Jerusalem – Israeli Police: Rioting Foreign bochurim May be Expelled


    Jerusalem – In a report published today in Israeli newspaper Israel Hayom, a high-ranking Jerusalem police office was quoted as saying that foreign students who come to study in Israel are “unsupervised” and have participated in the riots that rocked Israel last week.

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    Several young men from America and other countries have been arrested by the Jerusalem police; authorities are currently weighing whether to deport them.

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    14 years ago

    please….absolutely……….send them home to their parents who should/will/might/won’t take care of them. these kids who go to israel to “learn” and they verren meshigge fin laydig-gayn and all they do is bum around, should be shipped home pronto. they have no businness doing their stuff in the palterin shel melech

    14 years ago

    When Israel deported arabs for rioting and other acts of violence, the UN comdemned them. Will they be doing the same for these Yeshiva Bochurim.

    14 years ago

    I was arrested 5 years ago by a demestration. I had to pay 20k shekel. If not they will hold my passport

    14 years ago

    Who would have believed that in our erev Shabbos conversation, I had to tell my son, who is learning in Ezras Torah, “Make sure that this Shabbos you get a rest, but not arrested.”

    14 years ago

    Although I’m a big supporter of the demonstrations and protests, I can’t take the wild actions following it when a few dozens of bochurim just stay around to “finish off” the event with some fires and other silly damages.
    If its really known who is doing it, maybe its a good idea their parents should call them home and send them to a local yeshiva.
    Problem is that police usually picks up people by random just to show that they arrested so much and that number of “rioters”, I remember when they arrested here a disabled yungerman at a protest, he was frees the next day cuz it was just a joke to say he has done something while he can’t even walk by himself..

    14 years ago

    Although I’m a big supporter of the demonstrations and protests, I can’t take the wild actions following it when a few dozens of bochurim just stay around to “finish off” the event with some fires and other silly damages.
    If its really known who is doing it, maybe its a good idea their parents should call them home and send them to a local yeshiva.
    Problem is that police usually picks up people by random just to show that they arrested so much and that number of “rioters”, I remember when they arrested here a disabled yungerman at a protest, he was frees the next day cuz it was just a joke to say he has done something while he can’t even walk by himself..

    14 years ago

    they can’t control the situation as much as they will try to, they can do one major change, STOP INSTIGATING THE CHAREDIM! treat the charedim like the secular population so you won’t have protests and demonstrations. the more pressure you put on them the more trouble you’ll get.

    14 years ago

    Bochurim don’t be afraid – just keep on rioting untill the Chilonim will behave.

    Avrohom Abba
    Avrohom Abba
    14 years ago

    Why don’t we just get out of there and let them try to run the country without us? I hate to stay where I’m not wanted.
    Instead, we donate here in the U.S.A. and we stop sending billions there. The Israelis don’t want us? We don’t have to stay. Good bye.
    There is no mitzvah to put ourselves in a makom sakana.
    They will be glad to see us go for the first month, then it will hit them what they caused.

    14 years ago

    they are 1000% right,these hoodlums should be immediately deported and their parents should be forced to pay for the damages
    and at the same time,these traitorous criminaly insane ignorant savages these neturei karta nuts should all be depoted to gaza and teheran

    14 years ago

    They should be in jail for a little longer what a chillul hasham they make every time they do this all those bucharim in jail don’t care anything about shabes

    14 years ago

    My son was arrested and beaten by police for demonstrating against Gush Katif expulsions. His aliyah benefits were withheld even though he already served a term in the IDF.

    14 years ago

    They were merely having fun
    NO AMERICAN bochur actually dies the real stupid things it’s all the Israelis and the police just snatch whoever they can get there hands on
    Trust me I know I was learning in an “Israeli” Yeshiva the past two years and I know what goes on

    14 years ago

    Stop this Chillul Hashem Business!
    Being Mechalel Shabbos in Public is the GREATEST chillul hashem, as is ruled in the RAMBA”M

    14 years ago

    Please explain to me why in this generation parents send teen boys away to live in yeshivot where they are raised like a herd of wild orphans, instead of enrolling them in local Talmud Torah and letting them go home every night to their own parents to raise them to be decent.

    In my city we have excellent boys’ day schools –believe me, world famous for learning– yet nice families send their nice sons out of town for years. When the boys return to visit, they have big hats but small hearts. They behave with no manners, no respect. Everyone sees it happen yet no one is asking WHY.

    Then they go over to Yerushalayim and roam around, throwing rocks to kill Jewish people—as though no parent or moreh has ever taught them tzor meyrah v’oseh tov.
    I am asking sincerely why Jewish parents are not raising their own sons babayis.

    14 years ago

    this whole situation got out of hand. and keeps on getting worse. one thing for sure we have enough problems and people who hate us. when we fight with eochother it doesn’t help.

    A. Nuran
    A. Nuran
    14 years ago

    If they act like terrorists who assault people with deadly weapons and commit arson they should expect to be treated that way. If stone-throwing Arabs get water cannons, tear gas and rubber bullets the Tallit-ban deserves the same.

    Lav Daphka
    Lav Daphka
    14 years ago

    boys will be boys…this is part of yeshivish learning…..gevaldig…….

