Fort Hood, TX – U.S. A Nation Of Cowards: Call This Horror By Its Name ‘Islamist Terror’


    This image, made from a defense dept. video, shows emergency personnel taking a wounded person on a stretcher to an awaiting ambulance at the scene at the U.S. Army base in Fort Hood, Texas.New York – On Thursday afternoon, a radicalized Muslim US Army officer shouting, “Allahu akbar!” (“God is great!”) committed the worst act of terror on American soil since 9/11. And no one wants to call it an act of terror or associate it with Islam.

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    What cowards we are. Political correctness killed those patriotic Americans at Fort Hood as surely as the Islamist gunman did. And the media treat it like a case of nondenominational shoplifting.

    This was a terrorist act. When an extremist plans and executes a murderous plot against our unarmed soldiers to protest our efforts to counter Islamist fanatics, it’s an act of terror. Period.

    When the terrorist posts anti-American hate speech on the Web; apparently praises suicide bombers and uses his own name; loudly criticizes US policies; argues (as a psychiatrist, no less) with his military patients over the worth of their sacrifices; refuses, in the name of Islam, to be photographed with female colleagues; lists his nationality as “Palestinian” in a Muslim spouse-matching program and parades around central Texas in a fundamentalist playsuit — well, it only seems fair to call this terrorist an “Islamist terrorist.”

    But the president won’t. Despite his promise to get to all the facts. Because there’s no such thing as “Islamist terrorism” in ObamaWorld.

    And the Army won’t. Because its senior leaders are so sick with political correctness that pandering to America haters is safer than calling terrorism “terrorism.”

    And the media won’t. Because they have more interest in the shooter than in our troops — despite their crocodile tears.

    Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan planned this terrorist attack and executed it in cold blood. The resulting massacre was the first tragedy. The second was that he wasn’t killed on the spot.

    Hasan survived. Now the rest of us will have to foot his massive medical bills. Activist lawyers will get involved, claiming “harassment” drove him temporarily insane. There’ll be no end of trial delays. At best, taxpayer dollars will fund his prison lifestyle for decades to come, since our politically correct Army leadership wouldn’t dare pursue or carry out the death penalty.

    Maj. Hasan will be a hero to Islamist terrorists abroad and their sympathizers here. While US Muslim organizations decry his acts publicly, Hasan will be praised privately. And he’ll have the last laugh.

    But Hasan isn’t the sole guilty party. The US Army’s unforgivable political correctness is also to blame for the casualties at Fort Hood.

    Given the myriad warning signs, it’s appalling that no action was taken against a man apparently known to praise suicide bombers and openly damn US policy. But no officer in his chain of command, either at Walter Reed Army Medical Center or at Fort Hood, had the guts to take meaningful action against a dysfunctional soldier and an incompetent doctor.

    Had Hasan been a Lutheran or a Methodist, he would’ve been gone with the simoom. But officers fear charges of discrimination when faced with misconduct among protected minorities.

    Now 12 soldiers and a security guard lie dead. At least 38 people were wounded, 28 of them seriously. If heads don’t roll in this maggot’s chain of command, the Army will have shamed itself beyond moral redemption.

    There’s another important issue, too. How could the Army allow an obviously incompetent and dysfunctional psychiatrist to treat our troubled soldiers returning from war? An Islamist wacko is counseled for arguing with veterans who’ve been assigned to his care? And he’s not removed from duty? What planet does the Army live on?

    For the first time since I joined the Army in 1976, I’m ashamed of its dereliction of duty. The chain of command protected a budding terrorist who was waving one red flag after another. Because it was safer for careers than doing something about him.

    Get ready for the apologias. We’ve already heard from the terrorist’s family that “he’s a good American.” In their world, maybe he is.

    But when do we, the American public, knock off the PC nonsense?

    A disgruntled Muslim soldier murdered his officers way back in 2003, in Kuwait, on the eve of Operation Iraqi Freedom. Recently? An American mullah shoots it out with the feds in Detroit. A Muslim fanatic attacks an Arkansas recruiting station. A Muslim media owner, after playing the peace card, beheads his wife. A Muslim father runs over his daughter because she’s becoming too Westernized.

    Muslim terrorist wannabes are busted again and again. And we’re assured that “Islam’s a religion of peace.”

    I guarantee you that the Obama administration’s nonresponse to the Fort Hood attack will mock the memory of our dead.

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    14 years ago

    Clearly this was “Islamist Terror” but be clear: not all muslims are terrorists any more so than all jews are crooks or Israeli spies.

    14 years ago

    G-d bless Ralph Peters for calling a spade a spade!

    14 years ago

    Could not have been more elequently put!

