Israel – The Powerful, Shadowy Mossad Chief Meir Dagan is a ‘Streetfighter’


    The head of the Mossad Meir Dagan attends a Security and Foreign Affairs Committee in the Knesset, on February 4. 2008 in Jerusalem. Photo by Olivier Fitoussi /FLASH90 Israel – The brazen assassination of Mahmoud al-Mabhouh has thrown the spotlight on one of Israel’s most powerful but shadowy figures, Meir Dagan, the current Mossad chief, who yesterday faced calls for his resignation.

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    There is a piece of folklore often repeated about him: when he was appointed in 2002, Ariel Sharon, then the Prime Minister, ordered him to run the Israeli spy agency “with a knife between its teeth”. Eight years on, Mr Dagan appears to have followed his orders to the letter. The killing in Dubai of one of the top men in Hamas is only the most recent in a string of assassinations that have been traced to Mr Dagan.

    His popular support in Israel has never been higher, as most Israelis approach the allegations that Mossad is behind the Dubai death with a wink and a smile. While senior officials in the Israeli Foreign Ministry fume over the diplomatic mess, caused by the implications of the Dubai assassinations, those who know Mr Dagan say that he is nonplussed by the row. “He is a determined street fighter,” said Amir Oren, a military correspondent for the Israeli daily Haaretz.

    The thickset, soft-spoken Mr Dagan was twice wounded in more than 30 years of service in the Israel Defence Forces, but he avoids walking with a cane. He has served as head of Israel’s Counter-Terrorism Bureau, and became a close confident of Mr Sharon during their years together in the IDF.

    Mr Dagan’s predecessor, British-born Ephraim Halevy, was known for a more conservative approach to the Mossad, Mr Oren said. Mr Halevy focused instead on strengthening Mossad’s relationship with similar agencies in other countries.

    “When Dagan took over he said the Mossad had become too risk-averse, and took its sweet time organizing itself for operations,” said Mr Oren. “Dagan, meanwhile, is not trying to come across as diplomatically elegant.”

    Maintaining good relations with other nations was dropped to the bottom of the list, said “B” a former Mossad agent who worked under Mr Dagan. “Mossad is facing a lot of anger right now over the use of British and European passports. I don’t know if Mossad was actually involved or how they got those passports though I can say that Dagan isn’t the kind of man to care about angering a few people to get the job done.”

    “B” said that Mr Dagan had a no-nonsense approach and did not like to be questioned or second-guessed. “He is what you would call a one-man show,” he said.

    Talk of Dagan’s unwillingness to share power with others surfaced early in his tenure, when the Jerusalem Post reported that more than 200 Mossad agents had quit their posts over Mr Dagan’s style. In June 2009, when his term as Mossad chief was extended by one year by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, one of his seconds in command promptly quit.

    While some Israelis, including Mr Oren, have argued that Mr Dagan should resign his position over the loud public furore surrounding the Dubai assassinations – though Israel has not admitted its involvement in this, or any other mission – most are pleased with Mr Dagan’s tenure.

    “Mossad have renewed the aura that the name Mossad used to generate in the region,” Alon Ben David , an Israeli intelligence analyst, told Israeli radio, a statement that was promptly echoed by the presenter.

    Mr Dagan’s popularity was first strengthened by the Mossad’s rumoured involvement in the assassination of Hezbollah security chief Imad Mughniyah in February 2008. Talk of other killings of senior Hezbollah and Hamas officials began to spread. An alleged strike by Israeli planes on Syrian targets in September 2007 was also credited to him, part of his focus on nuclear weapons programmes in the Middle East.

    Mr Netanyahu’s insistence that Mr Dagan stay on for an additional year was said to stem from his unparalleled knowledge of Iran’s nuclear facilities. While Israel’s military leaders traditionally serve for four years, with a one-year extension, Mr Dagan’s tenure has been extended twice. His budgetary allowance is also one of the largest, said a member of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defence Committee – leading to a near doubling of the Mossad’s Tel Aviv offices since 2002.

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    14 years ago

    The “tough guy” restored the reverence for the name Mosaad. Let the world stand in awe. Let the bloodthirsty Muslim terrorists shiver in fright. Let every Jew walk with pride. Let every enemy of Israel (as well as of Jews all over the world) know that Jewish blood is precious. Let them know that their every attack against Israel will be met with uncompromising justice. Let them know that G-d rules the world and that the 10 plagues visited upon Egypt of old is to be unleashed upon every enemy of Israel Thank Heaven that we have a dedicated patriot by the name of Meir Dagan, may his name be renowned around the world. AMEN !!

    14 years ago

    Mr.Dovy is demonstrating a total lack of elementary realpolitic underrstanding
    with his immature remark. It is,rather, only through clandestine espionage-warfare that many lives are saved by precluding open formal warfare. Risking diplomatic
    ire or the lives of those in the espionage service of service is nothing compared to
    either doing nothing, and allowing the blowing up of innocent civilians, or raiding
    West Bank Arab installations and putting countless young sldiers in harm’s way.

    Instead of “throwing the um out”, we ought to be grateful to him for his outstanding
    record of terror prevention.

    Admirer 2
    Admirer 2
    14 years ago

    Meir Dagan is doing what has to be done to keep Israel safe. More power to him.

    pupa yid
    pupa yid
    14 years ago

    Mr dagan is a gift from hashem to mankind

    People. Cant accomplish noting but hashem can send people like dagan to do the job

    I just wonder why he had to use passports of other Israeli Europeans so it can be obvious it was done by isreal

    14 years ago

    who cares about the world what all the old jew haters all over europe including UK say keep it up mr. dagan. dont forget we are a AM LEVADAD YISHKON. WE HAVE NO FRIENDS IN THE WORLD. but you know what we have. Yisrael betach bashem. the words of reb shlomo carelbach zl

    14 years ago

    To Meir,

    Go get ’em Tiger!

    14 years ago


    Would I love to be a mossad agent! I wonder if they accept freelance applications.

    14 years ago

    By using Israeli-European passports, whoever really did it tried to set the focus on Israel. I suspect this was done by another country.

    14 years ago

    If only the other Israeli powers-that-be would stop pandering to world opinion! Meir Dagan for Prime Minister!

    14 years ago

    I my self have applied as a freelance agent back when I heard that Meir Dagan would be head of Massad. Any soldier should be proud and grateful for having a commander that knows what it takes to get the job done and is willing to stick through it, thick and thin. This man is the right one for the position.

    Yasher Koach to you, Meir Dagan.

    14 years ago

    Didn’t Jews once upon a time depend on G-d instead of ochlei nevailos and treifos and mechallelei Shabbos pifarhesia?

    14 years ago

    In my humble opinion, Meir Dagan is the PERFECT shliach to begin breaking down the Islamic extremist groups. He has begun to instill fear in their leaders, and I pray every day that he continues to have the foresight to do so.

    Meir, EVERYONE I know supports you and your doings. We love you.

    14 years ago

    Talk sofly and carry a big stick.

    More doesnt have to be said.

    14 years ago

    Meir Dagan,
    congratulations to you ,
    we’re proud of you ,
    congratulations to you,
    we’re proud of you.

    sing to the tune of Happy birthday.

    14 years ago

    He is getting too much public attention, Which is not good for future hatzluches.
    May he be blessed

    14 years ago

    kol hakovod , keep it up !

    14 years ago

    he should watch out now , it looks like they are after him ,