ben Shitreet and consuls Ms. Shavit and Ms. Friedman, who have helped them through the crisis in every way. On the last day Yona was in Japan, the Israeli embassy had a party (Yom Ha’Atzma’ut?) and invited the Satmar family to join them. The Israeli officials told Yona and his family that they would do the best to help them, 24 hours a day. “They helped us whenever we asked,” Yona says in sincere appreciation.

    Other people who greatly helped the family and Yossi through the crisis was Rav Menachem Mendel Shafran, a dayan from Ashdod strongly involved in askonus, and Rabbi Mendi Sudkevitch, the Chabad shliach in Tokyo. “Whenever we called them, even 4 a.m., they would always answer. I never saw such mesirus nefesh, all completely voluntary.”

    Yona also lauds Dr. David Buxbaum, who pro bono led the Japanese legal team and the defense strategy. “He’s not a young man; he’s 76. But he is dynamic and fresh like a young man. He is a well known lawyer in China, and has offices all over the world. He came a few times to China to help Yossi. He was available at all times and ready to do anything we requested. I have no words to thank him. May Hashem reward him generously.”

    The family was allowed 20-minute sessions to spend with Yossi. “Besides the moral support it gave him, it afford him the chance to sit on a chair. Yossi also took advantage of the privilege to get a “hair-cut” every two weeks, even though he didn’t need it. Anything to just get out of his jail cell for a few minutes.

    “We knew that the maximum sentence for a minor was 10 years in prison. We hoped for a miracle. In Japan, it’s impossible to be acquitted. The reality is that 99.3% of the accused are guilty in the end.” Yona has dozens of clippings from Japanese newspapers of sentences given for drug smuggling. All of them ended with stiff prison sentences.

    Yossi was acquainted with all the details of his defense. His family and lawyers spent months preparing for it, and Yona believes that the outcome would have been worse without the vast preparation that went into the case. In the days before the final sentencing, Yossi recited the entire Tehilim and thousands prayed for him.

    Two days before the sentencing, the prosecutor was changed, and the new prosecutor gave Yossi his passport, identity card and other documents. “We began to hope that a miracle was going to happen,” says Yona. “No one could explain that gesture, not even the Japanese attorneys. When I heard the relatively stiff sentence, it was a sudden, harsh blow.”

    Yossi was brought to court for his sentencing, accompanied by two guards, with his hands handcuffed and tied behind his back. When he entered the court, the guards removed the handcuffs and he was told to sit down.

    “The final sentence was given in the presence of the family, the askanim who had helped out, many Japanese attorneys who we didn’t know, and the police interrogators. The Japanese were fascinated by this case, which was part of the problem. Because they made such a sensation of it, the judge couldn’t let Yossi get off without a tough sentence.”

    “At the sentencing, Yossi broke out in heart-rending sobs. Luckily, that day he was to be taken to shower, and they give showers in a building which is heated. When he came out of his shower, his spirits had lifted and he told me, ‘I’ll deal with this. I have the Ribono Shel Olam with me. But how you will calm Mama?”

    The family is hoping Yossi will now be transferred to a prison for westerners or minors, where the conditions are relatively better. “The judge sentenced him to forced labor. I don’t know what kind of work that entails, but I hope it will be for minors, which will be easier. Yossi himself wants to work. He can’t bear being in that room anymore. He told us, ‘I don’t care what I have to do; the main thing is to get out of here.'”

    Yona has seen the kind of work that prisoners do — making shoes, tissue boxes from wood, plates, etc. “I hope he’s not sent to the Foji prison, which is the worst one. I don’t know if this depends on the judge. Our lawyer is working on it.”

    Yona is also critical about how the press in Israel reported the Japanese treatment of the yeshiva bochurim. “I have to say that the media circus caused damage to the whole process. You have to know that every clipping, every newspaper, everything that was written about the affair in Israel was translated in Japan and is sitting on the prosecutor’s desk. It’s a mazal that Yossi wasn’t able to see the early media reports, which were filled with false stories.”

    “After everything he went through, I think Yossi can be a lawyer himself,” Yona says with an ironic smile.

    The effect on Yossi’s family has been immense. “All 12 of us brothers and sisters went through a very hard time. Our lives have changed over the past year. But thank G-d, we’ve reached the stage where we’ve finished the trial. “The real work will begin in the coming weeks. If the lawyers decide not to appeal the sentence, and to work on transferring him to Israel, we have lots of bureaucracy to wade through. There was a recent similar story of an Israel who was imprisoned in Japan for 6 years. It took 10 months to transfer him back to Israel.

    “Yossi has become stronger. He’s not the same Yossi from a year ago. He has become steeled. At first we were in shock. We didn’t dream that such a thing could happen to Yossi. He entered the prison like a child and today he is an adult who is sensibly thinking everything out. We’re continuing to support him and pray for him, together with the thousands who are davening for his salvation and the salvation of two of his friends.

