Brooklyn, NY – Borough Park, Williamsburg Rated Lowest in Census Form Participation


    Mayor Bloomberg continues city’s efforts to encourage New Yorkers to return 2010 Census forms (Photo Credit: Spencer T Tucker) Brooklyn, NY – Mayor Bloomberg posted today a chart of neighborhood Census response rates, and it puts Williamsburg and Borough Park last with just 31.3% and 35% participation. In fact, many Brooklyn neighborhoods are among the lowest participants, with Erasmus, Bedford, all ranking in the low 30s.

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    As of today, only 48 percent of 2010 Census forms have been returned by City households, compared to 62 percent nationwide. At the briefing with community media outlets, the Mayor provided the response rate for every neighborhood in New York City and highlighted the neighborhoods where census response rates remain low.

    To see the entire list click here

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    yosse nathan
    yosse nathan
    14 years ago

    we sent ours in this morning

    14 years ago

    We remember last time the government had a list of us, which followed by the police shouting in to loud speakers “alle yuden herauos!”

    14 years ago

    I sent in my form right after I received it, and some 2 weeks later I receive in the mail again a form so it looks to me that the problem is with the processing.

    14 years ago

    Why is it so hard to fill several simple questions to make it easier for the government to help us back? Roads, voting zones, services are all affected by population counts.

    14 years ago

    The census forms arrived just before Pesach . thats why they weren’t completed.. Now they were packed away with the pesach dishes, so they will be completed next year erev pesach when the dishes will be taken out. (If there will be time)

    14 years ago

    To #2 I had the same think from williamsburg! Sent it in samd day got it and then got another form

    14 years ago

    its not good for anyone to know how many yidden reside where. there is no way i will correctly fill out any census.

    14 years ago

    If the Gov will make it available in yiddish there will more responders –

    14 years ago

    I filled mine out right away but never made it to the mailbox with the envelope in the pre pesach rush!

    14 years ago

    the orgenizations the got the money to do out reach about it did not do a good job

    14 years ago

    the duplicate forms are not a mistake, send them both in

    14 years ago

    What’s the point of sending it back? So the politicians can get more $$$ and I the little guy don’t C it,, so Y bodder I’ll rather learn a few more mishnes instead of waisting my precious time, fgor the curropt ppl who ask me 2 do so,,

    manh. jew
    manh. jew
    14 years ago

    reply to #2 and others
    the gov’t sent out the form a second time purposely to increase the response rate by mail as previous experience and surveying have shown that one mailing is often not enough to convince people to send in their form. The higher the response rate by mail, the less it will cost the gov’t in the long run as using enumerators as they will start to do beginning in May acc. to press reports is much more expensive and time consuming. The stats the Mayor is citing are updated daily by the Census bureau and are available to you or I as well by visiting the site and clicking a few links. You should be thanked for your participation unlike some other commentors here who think the Census has a shaychus to Nazism.

    14 years ago

    I see a lot of ppl sending it back, however, does anybody around here remember what happened when King Duvid counted the Yidden? thats why a lot of ppl won’t send the forms back, at the time of the mishkon the count was only through half shekalim, when we wanna count if there is minyan in shul, we do it by “hoshiyo es amechoh…” as not to count ppl.

    14 years ago

    two Rabbonin I asked said, they dont know of a heter to count is not poshitl.

    14 years ago

    The census is the key to getting federal funds for these areas. The widespread failure of so many yidden to respond to the census only confirms a view many of us outside of Brooklyn hold regarding the intelligence (or lack thereof) of those who live there since their inaction means they will get less money for food, medical care, housing subisdies etc.

    Oy Gevald
    Oy Gevald
    14 years ago

    Can anyone explain why they can’t take the necessary info off the IRS tax returns? They have all the info right there – annually. No need for once in ten years. This has got to be some kind of scam – courtesy of government.

    14 years ago

    The census form doesn’t ask for your religion.

    14 years ago

    There was a scam going around the city where the forms got intercepted before they reached the intended households and replaced with another form asking for your SSN, bank account info and other confidential info. Supposedly there is a warning there that the info is required by law.

    The included envelope goes to a different address.

    If you filled that one out of course the Census Bureau didn’t receive it.

    14 years ago

    To those who got it twice, fill it out and send it back twice.

    14 years ago

    If the census is only for counting the population according to geographic districts why does it have a “race” question? Human is human (for funds dist.) No matter white or other

    14 years ago

    I also mailed mine and got a second one.

    14 years ago

    Mr. Bloomberg..I am still here since ten years ago and maybe u wont raise our taxes if u dont know about us

    yenta d'vasha
    yenta d'vasha
    14 years ago

    the reason the early bird responders got duplicate mailings is b/c the form was not to be completed before a certain date

    14 years ago

    I had the same like number #2 , now i wait someone should come down in my house from them

    14 years ago

    i filled out the form in 2000 but i won’t this year, i don’t trust the Obama communist government with anything!

    14 years ago

    i filled out my census form, and the next day, some IRS people came by to see how much money I had.

    14 years ago

    And once again yidden just HAVE to be the embarrassment of our nation. You people complain about a lack of police and other emergency services, yet you do NOTHING to ensure that your communities receive proper funding. I can only hope and pray that the government starts distributing things like welfare and section 8 on a per-capita basis. If only 1-in10 are counted, then everyone on welfare should receive 1/10 of the benefit. It only seems fair. Why should the government provide you with ANYTHING when you are not even willing to fulfill your most basic and simple role as outlined by our Constitution.

    You people who refuse to complete the Census form are a disgrace to America and the freedoms it provides us. Those who shamelessly take and take and give nothing honestly deserve NOTHING. You Communists need to move to where you fit in better… like Venezuela, or Cuba. Those of us who do our duty and work hard to support our nation (as opposed to bleeding it dry) are sick of you.

    14 years ago

    The only answer you need to fill out is how many people in the houshold. everything else is not required by law. its just added info.
    So don’t worry and just answer number 1

    Expatriate Owl
    Expatriate Owl
    14 years ago

    I have a sneaking suspicion that many of those who have not filled out the census forms for fear of being known and counted by a repressive and evil government are the same ones who have multiple Social Security Numbers so that they can collect double benefits from the same government. Such cases are certainly not unknown in BP and Willi (and, for that matter, KJ, Monsey or NS).

    14 years ago

    when it comes to hiring us in the census bearu we are the last ones hired. I went with a couple opf friends to take the census test in Lakewood we all got basiclly 100 on the test. everyonelse in the room scored 13 out of 28 or 15 out of 28. (all you need is a 10 for the job) they are all on parole. guess what all of these dumbbells get offers but we got nothing. To top it off if you want a supervisor job forget it all taken by the goyim. IShouldnt the census bearua hire frum supervisors for the frum nighboorhoods. What do they excepect with this altitude no ones gona respond. you need the frum for the frum. i do not plan on responding bec i think they are discriminating

    Homeless Heeb
    Homeless Heeb
    14 years ago

    Now that makes no sense. These two communities get by far the lion’s share of all the available Federal Govt money. Every second guy in WillyTown is on Section 8 through Section 99 of the Housing Act!

    14 years ago

    To all of you who said that they received a 2’nd census form:
    It was done on purpose.The government wants to make sure that everyone sends it back and the ones who missed the 1’st one should still have a chance.On the outside of the envelope it saids “if you sent back you census form already please do not sent it again”…Things like this dont happen by chance..