New York – Critics: Radio TV Host Glenn Beck Too Powerful


    New York – Glenn Beck, the hottest right-wing voice on the air, worried aloud to his listeners the other day that powerful, sinister forces trying to destroy America might soon “shoot me in the head.”

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    But there’s fear among his critics, including calmer conservatives, that the victim more likely will be one of Beck’s many broadcast targets.

    After a summer of mob anger at town hall meetings on health care – some of which featured gun-toting protesters – and a burst of Beck-fanned hysteria over President Obama’s back-to-school speech last week, the former top 40 deejay has emerged as a goofy dark prince of the right.

    His gift for spinning apocalyptic visions of the future is matched only by his melodramatic skill to gin up his listeners.

    “‘The world is going to hell in a handbasket’ – I think that pretty much summarizes Glenn Beck,” said Charles Dunn, a Regent University professor and author of “The Future of Conservatism.”

    “But I also think he’s become the head cheerleader of getting people to respond – the tea parties, the health care town halls.”

    “Glenn is great at what he does,” added Michael Smerconish, a conservative whose show runs in New York on WOR, the same station as Beck’s show. “But I just wonder – at what cost?

    “I mean, disagree with the President – absolutely,” added Smerconish. “But be leery of using some of the words that have now entered this debate.”

    A sampler:

    * Beck, 45, has called Obama a “racist” who “has a deep-seated hatred for white people” – comments that have sparked an advertising boycott of his Fox News Channel show.
    * He declares the nation is headed toward a “fascist state” and that the White House is infested with “radical, revolutionary and in some cases Marxist” advisers.
    He claims Obama’s entire agenda – including health care – is designed to “settle old racial scores” and that Americans must rise up to take back their nation. “The time for silent dissent has long passed,” Beck warned last week in a typical call to arms.

    It’s an us-versus-them view of the world, with Americans’ freedom and very lives in imminent peril; a foreboding, racially polarized vision of America under siege by a conspiracy of liberals, “anti-capitalists” and other players in an Obama “thugocracy” who must be stopped at all costs.

    Ron Kessler, author of “In The President’s Secret Service,” notes that although it is impossible to single out Beck as a cause, threats against Obama are up 400% compared with those against President George W. Bush.

    “A lot of those threats are racially based,” Kessler said. “So there is a real basis for concern.”

    Even as he echoes far-right theories, Beck tries to cast himself as simply a libertarian – a believer in self-reliance – whose show fuses “entertainment with enlightenment.”

    A former alcoholic and drug addict, he now mocks himself as a “rodeo clown” – one of the comedy bits he adds to his daily stew on evil government plots.

    But here’s what Beck critics consider the scariest part: Americans are eating him up.

    His radio show is now No. 3 in America, with a following both younger and more female than the top two, conservatives Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

    His TV show routinely pulls in more than 2.5 million viewers daily, placing him third among all cable news programs. On some recent nights, Beck’s 5 p.m. show outdrew long-reigning cable news champ Bill O’Reilly, who holds a prime-time slot.

    Heady stuff for a self-confessed sufferer of attention deficit disorder who barely attended college and, in his drinking days, once fired an employee for handing him the wrong kind of pen.

    A convert to Mormonism, Beck lives in a $4.25 million home in Connecticut, with his second wife, Tania, and their four kids.

    Beck spent decades working in morning deejay slots around the country, from Baltimore to Houston to Phoenix to New Haven.

    His big break came in 2006, when CNN Headline News gave him a show. Soon Fox came calling and Beck became famous as the crying commentator for his on-air weeping, usually inspired by some new evidence that America was going down the drain.

    “I just love my country, and I fear for it,” he quavered.

    His clout is still growing, and last weekend Beck landed his first knockout punch – the resignation of Van Jones, President Obama’s “green jobs czar.”

    It was Beck who spotlighted video of Jones referring to Republicans as “a——-,” and a petition Jones signed suggesting that Bush knowingly let the 9/11 attacks happen.

    Not surprisingly, he is now going after other Obama czars as dangerous radicals.

    But it is the undercurrent of paranoia that permeates Beck’s show that has liberal critics and conservatives alike expressing concern he will inspire violence.

    Christopher Balfe, who head’s Beck’s media company, said that’s nonsense. “Glenn has clearly, repeatedly and unequivocally denounced violence and promoted peaceful, nonviolent expression,” he said.

    But to many, such disclaimers are drowned out by hours of overheated, fear-stoking rants.

    “It’s a subtle incitement toward violence, all the time,” said Cenk Uygur, anchor of the “The Young Turks,” a liberal-leaning show on Sirius Radio, who follows Beck closely. “He is saying, ‘They are coming for us.’

    “And you know, he doesn’t need to convince his whole audience to go do something stupid and violent,” Uygur added. “He only needs to convince one.”