    Dr. David C. Buxbaum, Yossi’s lead defense, is an Orthodox Jew and professor of international criminal law who has lived in China for several decades. He received his legal education in New York University and University of Michigan, and was the first American lawyer to move to China after President Reagan unfroze relations with the Chinese. Many of the top lawyers in Japan, including those working on the case with him, were his students in university. He lives the Asian culture and is able to bridge between it and western culture.

    “The chance to transfer the bochur to Israel to carry out his punishment depends on the degree of cooperation provided by Israel,” explains Dr. Buxbaum.

    He says that the judges realized that the boy was innocent, but issued a harsh ruling according to the law’s stipulations. “Despite him violating the law, the facts still remain that he did it unknowingly and was completely innocent,” Dr. Buxbaum avers.

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    15 years ago

    It’s very sad, We must have them in mind at all times, Hashem should merit them and all of Klal Yisroel the Geulah Shleima B’kurov!!
    P.S. Please post where donations to help cover the costs could be be sent. Thanks & Tizku L’ Mitzvos

    15 years ago

    All you can do is cry to hashem

    15 years ago

    the judgement was issued according to the law’s stipulations – even though the judge realized he was innocent – midas S’dom!

    15 years ago

    Lets hope and pray that the other 2 boys have better lawyers!!

    15 years ago

    David Buxbaum is one of the most highly respected lawyers in all of Asia.
    I know him personally.
    I don’t think we should doubt their abilities.

    15 years ago

    This is a very sad story. What this brother and his parents are going through is unimaginable and I really do feel honest pain for them.

    I’m with #1 … please post where we can send money to ensure his family can travel to be with him, and for any other costs of brining him food, etc.

    If nothing else good comes from this, at least we should use this experience to teach our children that ANY crime… no matter how small it may seem to you is still a crime… and there are consequences to getting caught. The laws of individual countries MUST be followed when visiting. We MUST respect the will of the people who live in these countries. A small crime in E”Y may bring about a 10 year sentence somewhere else. Ignorance about the world we live in can no longer be acceptable to anyone.

    I honestly daven to H” that every yeshiva will take steps to provide a minimal education about the world we live in. Our yeshivos have a responsibility to prepare our boys for life both inside and outside the beis medrash. It is the only way to prevent things like this from happening.

    Hopefully the Japanese judiciary will agree to the transfer to Israel. However, I am glad to see that they are at least allowing him to continue learning, and they resepcted the fact that he needed matzos for pesach. While I’m sure it is little comfort to the family, it is more than they were required to do.

    mi keamchah
    mi keamchah
    15 years ago

    mi keamchah yisroel,
    instead of the norishah posts about chabad lets show hashem that kulanu ke’echad

    as in this story lubavitch ger satmar even israeli goverment…

    ad mosei Hashem

    ad mosai???????

    look at your people!1

    people that traditionaly dont get along satmar chabad tzioni and moderen orth

    are fighting for one neshamah
    why must we wait for a tzebrocheneh neshama to br torchered in a forein country r”l to have a felling of achdus

    15 years ago

    I would like to catch the person who hired them & hang him.

    15 years ago

    Now is the time again to WARN your kids traveling abroad to study..!!!!! Do NOT ever accept any package from anyone even your neighbor ….If it is a very important package or you know the person they MUST deliver it to your home OPEN and a PARENT must//must…must..INSPECT the contents before its packed in your suit case…May hashem be Merachem on those boys in Japan and their families and we should continue to say every day at least 5 kepitlech Tehilim for them……

    15 years ago

    I pray for the 3 boys everyday, the other 2 are still waiting their trial we have to continue praying for them as it’s the only thing we can do. I’m thinking to myself why something like this happens? Even though we don’t understand G-d’s ways maybe the 3 boys were before incarnation 3 judges or Dayonim that made a mistake in their judgement and put somebody in jail & now they pay for it.

    15 years ago

    is this a younger brother,how old is he ?

    15 years ago

    R”L!! May HKB”H Have them freed bikarov!

    what do u want to know
    what do u want to know
    15 years ago

    i want to know what happened to the satmar guy that sent the boys who is in jail in isreal

    lets ask the gvmt why they havent tried him

    15 years ago

    The lesson to be learned from this episode is that there in no better place on Earth to live than in the USA… and that includes Israel. Japan is a cultured, civilized society which punishes a minor for commiting a crime without any intent to commit the crime. It’s Criminal Law 101 that one cannot commit a crime in the USA without intent (mens rea). Israel puts you in prison for sedition if you say the wrong word. We should give thanks to Hashem for every day we are able to live in this country.

