New York – Chabad’s Lost Messiah


    Jewish volunteers stand around a portrait of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, amidst the ruined Beit Chabad in Mumbai. The Picture of the Rebbe unscathed in attackNew York – For several terrifying days in late November 2008, all Jewish eyes were on the Indian city of Mumbai. Muslim terrorists had launched a series of coordinated shooting and bombing attacks on targets throughout the metropolis, including the Nariman Chabad House, a hasidic cultural center that served the local Jewish community as well as Israeli tourists passing through. For two days, terrorists held those inside hostage; on the third, Indian security forces stormed the building. There they found the bodies of six captives, including the young Rabbi Gavriel Holtzberg and his wife, Rivka, then six months pregnant. Only the Holtzbergs’ two-year-old son, Moshe, survived, having been spirited away by his Indian caretaker at the onset of the attack. Later, he was returned safely to his family in Israel.

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    Amidst their grief, the followers of Chabad found one additional source of comfort—or at least of awe—in the Mumbai tragedy, however: Though the Nariman House and its contents had been severely damaged, an oil painting of the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, the seventh Lubavitcher Rebbe and the last leader of Chabad, had survived unharmed. To many of his followers, this was nothing less than proof of the miraculous aura surrounding their deceased leader.

    Referred to by his acolytes simply as “the Rebbe,” Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994) continues to excite the passions of Lubavitchers even today, a decade and a half after his death—a testament to his personal stature as well as his profound impact on the Chabad movement. Under his charismatic leadership, Chabad was transformed within a few short decades from a small hasidic sect into a thriving global network of schools, community centers, synagogues, and charities.

    Even those who do not avail themselves of Chabad’s services have like as not encountered, at one time or another, one of the movement’s followers manning a street-corner stand, offering tefillin (phylacteries), prayer books, and tutelage for Jews curious about ritual observance. Nor are Chabad’s activities limited strictly to members of the Jewish faith: In accordance with the Rebbe’s instructions, Lubavitchers have also assumed responsibility for convincing non-Jews to follow the Noahide Laws, a set of seven moral imperatives the Talmud claims are binding on all mankind. Owing to this fervent activism, Chabad is now the most widespread and vibrant Jewish organization in the world; in some countries, such as France, Australia, and almost all of the former Soviet republics, Chabad has effectively become Judaism’s public face.

    To be sure, such impressive achievements required a powerful motivating force. For Chabad, this force was a messianic awakening the likes of which Judaism had not experienced since the brief rise and fall of the seventeenth-century false messiah, Shabtai Tzvi, and at its center stood Menachem Mendel Schneerson himself. As the Rebbe’s fame increased in the decades since the 1950s, and his movement grew in power and influence, so, too, did the messianic expectations surrounding him become more and more zealous, ultimately overwhelming both Chabad’s rank and file and its rabbinical leadership alike. This cult of personality profoundly altered the movement, both institutionally and theologically. Indeed, since the Rebbe’s death in 1994, no one has been deemed worthy of succeeding him. Moreover, the movement has found itself split between those who have accepted its leader’s death and those—the majority of Chabad’s followers—who believe he is somehow still alive.

    No less worrisome than this internal schism, the Lubavitchers have found themselves increasingly at odds with other ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities. Although Chabad members follow the commandments to the letter, often adding their own, more onerous restrictions, their critics have gone so far as to cast doubt on the movement’s Jewishness. The head of the Lithuanian Jewish community, the late Rabbi Eliezer Shach, once called Chabad a “cult” and sarcastically defined it as the religion closest to Judaism;3 Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, spiritual leader of the Sephardi Shas movement, ruled that a certain statement by the Lubavitcher Rebbe was “true heresy” and “idolatry.”4 And in a recent book titled The Rebbe, the Messiah, and the Scandal of Orthodox Indifference, historian and Orthodox rabbi David Berger demonstrates that one faction of Chabad no longer presents the Rebbe as “only” the messiah, but instead goes so far as to identify him with God himself—cause, argues Berger, for the movement’s excommunication from Judaism.5 For their part, Chabad members respond to such criticisms with either anger or derision: They describe Berger as a crackpot, scorn the opinions of Ovadia Yosef, and insist that Eliezer Shach was the Devil’s representative on earth.