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    14 years ago

    it’s amazing how glenn beck thinks hes the one who got van jones booted, when it was really aaron klein and michael savage

    14 years ago

    as a radio host, he is awful, too much drama, too much screaming, little substance, he’s like michael savage, but without any brains.

    14 years ago

    I find it embarassing that he calls himself a “libertarian” considering no actual Libertarians will appear on his show and most denounce him as a lunatic. That includes even the craziest including Ron Paul and Pat Buchanan.

    It is amazing that the Libertarian movement was a breakaway of the original conservative movement founded by Willian F. Buckley. Libertarians felt that xianity, racism and war-mongering had become far too prevalent. Government intervention into “social” issues violated the basic premise of the movement so they broke away in order to maintain Buckley’s core philosophies.

    I find it disgusting that a man with no education, and no ability to put facts together can find such a following. This guy is a big personality who uses propaganda and lies to stir up rage. I’ve challenged many people here many times to provide PROOF of his wild accusations and I just get called names. It is so sad that yidden would follow such propaganda like blind sheep. The last guy with a big personality but full of such lies and propaganda ordered the Shoah.

    There are plenty of genuine, well educated Conservative people in the media who provide facts and proof (even when it goes against their own ideologies) as opposed to wild speculation and opinion. Chris Wallace and Joe Scarborough are 2 perfect examples. Michael Smerconish is a good one on radio as well and can be found on Scarborough’s show sometimes offering honest debate.

    14 years ago

    He only needs to convince one wow what an old play from the liberal play book have this guys nothing new he isent convincing anyone he says not to be violent all the time so what kind of blame game is that but I have a feeling it’s too late it won’t work this time and watch out rush this guy might take you over for first place I think your going to need to go more radical haha lol

    End of Days
    End of Days
    14 years ago

    Beck. Today. . . conservative. Tomorrow . . . .fascist.

    14 years ago

    go beck go you are doing a great job!

    14 years ago

    When half the country buys into Beck’s shenanigans and the other half buys into the lies coming out of the white house – such as we can provide universal health care for everyone and it won’t cost the American tax payer a dime – then you know we are in deep trouble.

    Liberalism is a Disease!
    Liberalism is a Disease!
    14 years ago

    This is all part of the Obama Mania Tingly Feeling Up Their Legs Media trying to silent a critic of the President. This is still the USA and he is allowed to say what he wants — ESPECIALLY WHEN HE IS CORRECT!!!!

    Its you people on the left who have a problem with it. If you have a problem with what he says and you claim to lean right, YOU ARE A LIAR and you lean left!

    4, You OBVIOUSLY dont listen to the show so you know not what you speak of.

    I knew we could find PMO spewing here with his fence-sitting rhetoric. BTW PMO, is the true definition of a libertarian someone who cant make up their mind? It seems that would be the meaning of the word the way you fence sit on this board.

    The problem the left has with Talkradio – aka Right leaning shows – is that it shows over and over how the population of the country leans to the right.

    We cannot allow for the silencing of Glenn Beck or anyone on the public airwaves for that matter as that would be a violation of the 1st Amendment.

    14 years ago

    The fact that this guy is so popular goes to show that the right has an exclusive on nutjobs. You won’t find a left leaning show with that kind of ratings.

    14 years ago

    Beck is terrible and a phony. Turn him off.

    tuna bagel
    tuna bagel
    14 years ago

    this article was written by a bias left wing liberal. beck is good man and a ohav israel.

    14 years ago

    if you want to hear thoughtful,entertaining conservative talk radio,listen to michael medved and dennis miller .no hysterics like beck “or follow the republican party line no matter what” shtus of hannity.

    14 years ago

    Glenn beck is terrific! You should listen 9-12 am on WOR 710 Am new york area. He is interesting and well informed.

    14 years ago

    glenn beck is employed by fox news, which is owned by news corp, which owns the ny post, which is the daily news’s biggest competitor

    14 years ago

    Instead of getting your knickers in a twist just remember that the best answer to bad speech is more (counter) speech. (Henfoff) If we violate or suppress the First Amendment then we will have set the precedent for others to impose censorship on our own speech

    14 years ago

    Beck is Gevaldig!

    All those ‘claims’ he makes are also backed with solid facts and reason, which NYDN will not consider…

    14 years ago

    Before ANY critique on Beck, let ALL “Jurnalists” answer the big questions:

    Where were they on Van Joans???

    Where were they on ACORN???

    Where were they on SIEU???

    They don’t want to do an honest job, and they don’t want anyone els do it either…

    mark levin
    mark levin
    14 years ago

    I love glenn beck, go glenn go!

    14 years ago

    Mamish a meshuginah of the highest order. glenn beck is a scary psychopathic nutcase

    14 years ago

    Limbaugh, Podhoretz, Coulter, Steyn, Charin, Krauthammer, Crystal, Sowell,Beck, Coulter,and other conservatives are all valuable and important voices against the horrors we now see coming out of the Washington. They express themselves differently, of course, but the overwhelming message they deliver is clear – that the country is headed in the wrong direction. Don’t get bent out of shape by the occasional histrionics;some of them feel the need to entertain as well as inform. Just listen to the message. Thomas Sowell has written 47 books. Begin by reading just one…and go from there.