    15 years ago

    i think we should all bombared the presidant of Japan with letters to parden these 3 innocent boys?

    We have to find the address

    15 years ago

    Many Yidden go to foreign countries for Pesach (Mexico, etc), unaware that once you have left the U.S., you are subject to the laws of that country–and to all sorts of risks–without much if any protection from the U.S. government. You can be ‘set up’ even in some areas of the South, but to travel for leisure etc outside of the U.S. is to come under the jurisdiction of foreign countries.

    It is always wiser to choose a destination in the U.S.

    As for anyone foolish enough to take a package from an acquaintance, neighbor, friend, etc, without being 100% sure of the contents and the legality .. shomer pesayim Hashem.

    15 years ago

    Does anyone have an address where to send a donation? Pidyon shevuim is one of the greatest mitzvoes a person can do. I would like a part in it.

    15 years ago

    please continue taking pacakges.i am a cancer patient and need stuff from usa from time to time what is this dribble about not doing chesed?do u not go in a car because every year so many people get killed?no you use your common sense,knowingly smuggling antiques like knowingly taking more than 10k cash without declaring should not be done,but taking a pacakage and if need be to inspect it,is ridiculous over reaction
    what is happening is sad,the answer is not to each his own and people not willing to do i have written before i had a very important letter from re. kanievsky that i neded in usa the next morning,the letter was open,no go,that is ridiculous,what i had drugs or nuclear encrypted codes in the letter?

    15 years ago

    While this is a very worthwhile cause to support, it can not be considered pidyon sh’vuyim. These are criminals. We can’t apply pidyon sh’vuyim to every yid locked in a jail for committing a crime. If that was the case we should be trying to free every Jew in IAmerica who is legitimately in jail for being a criminal.

    15 years ago

    Yossi’s family is not Satmar.
    The guy who sent them is Bentzi Miller and he is on trial in Israel. The reason why they didn’t have him tried in Japan is because there is no extradition laws between Israel and Japan. It took a while for the Israeli govt to imprison him. But it was only because they wanted to catch the bigger fish behind Bentzi. They managed to catch his higher uppers as well, which is a large secular family.
    Yossi is my first cousin, so if anyone wants to set up a fund for him, just tell me how to do it and I can get you the pertinent information you need. You can email me at yossisfund and we can work things out.

    15 years ago

    i wish in america the prisons treated criminals so severely

    15 years ago

    remember yeshua keheref ayin. Remember what happened to Yosef Hatzadik. miracles can happen overnight. just do not put your trust in basar vidam. pray…….

    15 years ago

    #35 – you are clueless. These bochurim are classic case of pidyon shvuyim.

    15 years ago

    Why don’t thousands of people go out and demonstrate at the Japanese embassy in new york?

    15 years ago

    Has anyone seen the full page ads in Torah Times / Jewish Press stating that by women following the laws of tzniut then the boys will be freed? Those ads are supposedly supported by Yossi or the other boy’s mothers. They detail that a woman must cover up even more so, not walk outside or talk on cell phones. Like… that will really help them!

    15 years ago

    although i am sad to read that the bochurim will have to suffer in jail for 5 years, I am very happy that this case was so widely publicized.

    perhaps the publicity will prevent others from trying to do similar things in the future.

    Nothing is free in this world, there is no get rich quick scheme that works, if something sounds to good to be true it probably is

    tolly 72
    tolly 72
    15 years ago

    Mr matsuo is a business lawyer in Tokyo, its a shame that the family of the youngest boy didnt take a professional criminal lawyer, now they dont even have the right tools to appeal. Mr buxbaum is as well a business lawyer in china, and does not practice criminal law not in china and not in japan. he didnt act as the defense team, all he done was he appointed his old freind mr matsuo whom he knew from many years ago and in turn mr matsuo appointed Ms Terao, a woman lawyer eho came to traine for 2 years. she has now left mr matsuos office and she wasnt even present at the veridct.

    i heard from the true source that that other 2 boys have top lawyers, but the family of the youngest boy made their own fundraisng campaign via kupat hair which went solely for the youngest boy and they felt that they want to run the case themselves for the obvious reasons .

    yanki the meivin
    yanki the meivin
    15 years ago

    Its nonsense to say that in japan its impossible to get an aqquital.I checked this! There are actually many acquittals.The point which everyone miss is, that 99.% plead guilty and that’s why they get convicted. There’s no plea bargaining, and trials take so long,and its truely very hard to win, but if one pleas not guilty, then his chances are at 60% of winning that is the fact. It all depends on who is the lawyer and what defense is put forward to the court.By bringing a Rabbi & Mayor to court u dont win!