    In light of the uproar surrounding the “aberration” of the Chabad movement, one cannot but wonder: Did the Rebbe in truth believe he was the messiah?7 The messianic faction of the movement naturally insists that he did. The moderates, however, have largely succeeded in convincing the general public that the Rebbe never presented himself as such. At most, they assert, he neither confirmed nor denied such claims. Rather, the messianic fervor that engulfed the movement was “from below”—i.e., at the instigation of his followers.

    Yet such apologetics simply do not mesh with the facts. As I will show, the Rebbe did believe—and encouraged his followers to believe—that he was the messiah, destined to reveal himself to the people Israel and redeem the world. In fact, he could hardly have thought otherwise: This perception was an inevitable result of the messianic theology the Rebbe inherited from his predecessors, a theology whose internal logic was reflected in his teachings and which guided both his decisions and actions. The current messianic tension that grips Chabad is therefore not a side effect of its achievements under the Rebbe’s leadership. Just the opposite is true: Messianism was the driving force behind Chabad’s success, and it has only grown stronger after the death of the supposed savior himself.

    Tomer Persico is a researcher in the field of religious studies.

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    14 years ago

    i guess Tomer Persico is the new mavin on Mashiach……i thought we outgrew this one long ago.

    Ari Davis
    Ari Davis
    14 years ago

    The majority of Chabad chasidim that I know, (numbering in the hundreds), are regular, ehrliche yidden who do not believe the rebbe is still alive.

    While I do not have the plaitzos to throw my opinion around on such weighty matters, I do not believe the author of this article is qualified either. The machloksim between Maran Harav shach and the Rebbe was a machlokes of Gedolim, and we are not their baalei plugta.
    If you research, R Yaakov Emden and R Yonason Eybshutz had similar arguments, even using the term apikorsus etc., yet I do not think we would think of weighing in.
    As my Rebbe, R Laib Bakst, told me, we lost so many yidden in the holocaust, and of the survivors 99% dont recognise Hashem, are we really going to pick and choose who is a “good Jew” and who is not?! Our time and energy can be spent far better.

    14 years ago

    there is not one piece of true fact in this story!

    truly mind boggeling

    R Tuvia
    R Tuvia
    14 years ago

    Sandra’s parents must have instilled her with beautiful values, to love and care and worry, about the well being of every human being, regardless of their ethnicity, family, or nationality.

    Great lesson to us. This is the way we should be Mechanech our children. They should worry and sincerely care for the well being, wealth, and health of every human being, whether it’s a Yid or a Non-Yid.

    Then HKB”H, who showed so much Rachmonus on the people of Ninveh, who were Goyim, will reward us with Sholom and Nachas.

    14 years ago

    I am a Chabad Rabbi and cannot believe this artice was published anywhere. This is all lies and the fartherst thing from the truth! this is why there is so much Snas chinom.

    if you tell a lie so many times ppl will start believing…. this whole story is fabricated in this authors mind and made up. I dont have time to refute all said but its all untrue ans just an attempt to attack etc etc./

    14 years ago

    without getting involved into who believes what etc, the sifrei kodesh in Mumbai were riddled with bullets R”L so lets not get carried away with the fact that nothing happened to the painting

    A man who stands up for all Yidden
    A man who stands up for all Yidden
    14 years ago

    Having been privileged to have walked with Rav Avigdor Miller zichrono l’veracha I asked him in all seriousness over a decade ago what the situation was with the accusations that certain religious communities were throwing at the Lubavitcher Chassidim and Rebbe at the time. He answered me that any man who speaks against the Lubavitcher Rebbe is playing with fire as he was a complete righteous man.
    From this encounter I derived that the chassidim believe what they believe, but in no way does that permit anybody to disqualify them from being Jews or to speak against them.
    I personally donot believe the Lubavitcher Rebbe is Moshiach. Although my thoughts are that anybody so wise to publish their thoughts against an entire group of good meaning Yidden is not only not warranted at this stage of Jewish History, but it induces a much more severe sin than believing mistakingly that their Rebbe is Moshiach. That sin is sinnas chinam and lashon Hara. Moshiach will come and when he does, there will be no doubt as to the truth as it will be clear as day. We the Jews have suffered enough. I truly hope Moshiach Tzidkeinu with the heralding of Eliyahu Hanavi will be soon. Amen

    14 years ago

    Unfortunately, on the internet, there are certain “unofficial” Chabad sites which continually write things such as “Yechi… long live King Moshiach”….. and this is exactly what brings some people to the conclusion that Chabad lives in a dream world where the Rebbe is still alive. if these Meshichistic sites persist in this, then either chabad must make an official statement, or put up with people thinking that they are all a bissel meshugge.

