New York – Rush Limbaugh on Rahm Emanuel ‘retarded’ comment: Liberals are ‘retards,’


    New York – Rush Limbaugh has pounced on Rahm Emanuel’s “retarded” blunder and is using the same offensive term to bludgeon his enemies on the left.

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    On yesterday’s episode of “The Rush Limbaugh Show,” the right-wing icon used the firestorm surrounding Obama’s chief of staff as cover to blast liberal activists as “retards,” and suggest a “retard summit” is in the offing at the White House.

    The embattled Emanuel sat down yesterday afternoon at the White House with a group of advocates for the disabled to apologize for hurling the phrase “f—ing retarded” during a closed-door strategy session in August.

    The slur, reported last week, was thrust in the spotlight after Sarah Palin called for Rahm to be fired in a Facebook post.

    Palin, whose son has Downs syndrome, likened Rahm’s expletive to use of the N-word.

    Limbaugh, on whose show Palin has appeared at least twice, clearly has none of his fellow conservative’s apprehension about using the term as a pejorative.

    “Our political correct society is acting like some giant insult’s taken place by calling a bunch of people who are retards, retards,” Limbaugh said on the show. “I mean these people, these liberal activists are kooks.

    “They are loony tunes. And I’m not going to apologize for it, I’m just quoting Emanuel. It’s in the news,” he continued.

    “I think their big news is he’s out there calling Obama’s number one supporters f’ing retards. So now there’s going to be a meeting. There’s going to be a retard summit at the White House. Much like the beer summit between Obama and Gates and that cop in Cambridge.”

    An excerpt from the show was posted on the liberal Web site

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    14 years ago

    its only bad if democrats do it, but its totally OK if ann coulter an rush limbaugh misuse the word. sarah palin will ONLY claim to be “offended” uif a democrat does it cuz she is the worlds biggest opportunist hypocrite

    14 years ago

    Oy, this pill pusher can still be funny sometimes.

    14 years ago

    Let’s see if Palin calls for Rush to be fired now as well. After all, didn’t he just commit the same offense against her family that Emmanuel perpetrated?

    14 years ago

    Limbaugh you are the best

    14 years ago

    Lets see if Palin protests, if not, we know she only protests againsts liberals, and was acting hypocritical.

    14 years ago

    Exactly; when Rush says it, it’s fine, Sarah Palin is nowhere to be found. Which proves that she’s only out there to grab political attention. I wish Rush and Palin could be put on a boat and just thrown out to sea never to be seen again!

    robkin BP
    robkin BP
    14 years ago

    he more I continually have to read about Conservative Icons and Liberal Politicians and their endless war of words over who has a better agenda and who has better ideas it makes me want to P-U-K-E. Lets face it the recent Neo-Con/Bush Adminsitration were horrible and the present Liberal Administration is off to a terrible start. We need a third party for people with Common Sense and Normal Social Vaules and kick these conservatives and liberals to the curb. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE STEP UP AND BE A GOOD CANDIDATE!?!?

    14 years ago

    Sorry to say this but some of the boogers are retards I’m sorry see I aplogiesd even quicker than rham or rush but if u dident get that rush was just using it as humor to make a point u either never and dident listen to any of shows and this one in particuler all u are dooing is reapeating the bias u have pickt up and showing ur true leftist collor what a shame there are still frume Jews who are leftists wake up and smell the coffee

    14 years ago

    Note that the picture they used of Rush is several years old, as he has lost a lot of weight since. Is this another form of liberal bias against overweight people? Clearly, the picture is meant to be unflattering, and for that, they found an old picture of him being overweight.

    14 years ago

    can sarah palin get rush limbaugh fired too?

    14 years ago

    Before all the liberals come out listen to the entire show all he said that Rahm called liberals retard & you ask the retards for forgiveness that means the retards were embarrassed to be compared to liberals. Btw I agree with him if I would be a retard I would be embarrassed to be compared to a liberal

    14 years ago

    For the first time, Limbaugh and Emanuel finally agree on something.

    14 years ago

    None of these politicians or radio show host have us in mind they are making money doing this and thats the only goal they have. it is very silly to get entangled in politics when there is much more to our lives then these empty non-sense

    14 years ago

    Rush Limbaugh has unmasked the hypocracy of the Left Wing Media. The Democrat Party and its treif media outlets can say or do whatever they please. If a conservative commentor of any kind even REPORTS on the hypocracy, the left wing goes WILD with anger and venom.

    It is the Non Profit Organization Media Matters Corp. that is the main violator of free speech by their misquoting and Stalinist style reporting. George Soros is the one who gives money to Media Matters. The billionaire Yid who hates being a Yid. Soros went on TV and said he doesn’t believe in the Ribono Shel Olam, R’L, only in MONEY. Soros only wants to destroy America. He must be stopped. Please be mispallel that Soros do teshuva. He is a rasha gamur.

    The left wing Obama Democrats only want legalized drugs and open gay relationships. This is how they hope acheive it — smearing and silencing Rush Limbaugh, a true friend of the Jewish People.

    14 years ago

    Rush, I`m not surprised for your remarks… have half of your brain tied behind your back, with your nicotine stain fingers at the controls

    14 years ago

    i listened to the show – they are taking this out of context – Rush was only quoting Emanuel. Among the things say was that there is nothing wrong with using the word “retarded” in a clinical sense (which is what Ann Coulter did). The issue was using it in a pejorative sense, which is what Emanuel did. The only thing Rush did was quote Emanuel over and over, to show how hypocritical liberals are. He said the rest goes without saying.

    Why Rush?
    Why Rush?
    14 years ago

    What’s the rush?? Can’t we just slow down a bit so that we can enjoy life a little more?

    14 years ago

    so basically we are just dealing with a bunch of losers on both sides who cant not think of anything more sophisticated to decry their detractors.

    14 years ago

    According to Palin’s almost son-in-law, sometime ago, he was quoted as saying she calls her son her little retarded baby. That’s O.K.? Come on folks. What else can the Republicans come up with to distract from the real issues? They, as the NO Party, are trying to make the man in the White House look bad at the expense of every single American. Shame on them. I hope someone reminds them, what goes around comes around and that goes for Sister Sarah too!!!! Furthermore, people who are developmentally disadvantaged are retarded – look it up and that’s a fact no matter how much it is found to be unacceptable. For Pete’s sake, hasn’t anyone got it that you are not going to change anyonr or the way they speak? Why do you think Archie Bunker was such a success?

    Charlie Hall
    Charlie Hall
    14 years ago

    It occurred to me that Limbaugh may be deliberately trying to embarrass Palin.

    14 years ago

    For all you people out there who think Sarah Palin should ask for Limbaugh to be fired – HE CAN’T BE FIRED. He owns his own show; he isn’t in any public position for people to call for his dissmisal. That is what free speech is all about – not for people in official goverment position.
    Furthermore, I think we can all agree you can refer to a “retarded” person retarded if it isn’t in a negative term – much like a doctor would use the term. The offensive part of using it is to use it sa an insult to a perfectly normal person which is what emanuel did. Coulter used the word retarded in context.
    To reader 31 – are you trying to convict Palin on comments made by her “almost” son-in-law, who went on national tv to rip her. How is he considred a credible source on anything Sarah Palin?

    14 years ago

    “Oy, this pill pusher can still be funny sometimes.”

    Take a pill and chill. Limbaugh fell into drug addiction like many who have a legitimate need for pain-killers. It got out of control and he didn’t seek out help. But he only harmed himself. He may be an overbearing arrogant windbag, but there’s no need to dance on his struggles and affliction.