    14 years ago

    I believe in protesting against chilul Shabbos, but, in a quiet non- violent manner – no rock throwing, no burning garbage etc. If they’d demonstrate quietly with derech eretz, then we’d have a case against the Israeli Police if they start abusing the protestors.

    14 years ago

    The names of these bochrim should be publicized.

    This way girls know who these best boys in Lakewood are when they are redd shidduchim.

    Abusive, agressive animals. Avoid them at all costs.

    14 years ago

    Good Riddance.

    ben Dov Ber
    ben Dov Ber
    14 years ago

    You are all fools!!!! At the end of the day, what do you want? You want them to keep shobbos, right? By Burning dumpsters, spitting on Journalists, a fighting with police, you give a bad name to yiddishkiet, and you make people like me not want to be associated with you. The worst part is, the chilonim see you acting like a bunch of wild dogs, and they say to them “why would I ever want to be a part of that?”
    This is not what Hashem wants. He wants us to love our non-frum Brothers, not burn a dumpster if they are chllul Shabbos. Honestly, is this the way you would want you kids to act? Even if you want to protest, at least do it in civil fashion, like Martin Luther King or Gandhi (if you know who they are) and do it peacefully and without violence. Have a sit-in, block traffic, do something, anything, but not this. Hashem wants us to act like menschen, not a pack of dogs. That being said , Personally , I was brought up frum , went off the derech for a while and came back 7 years ago, But let me tell you, when I wasn’t frum and I broke Shabbos , and I was treated like this , they would have to lock me up , B/c I would take a baseball bat to these kids heads. Same goes for now, If I saw people doing this to police officers or people who Broke Shabbos in NY, they better run. Its both sick , and shameful, and this isn’t something I can just watch happen easily. I hope all you get locked up , and deported, as this is the only way to quell the rioting .

    Ask yourselves this, Are we, or are we not the Kohanim of the world? If the answer is yes, then this isn’t how the role models for all Mankind should act.

    Oh yea, trust me, Burning Dumpsters doesn’t bring Moshiach any closer.

    (Please only respond if you can spell above the level of a ten year old. Thank you.)

    14 years ago

    how come no rabba has yet come out for or against the protests, let them show they can really wear the pants in the house (not just on their feet)

    14 years ago

    These Boys should not be deported they should do hard time in jail. We are a nation that lives our lives based on a Toras Chaim. What does our Torah say about the actions of these rioters. They are Mazikim damagers. It doesn’t make a diffrence what your cause is there is never an excuse to damage a fellow Jew. Everything they destroyed needs to be replaced. That cost is going to fall on the Klal which is the Taxpayers. They are in effect stealing from over a Million innocent Jews.The only way to be Mechaper for their crime is to pay for the damages. That is what our Torah tells us. The Holy Day of Yom Kippur is not Mechaper for this Aveira. A Bais Din should convene and rule that these rioters have to pay for the damage that they caused, even if it is in absentia. The people who did this know who they are and if they think that there are no consequences to their actions they are going to be in for a big surprise when they reach the Olam Haemes. These people need to seek guidance and start to pay back the City of Yerushalyim for what they did, they have no other alternative.

    14 years ago

    As an American, I would just like to beg the Israeli Government: Keep them!
    We have enough hulagens in this country. Let them rot in your jails. We have enough guys just hanging around Lakewood. You deal with them.

    14 years ago

    Just to stress again, non of the Rabbis call for violence, no bochur is being praised on his violence for doing a good job. there are a bunch of bochurim and yungeleit Israeli and american that find it funny after police arrest a bunch of protesters to light dumpsters and make other trouble.
    Unfortunately in most cases police don’t catxh the right people, those put up a fire and disappear in a second, those hanging around “nosy bodies” mostly foreigners who want to see this weird action, they’re the ones to be arrested.
    I’ve witnessed it many times.

    14 years ago

    You all are talking nonsenc I learn in israel in mir what’s the prob. Most buchirem don’t go to riots + don’t get all accitet there not sending anybody home !

    14 years ago

    I happen to know at least one bochur that NEVER EVER WOULD BE INVOLVED but happend to be on a street that the naughty boys were chased to by police and he was collected with them and this happens quite a lot so its not always MUCHACH that they are bad just bec the chilonim said so

    14 years ago

    we must respect the families privacy and not pass judgement, dan l’kaf zchus, remember, most of us only know about this mother as much as the media is spoonfeeding us.
    rioting, throwing rocks at cars and burning rubbish bins will not endear the rest of the communtiy to the people who are commiting these acts, frum yidden are supposed to example and i would not want my children emulating this example.
    by throwing rocks and burning rubbish bins and rioting is a chillull Hashem and speculators may think that a sommunity that can cmmit these offences is also capable of having a mother who starves her son, chas vshalom.
    these offences which i have already stated gives the world an irrational and negative picture of how from jews are supposed to act, even in non Jewish papers in countries far off in Australia have degrading articles about frum yidden.
    acting this way only instigates the prosecuters, daven to Hashem that the correct verdict will be passed, what ever it may be, again i am not taking any ‘sides’ in this media war and hope that hte correct result will come out of this.

    Reb Yid
    Reb Yid
    14 years ago

    While you’re deciding what to do with a kid who’s been rioting/chovel umazik/chillul hashem, think about what you’d do with a kid who’s been mechalel shabbos and eating treif. Then apply that here.