    14 years ago

    persico is another Maddoff, who wants to gain popularity and make a couple of dollars, bringing just the opposite of a Kiddush Hashem and Ahavas Ysroel

    Tome is a self hating Jew
    Tome is a self hating Jew
    14 years ago

    He left Torah and Yidishkeit behind, thinking he will make it as a secular writer.

    Shame on him.

    His Lithuanian bitterness shines right through.

    14 years ago

    What a crock. This article started out beautifully and went rapidly downhill. I am surprised VoisIzNeias published such false, subjective, slanted, garbage. So disappointing.

    my humble opinion
    my humble opinion
    14 years ago

    The Lubavitch rebbeim encouraged our strive for Moshiach. While they were alive, like other great leaders, they could very well have hoped that they were Moshiach to bring the geula already. No doubt if we were worthy of bias hamoshiach they would be the right candidates.
    The previous Lubavitch rebbe was approached by a Chosid who told him ‘Men zogt az eer zeit Moshiach” The Rebbe answered “Abi(As long) men kocht een moshiach” I believe their approach was “Let us do anything to bring Moshiach” and encouraged us as well that anything we do is to briing Moshiach closer. I am sure, no doubt, Chabad did their part in bringing Moshiach closer.
    As for the Picture being not touched, symbolizes that the Rebbe(as painful as it was) was holding the hands of the shluchim while going through this horrific ordeal (like a father holding down a child screeching at the dentist) May we merit to see the good in this, that Hashem has in store for all of us, amen

    14 years ago

    While the great Abbarbanel (quoting the Sanhedrin) states that Moshiach may come from the dead, I don’t think that this option is what most Jews “imagine” it would be like.
    But, the main thing is that he should come! and if it turns out to be the Lubavitzcher Rebbe Zt”l, I am sure that even the biggest Misnagid will be delighted!
    so as the Chabadniks say: MOSHIACH NOW!!

    yossi E
    yossi E
    14 years ago

    so the rebbi was trying to push hashem to send mosiach [in a tzadiks way something im sure everyone know about like it says were all tzadikim] and what wrong if those people think that their rebbi will or is moshiach at least there doing good things to bring moshiac.and for those who look to talk bad there is alway what to say

    14 years ago

    The article is well written. The author looks at the issue with a clear head. although I’d love to read the article in its entirety, I’m not sure that I’d spend the USD$48.00 just for this. With a wife that “believes” I fully understand many of the points that the author makes.

    14 years ago

    nebach emes.

    14 years ago

    What does one have to do with the other? The Shluchim in Mumbai were obviously not Messianic, as evidenced by the reliance of many Satmar etc. chasidim who relied on them, and they had a picture of their Rebbe as a picture of Gadol in their house. This has absolutely nothing to do with the question is the Rebbe the Moshiach, God, etc.!

    14 years ago

    Whoever wrote this article is a few years outdated! Very few in Chabad still think that way.

    14 years ago

    the fact of the mater is…

    that a majority are NOT maschistin. and 99 % of maschisting are new so called bal Tesuvash, you dont have to take my word for it, just the next time you see one try talking in yiddish to him or ask him what yeshivah he went to as a child.

    or….if even ever saw the Rebbe…most of them have not

    14 years ago

    R’ Shach hated Chabad since the time that he was dismmised from becoming a Rosh Yeshivah at a Chabad Yeshivah in Israel some 4 and half decades ago! look it up! (Chabad won’t tell you this, because they love every Jew!).

    14 years ago

    This guy has no facts right; example “in a recent book by Berger”. for those who dont know this book came out in 2000! – verry recent!!

    14 years ago

    The point of the article was to cause Machlokes…lets see if we can rise above the occasion…here.

    14 years ago

    First write what lubavitch did for world jewry (a lot more the you I bet) before you start slaming them.