    14 years ago

    Finally someone talks to the point.

    great article!
    great article!
    14 years ago

    I feel your pain. This country is so liberal and politically correct we would rather let our own die than face the truth about muslims. I’m afraid we will be in big trouble and It’ll be too late when we finally come to our senses.

    2 words
    2 words
    14 years ago

    True and amazing

    very good but
    very good but
    14 years ago

    Its a great article but the people reading this or in the newspaper it is published are propably with the same sane viewpoints tell it to our twerpy president , we need to get this country on their feet this country is pandering iether to illeagel imigrants or to islamic terrorists , enough is enough !!!

    14 years ago

    He was not “radicalized.” That’s the big mistake Westerners make. YOu think someone has to be “changed” from their basic nature. Try to understand that Islam IS radical. There is nothing moderate about it. If someone decided to become “religious” and follow the Qura’an they are de facto radicalized. Also there is no such thing as a “terrorist wannabe.’ If he succeeds, he IS a terrorist and until he does he’s in training, not merely hopeful. He knows he will do it. But B”H Mr. Peters has at least said what needs to be said, this was Jihad.

    14 years ago

    Ralph Peters speaks for the vast majority of silent Americans and Canadians, who have been intimidated not to raise their voices by the very group who rejoice in its macabre activivties.

    14 years ago

    stay tuned for the postings of the ortho-liberals who will criticize peters.

    14 years ago

    Don’t blame his commanders, if they would have just attempted to point out this muslim terrorist’s behavior, THEY would have been drummed out of the army by the ACLU. The corrupt liberals, who have all this innocent blood on their heads, won’t stop their hypocrisy until they get hurt; then watch their viciousness

    14 years ago

    what objections coudl this monster have for being deployed? hes not a combatant!. he is not being sent to “kill arabs”. !. in fact maybe as a doctor he might have a few as patients and even help “his people”. this guy is a monster among monsters and had no rational reason to protest a deployment other than he did not want to comply with the army and wanted to make a scene. DOCTORS ARE NON COMBATANTS!.

    14 years ago

    WOW, so well said!
    What’s also amazing is: OBAMA rushed 2 rip that white police officer who had the issue with the harvard proffesor, but now when it comes down 2 Terror, he has nothing 2 say!!!

    14 years ago

    We all should email this article to the white house, to all senators and congressmen in Washington.

    I’m sure Ralph Peters has done that already. The more the better.

    frum but normal
    frum but normal
    14 years ago

    of course Barak Hussein Obama will not call it terrorism,because deep down in his heart he hates America and what it stands for,have we so soon forgoten,that this guy who calls himself president,has sat for 20 yrs in a church where his preacher and best friend rev. Wright,week in and week out cursed America and all of western civilization.
    this hussein obama,was born a moslem grew up as a moslem,went to a muslim religious school in indonesia,and he IS A MUSLIM,and our beloved country has been highjacked by traitorous leaders,WE ARE IN DEEP TROUBLE

    14 years ago

    Does the US care about terrorists? Didn’t this happen on Rabbi Meir Kahane’s yahrzeit? The US did not care about sentencing his murderer or investigating his background more-if they had, the US may have been able to avoid future acts of terrorism.

    14 years ago

    This was a deranged guy who didn’t like to work in the military environment from day one. The only reason he joined is because the military paid for his medical school education. He is no different than VA Tech shooter who was a loner. This guy a 39 year old never married, didn’t have friends, lived in a crappy apartment when he was earning 6 figure salary at rank of major. This has little to do with ” Islamist Terrorism.” A character like him will exploit his religion or blame others for his actions. There are over 3,600 practicing Muslims in the Army and so far,we have not seen a mass Islamic conspiracy from them. Ralph Peters would lump them all with this deranged lunatic.

    Ralph Peters can’t get more radical and hawkish these days. Everyone in the military hates him because he was pushing paper in Germany throughout his career,but uses his army service as if he ever lead a unit into combat.
    He is eternally stuck in the Cold War era and he is paranoid about everything. I like how he managed to blame Obama for anything related to this incident.

    14 years ago

    Should we also call the Madoff affair..Jewish greed?

    leave ethnicity out of it…
    We’re better than that

    14 years ago

    well said NY Post and well said Ralph Peters. i’m currently in israel and let me tell you this – everytime i go near an arab town i feel unsafe. by mistake we even went through an arab town and my wife told me to take my kippa off and get the hell out of there as quickly as possible. their whole religion stinks and is based on wanting to murder jews AND christians – period (its written in the koran). so when you hear that its not nice to stereotype muslims/palestinians/arabs – try walking through the areas where they live and see how safe you feel. little children are given toy guns to play with for g-ds sake!

    14 years ago

    So well written
    I love this article