    yanki the meivin
    yanki the meivin
    15 years ago

    I don’t see the big gedila of using eldery lawyers who are well past the retirement age. They aren’t familiar with the new laws, and aren’t familiar with todays criminals. Laws in Japan have changed dramatically in the last 2 years and I doubt it that these old lawyers have studied all the new laws. On a criminal case u need middle aged lawyers who will fight with all their might, it surprises me that old cheap lawyers were hired. (Maybe there’s loads of change from the fundraising, that’s why he’s happy)

    moshe smiley
    moshe smiley
    15 years ago

    Why doesn’t any one tell us why the judge found him guilty?? If the sentencing was a 1 hour hearing, this means the judge was reading out the reasons. What are they please? Please don’t hide them! Here lies the problem of this poor boy. Why couldn’t the defense fight it? I really want to know. It hurts me a lot to see this young bocur jaied for 8 years. I daven for him every day that he should be free and go back home to his parents. Gevald gevald the Almightly should send all 3 boys home fast,we had enough

    15 years ago

    i know for a real fact that the federal jails in the U.S.A. are much WORSE !!!!!!

    Ben Moshe
    Ben Moshe
    14 years ago


    14 years ago

    We should all Daven for these3 boys from the bottom of our hearts.

    Here is a an example “Nusach” for a Tefilla:

    Our Father in Heaven, please be filled with mercy for our brethren who are languishing in a Japanese jail;
    Only You, the Creator of all, can fully feel their pain and suffering that is far beyond human description;
    From Your Throne of Mercy, please make their pitiful and fearfully miserable plight rise up to You;
    Deprived of all creature comforts, devoid of contact with their family and nation;
    The day of their “release” is so far ahead that their very sanity is in danger of being lost;
    Please do not forsake them in their moment of great need; do not leave them in the hand of their tormentors any longer.

    Overnight three healthy young men have become dreadfully sickened;
    Taken over by forces so powerful that have virtually squeezed out their very life blood;
    Ribbono Shel Olam, if our sins have brought this catastrophe on our brethren, we are ready to do any act of Teshuva necessary;
    But, please forgive us speedily and turn the tide for these boys’ salvation;
    Our Master, how mighty is Your name throughout the land, please reach out mercifully with Your outstretched arm;
    And pluck them out of captivity, back to the loving arms of their families;

    Ribbono Shel Olam, You are the ultimate Matir Assurim, the Helper and Support of the helpless;
    You have delivered K’lal Yisroel, both individuals and the Tzibbur, from so many terrifying predicaments throughout our history;
    Please consider this predicament of the 3 boys in heinous imprisonment as a Tzoro of the highest proportions, deserving of your unlimited mercy;
    Your Scheina is with them, being imprisoned, languishing in inhumane conditions;
    Please join our Tefillos, however inadequate they are, with the desperate cries of these boys from the deepest pit of all mankind;
    That You will accept on High to immediately tear up the G’Zar Din of indescribable pain, to be replaced with one of light and freedom.

    Our Merciful Father, please remember the parents and families of these 3 boys;
    Whose suffering is beyond human imagination, their nightmare is indescribable;
    They can’t even enjoy a cup of water without being seized with the pain of their beloved who have not even this simple provision available when needed;
    Please arise oh Caretaker of all the downtrodden and release them from the hands of their captors;
    Break their shackles and return them in peace and health to their families;
    Restore to them and their families Simcha and the basic human amenities of freedom.

    Avinu Shebashoyim, instead of the joys of a Chasunah that other young men have to look forward to;
    These boys have only to look forward to days upon seemingly endless days of inhuman horror;
    Our faculties are so shaken, our insides so twisted in sorrow and agony at the thought of their tribulations;
    Please do for the sake of Your endless Mercy, as You have done so many times for K’lal Yisroel;
    Please release them from their bondage, may their suffering come to a merciful end in a most happy way;
    Allow them to return to their homes in Eretz HaKodesh to serve You once again with unrestrained joy in their souls and with reinvigorated bodies.

    Ribbono Shel Olam, our simple souls cannot imagine any future or happiness for those languishing in those fearsome conditions;
    But You on High, understand the purpose of their suffering and pain and see their future, through the dimness of this tragedy;
    But will they have any future at all if they remain in the dungeons that strip mankind of their sanity?;
    Our Father and King, we come before You to ask that You act for the sake of Your Name, so Powerful and Merciful;
    For the sake of Your Scheina that lies with them in their horror and for the sake of releasing their families and all of us from the bitter wormwood that we taste as long as they are in captivity;
    Please fulfill for them the words: And the redeemed ones of Hashem shall return, and come to Tzion with glad songs and eternal gladness upon their heads: they shall attain joy and gladness, and sadness and sighing shall flee away.

    14 years ago

    Hey…does anyone know the address of where donations can be sent to contribute to helping the boys? Thanks