    14 years ago

    Both Meshichists and Misnagdim agree that the Rebbe BELIEVED he was Moshiach. This is clear from his extensive writing and public sermons. Only the people who say it was a machlokes between 2 Gedolim say the chasdim fabricated the whole mashichists thing. Someone’s got their head in the sand.

    to  #21
    to #21
    14 years ago

    It is very provable that R. Schach was rejected after applying for rosh yeshiva   Chabad in the early 50’s.I have spoken to several who were bochurim in Lud and were present when he gave a shiur.

    noch a mcharcher  riv
    noch a mcharcher riv
    14 years ago

    If this mcharcher riv thinks he will be ola l’gdula by relying on gdolim as Berger ukdoma ,I’ve got a bridge on sale.

    get at the truth
    get at the truth
    14 years ago

    The fact is that both bdibur and bksav the Rebbe stated many times that the identity of Moshiach is not yet known either to himself or anyone else and is not vital to know

    14 years ago

    While many people have philosophical differences and disagreements, schach took it to nasty, personal attacks against the Rebbe. Could it be simple jealousy? Go around and ask who schach is, and then compare to how many people in the world know who the Rebbe is and what he stands for.

    Even after his death schach, when mentioned is the source of negative energy (as cited in this article).

    One needs to travel to Queens to the Rebbe’s ohel and see for themself a constant stream of Yidden and lehavdil nit yidden coming to the Rebbe just like it was before gimel tamuz. Frum and not frum, men and women, poilishe chassidim and chabadniks, sefardim and ashkenazim, etc.

    Rebbe’s focus was to bring Moshiach sooner for one and only reason – his infinite love of each and every Jew. This love and concern continues on and in that sense the Rebbe is alive!

    14 years ago

    I for one would rather have the picture mutilated , and the shluchim ( and the others present )alive

    14 years ago

    Since when is the belief that your Rebbe is Moshiach contrary to Judaism? The Gemoro in Sanhedrin lists many yeshivos who named their Rebbe as Moshiach. Additionally, the gemoro suggests Doniel as a potential Moshiach though he had already passed away.

    33 over
    33 over
    14 years ago

    as a lubavitcher this article disgust’s me im sure some points are correct while many are a clear stretch and untrue and for us to be sitting and adding fuel to a fire that should have never been lit is there things that are wrong with every community there is no one that is perfect and as jews we strive to be the best that we possibly can but surely this is not it this is a one sided article while only bringing facts from one side why are we giving a stage to someone who is causing fighting and hatred amongst us jews why dont we keep take our energy and do positive things with it especially considering it is one day after the anniversary of the attacks in Mumbai were jews from different walks of life were murdered we all felt that knife go through our hearts at the time why are we sitting here talking such filth about each other I ASK THAT NO ONE PAY TO SEE THE REST OF THIS ARTICLE AND LET THIS ARTICLE GO TO WASTE WHY SUPPORT AND PUT MONEY IN THE POCKET OF A MAN WHO HAS APPARENTLY LOST HIS WAY AND DOES NOT HAVE THE INTERESTS OF ANY JEWS his only aim is to cause fighting as is evident by the comments that are being made on this article

    14 years ago

    The L. Rebbe was the greatest genious of our generation and this is confirmed by the titles he was addressed by the Gedolei & Tsadikei hador. The Rebbe was able to find a Chazal to confirm everything he ever said. Harav Schach, Harav
    Misatmar, Harav ov. Joseph etc. found him as a Bar Plugte, important enough but dangerous for Bnei Tora. There are many weak points in Chabad, i.e. PR is copied from the gentiles and the Salvation army. They respect politicians far more than Rabonim.and that corresponds very well with that the Rebbe is the Nosie Hador without a vote by Klal Israel. The Rebbe has to be Moshiach in order to
    play the important role also when they know it is wrong and funny.
    All this comes from the Rebbes weakness and strong belief that his father in law, the former Rebbe was Nosie hador, Moshiach, Prophet and even Elokus in
    Bosor Vedam, active in PR and worried about every Jew This belief in the Rebbe is identical..All these titles, convinced the new American and Sfardim Choizrei Betchuva that have no tradition in chasidus to be attracted to a mew Chasidus that was born in the USA and not in Europe. Lubavitch.of today has no smilarity to Chabad of Russia. .

    mishmash lubab
    mishmash lubab
    14 years ago

    nutty author – nutty article. Most chabadniks are norm – yes 770 downstairs has a loud group and they ain’t goin anywhere – lubabvitch doesnt throw out people helllo – most of us just ignore it – trust me they can say yechi from today to tomm everyone just davens does their thing and moves on to the next task..

    as for Shach and Berger these are old issues long adressed, debunked or totally discarded as a waste of time. The actions of Chabad and the Shlcuhim speak for themselves. End of story.