    14 years ago

    Thank G-d for Glenn Beck. He is the only one left in the media that is looking out for our country. Obama has been protected by all media outlets, and Glenn is one of the last people that is not afraid to stand up against Obama and his cronies.

    14 years ago

    Words like “deep-seeded hatred” is right out of the KKK manual! Beck is a racist who probably hates jews, too! Sure, he’s pro Israel as long as it fits his ideolagy, but not because he “loves” the jews.

    14 years ago

    The only thing you could possibly fault him for is having his 9/12 project gather on shabbos. It’s about time we frum Jews realize who our friends are. I don’t care if he really loves Jews (eisav sonav Yaakov – everyone has animous for Jews) – but he hates our enemies and at this very critical time that makes him a friend.

    14 years ago

    Anyone that listens to Glen Beck instead of listening to the Leftist MSM depiction of him knows that he is reasonable and logical and does not make up stories.

    The truth is that all the facts about Van Jones have been severely understated even after he was fired. They all ignore his sponsoring of Mumia, his baiting and inhibiting of the police, his anti American 9/12 2001 march etc.

    Michael Savage was onto Van Jones in March and Wnd and Klein picked it up in April. However, it took Beck and his forceful rhetoric and attention getting techniques that yielded the desirable results.

    Chris Wallace is at most an idependent and Scarborough is slightly Conservative and sometimes Left leaning. They are doing nothing to change the situation.

    Beck is doing all the hard useful work now. Let’s hope Hashem arranges that all the other radicals such as Mark Lloyd the Chavez lover and Jeff Jones the violent SDS czar are deposed.

    14 years ago

    Savage / Beck ’12! But first they have to be on talking terms. It’s a shame we conservatives are so fragmented. The left know how to unite to defeat us. That’s our (us on the right) greatest challenge.

    I love him
    I love him
    14 years ago

    the fact is that he says it as it appears. he’s not afraid to speak his mind. and indeed, this guy is a realist: how about socialism, spending, taking away the country from the working americans, to pursue his radical aganda. why is everyone afraid of him? let’s wait another 2 years: all the jews will leave america. let’s talk in 2 years.

    Moshe Phoenix
    Moshe Phoenix
    14 years ago

    I’m amazed at all the criticism of Glen Beck. He’s doing what our elected officials are sworn to do . That is defend and protect our constitution and the rights thereof. Our country is being threatened by radical from within, as Obama tries to push his socialist agenda. The government as set up by our founding fathers was meant to limit government interference in our lives. Obviously, Mr. Obama reads a different constitution. This creation of czars is extremely troubling. They are simply appointed, do not require congressional approval or a background check, and are answerable only to the president. When Cass Sunstein, the new regulatory czar tries to stop shechita, maybe then some Jews will finally wake up. Axelrod and Emmanuel will not lift a finger to help you. Reminder, we have a president who is more concerned with an Israeli putting an addition on his house then a rasha like Ahmadenejad getting nuclear weapons.

    14 years ago

    Well, here is another frum family of Beckies:)! Go Glenn go. “it only takes one”? Oh, you mean like the libtard that shot and killed a prolifer several days ago? If it were a right-winger, the media would be raving non-stop. Since it was a leftist killer, most of you probably never heard about it. Mormon Glen is a better friend of Yidden than most of the leftist Jews that voted for Obamagedon. Sheesh.

    14 years ago

    if you don’t like him dome turn him on

    14 years ago

    Beck is a former addict, alcoholic and college drop-out (all by his admission) who admits he “knows nothing”. His “Red Scare” tactics against President Obama have ignited outbursts & violence at town halls and many threats against the President, our democracy and our Republic. When an ignorant fascist like Beck can muster so much attention and following, like his brown shirt predescessors in Weimar Germany, he must not be ignored. After this new Red Scare dies out, guess who he’ll go after next????? YOU.

    14 years ago

    Sorry all you detractors, but Beck is very, very smart and very well-informed. I say this as a recovering professor (PhD – 25 years as a professor) who lived amongst the chattering classes most of my life (at Harvard, U of Chicago, Carnegie Mellon). Beck does not bother with the trappings of “intellectualism” (thank goodness !), but he is whip smart and very knowledgable. True, he is a tad mellodramatic, but if he is really correct about what he fears is coming, then how much drama would be the “right” amount ? Wake up folks, it is a new day. Ivy League credentials and “main stream” media are losing; we the people are coming.

    14 years ago

    glenn beck says what alot of people think and know is right,the truth hurts sometimes? wake up america before its too late!!! aagit yoor un agezint yoor…