    14 years ago

    Reply to #48 : But you won’t find such a mekor where they named their Rebbi as Moshiach in his lifetime and continued doing so after his passing. That is where the dangerous territory is!

    Monsey Balebos
    Monsey Balebos
    14 years ago

    Many of the Lubavitcher posters here claim that this article is baseless,if so why can’t any of them put their name to it?
    How come Lesches is not heard from?
    The answer is in the article! Most of them quietly do believe in the fact that’s why you will very seldom see a name posted to protest

    14 years ago

    Reply to #48 : But you won’t find such a mekor where they named their Rebbi as Moshiach in his lifetime and continued doing so after his passing. That is where the dangerous territory is!

    Monsey Balebos
    Monsey Balebos
    14 years ago

    Please let’s not get sidetracked by the bobbeh mayses being told by some very biased and bored kids in Oholei Torah.
    Let us deal with facts.Indisputable facts.
    *770 is run by the Meshichisten, the group that proclaims the Rebbe to be alive and Moshiach.Remember this is Chabad Lubavitchs headquarters.
    *The largest Chabad yeshiva in the world is the yeshiva in Tzfas with over 430 boys.It is unabashedly Meshichist,its rosh yeshiva Wilschansky is “shpitz Chabad” and one of the leaders of the Meshichist movement so are the rest of the rebbeim.
    *Kfar Chabad magazine is teetering on bankrupcy, was closed down and barely reopened.This is the organ of the non meshichist,HOWEVER,Bais Moshiach mag.organ of the Meshichist is thriving and printing thousands od magazines weekly
    *At the hachnosas sefer torah for the kedoshim in Mumbai, a massive operation run by the supposedly non meshichist group last week when thousands of shluchim were here from the whole world, the Rebbe was honored with the first hakofa!!DOES IT SOUND LIKE EVEN THE MAINSTREAM GROUP believes he was nifter?
    Think before you answer.

    Not Lubavitch
    Not Lubavitch
    14 years ago

    Get stuck at any airport in America 90 minutes before shabbos and a total stranger will pick you up and bring you home to his family for shabbos and expect NO compensation. You can land in Alabama and they will be there. In spite of their issues, no group of yidden (I’m not referring to individuals) are closer to representing the hachnosas orchim of Avrohom Avinu than Lubavitch. When the tsunami devastated Asia, the Israeli consulate relied on Chabad to communicate with their lost citizens. The Holzbergs hyd had dedicated their lives to supporting a fledgling community of Jews and travelers in a genuine makom avodah zara, providing them with physical and spiritual sustenance. While we consider the difficulties of kollel life in Lakewood, consider living in South Carolina or Mumbai, without a yeshiva, or even a bakery, and having to send your children away to learn before they are teenagers. Who cannot but admire these people? Or the leader who inspired them? The article was nothing but rechilus and as I understand sefer Chofetz Chaim, it is entirely asur to be makabel. #3 was right on the money.

    ha ha
    ha ha
    14 years ago

    lubavitchers expect the oilam to believe “first hand” buba maasehs from people who can claim a dead person alive, once you can claim that you can claim anything.

    Shua Cohen
    Shua Cohen
    14 years ago

    Let us not forget what Rabbi Cunin, Director of West Coast Chabad, said on December 10, 2008 (before the fate of the Mumbai kedoshim was known). No one made this up. For those who have not heard it, you can watch the video on YouTube:

    “They will understand and see that it’s the Rebbe who runs this world ’til he comes to take us out of golus now.”

    Of course, this statement caused a firestorm of criticism. Rabbi Cunin clearly implies that there is no distinction between the Rebbe and G-d (chas v’shalom) and the Rebbe and Moshiach. The attempt by some Lubavitchers to whitewash Rabbi Cunin’s statement by resorting to apologetics was rather lame. So, is Rabbi Cunin representative of mainstream Lubavitch ideology, or is he a fringe Meshichist? Since there was no criticism, censure or retraction from Chabad that I am aware of, the implication is that he does, indeed, represent the mainstream of Chabad belief.

    Harav Prevarsky Shlita
    Harav Prevarsky Shlita
    14 years ago

    Harav Prevarsky Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva in Ponovezh, was a Talmid in Lubavitch when Shach came for a probe shiur.
    No Legend. It’s Fact.

    Response To Wolf
    Response To Wolf
    14 years ago

    Be proud of your siblings! Lubavitch is the way to go! If I was only younger I would of joined too.

    I was @ a shiur with Rav Miller
    I was @ a shiur with Rav Miller
    14 years ago

    Many years ago at a shiur with Rav Avigdor Miler, a participant asked what he thought of the Lubavitchers saying their Rebbe is Moshiach. To my surprise, He responded by saying that “The Lubavitcher Rebbe is definitely Bchezkas Moshiach and I for one would like to see him succeed”
    Its recorded on one of the Rav’s tapes.

    Shmuel Berkowitz
    Torah Vodaas

    14 years ago

    In every sect, group and culture there are wackos, pple off the beaten path. Lubavitch is an amazing chassidus, they do so so much for klal yisroel around the world. yet there are some that embaress themselves and every jew around when they scream ani mamin , moshiach, yechi….on the streets, in manhattan…but what really ticks me off is when the same pple that bash chabad take advantage of them when on vacation or business and need a mikvah, minyan, kosher….

    14 years ago

    says in medresh eicha , that Moshiach will reveal himself and then be concealed , those that still believe him will be the minority and they will eat desert shrubs and roots but when Moshiach reveals himself for the second time then all Klal Yisroel will believe.

    to shmuel #65
    to shmuel #65
    14 years ago

    very interesting indeed – thanks for sharing

    Baruch Katz
    Baruch Katz
    14 years ago

    What an outrage to use the anniversary of the tragic death of a couple of Chabad chassidim to revive the old lies against Chabad chassidim. The idea that any significant amount of chassidim today harbor heretical views about their rebbe is patently false, and the idea that the Lubavitcher Rebbe himself held such views is disrespectful slander of a talmud chacham. How could the editors of this website possibly have allowed such an inaccurate and incendiary article to be published?

    14 years ago

    For an intelligent discussion of the Rebbe’s messianic view, read Eliot Wolfson’s new book: “Open Secret.”

    Eylu v’eylu divrey e-lokim chaim…

    14 years ago

    sure, Rav Shach zt”l who was one of the greatest minds in Torah in the last generation, who was handpicked by the Ponovezher Rov zt”l to lead the elite yeshiva in the world, that has produced the greatest minds in Torah in the world, but he wasn’t good enough for a lubavitch yeshiva who aren’t famous for their expertise in gemorra, I always knew chabad said some strange things, but not this strange (actually the story doesn’t go like this, it was the LR that applied for a litvishe yeshiva that wanted a shiur in Tanya, but he wasn’t good enough…).

    NW Sefardi
    NW Sefardi
    14 years ago

    No Jew has impacted the world in such a great way as did our beloved “Rebbe”
    I am not a Chabadnik, but rather Sefardi, but I am no fool. Any Yid who studies Torah is acutely aware that there is a Mashiach in every single generation. If the circumstances warrant it (ie: we warrant it with tremendous Shemirat torah and Ahavat Yisrael) the Mashiach of the generation will be called upon to perform their role as Mashiach. As A Sefardi, and a Jew with Yirat Hashamayim, I would be foolish to think the Rebbe ZTL was not the Gadol and Mashiach of our generation. As for Rav Shach and Rabi Ovadya Yosef, their are both tremendous Gedolim and Tzaddikim. However, anyone who would label the Rebbe of Lubavitch as an apostate, or construe their Torah commentary in a negative light are simply mistaken. Take care fellow Yidden, we must not criticize or harm our fellow Jews or Rabbanim with Lashon Hara. Just because we do not understand the elusive role of Mashiach ben david or Ben Yosef does not give us permission to attack a fellow Jew or Tzaddik. The Lubavitcher Rebbe is a great light in our generation.; May Hashem have mercy upon us and send us our righteous Mashiach Ben David!