Williamsburg, NY – Judge Orders Feuding Couple To Put Wall Between Them


    Photo illustrationWilliamsburg, NY – He spitefully blows out her Shabbos candles.

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    She hides his medications and makes him sleep in the dining room.

    Can this Orthodox Jewish marriage be saved?

    Probably not — but a wall down the middle of the Williamsburg couple’s house is a good idea regardless, a Brooklyn judge has ruled.

    Doing his best King Solomon imitation, Judge Eric Prus on Thursday ordered feuding couple to split their 3,000-square-foot home in half as they go through a bitter divorce.

    The couple have two weeks to agree on where the wall should go — or the court will decide for them.

    “They’ve been living like there was a wall up for two years now,” said an attorney for the husband.

    “This just helps them completely avoid each other.”

    The couple married 21 years ago, but after years of marital strife, the wife, who says her husband verbally abuses her and their five children, just wants him to pack his bags.

    She claims he even spitefully blows out their Shabbos candles.

    But he denies those allegations.

    “If she’s so religious, why does she refuse to get divorced the right way — in a beth din,” he said, referring to the religious tribunal that grants Jewish divorces.

    The husband meanwhile, claims that the wife hides his heart medications. She has also banished him from the bedroom, he claims, forcing him to sleep for two years in their dining room.

    On May 18, her lawyer asked the court for temporary exclusive occupancy.

    The judge’s response takes a more divide-and-conquer approach to the hostilities.

    “It’s a large house, so I think we can come up with some sort of agreement,” conceded the wife’s lawyer.

    “But she wants him out.”

    The plans the husband drew up keeps his wife and children in the rooms they are in now.

    It also allots her about 700 more square feet because the kids will live with her.

    “This could be called the Divorce Wall,” said the husband’s brother. “It could probably even help healthy couples.”

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    13 years ago

    sounds like this great judge is just copying what another judge already did in b.p!!!

    13 years ago

    A very practical solution from a very smart judge. Kol hakovod to someone who thinks in real world terms rather than orders the couple back to counseling with their rebbe which will never work.

    13 years ago

    How sad. The kids are such pities.
    What a chilul hashem.

    13 years ago

    Why didn’t they go to king Solomon or any other rov or beth din. We look diffrent from the goyim we pay so much to be a yid and then when we have an argument we are just losing it

    13 years ago

    whats wrong with this idea? i actually like it!

    13 years ago

    This isn’t a marriage, it’s a war. BOTH of them are insane. The children should be removed from the home. This is no way to bring up children, you just know what kind of parents THEY will be, having these two selfish people as examples. Assuming, of course, any normal families will want to be meshadduch with them.

    13 years ago

    Pitty for their kids……nebech

    13 years ago

    go judge eric

    13 years ago

    oh my

    13 years ago

    They should go on vacation together alone.

    James Dean
    James Dean
    13 years ago

    What they both need is a little petch, a few hours in the corner and detention during recess until they stop behaving worse than most children.

    13 years ago

    i like the idea this will give them to think it over when they will be apart with no war

    13 years ago

    this is nothing new….they did that to the couple on 14th and 49th street…..and that couple has been living like that for years…

    Ich shaym zich oych nisht
    Ich shaym zich oych nisht
    13 years ago

    Instead of the
    “war of the Roses” where in the end they killed each other, this is the new “Wailing divorce wall.”
    As the saying goes “A broch tzu zeyerera yurin.” This can end like the divorce of the Queens frum (so called ) doctor who killed the Dentist husband( Whom I personally warned three years earlier to stop the WAR!”).
    I went thru the same thing , perhaps even worse, and I had no malice or anger but i learned that famous adage was true. Hell has no fury like a woman scorned!! and in a war Both (including myself ) have some blame . I should have left and then there would be no one to fight with. The judge should have asked the husband to “leave without prejudice.” These things end badly , usually and I am also a stickler for equal rights but it’s too volatile.

    13 years ago

    why is this in court? where is the beis din?

    13 years ago

    The troubles with these articles are a few.

    1. These events should not be happening altogether.

    2. When such strife occurs, publicity may not be in anyone’s best interests.

    3. Readers, and I include myself, would like to hear the positions of both sides and draw our own conclusions. However, there is nowhere near enough information to give credence to either side.

    Marital problems almost always take two people to create. In almost every single case, fault can be blamed on both sides. While running to court before beis din may be against halacha, it has been the experience of many that batei din have been partial and often unfair. We have a system that needs repair, which won’t happen as long as rabbonim who are expected to be fair take sides.

    13 years ago


    13 years ago

    What about the Mizbeach? Selfish spouses

    13 years ago

    there is definitely more to this story & being a typical yenta id love to know what it is

    13 years ago

    what a chillul hashem in the heart of willi.

    13 years ago

    Wait til the inspection department finds out about this one, making a new room with out permits, oy vay.

    13 years ago

    why didnt one of them move out if they hate each other so much. The judge should order the house sold split the proceeds and no more issue with the house. Niether of them deserve the house.

    mendel the mouse
    mendel the mouse
    13 years ago

    I didn’t have time to read the whole article because of all the feuding and naresh keit. Why doesn’t this couple just get divorced? Why fight over a piece of sheet rock and a shabbos candle?

    13 years ago

    do u think section eight will still pay if there is a wall? is it still eligible?

    13 years ago

    They wont have to go to Isreal to visit the kosel hameruvi, they’ll have their own.

    retarded ppl in this world!!
    retarded ppl in this world!!
    13 years ago

    Since this same thing that happened in bp a few yrs ago..I’ve never heard something so ridiculous!!and when it happened in boro park it was in the new York post because it was the first time it happened since it was played in the movies!!now again to a Jewish couple? Aren’t we supposed to be examples of shalom bayis? The peurto ricans and Chinese have more shalom bayis then us!!! Why can’t we just work it out within the Jewish world???
    And isn’t it against Halacha 2 go to a goyish court????
    And 4get the kids point of view!!
    How in the world are they supposed 2 grow up normal?????
    I would commit suicide if those we’re CHOS VISHOLOM my parents!!!the degradation!!!!
    I just hope that one day they 4give their parents and don hate them 4ever!!!
    And they don’t learn from their parents STUPID and SELFISH and IMMATURE and RETARDED mistakes!!!!!!!!!!

    Good luck to them!!
    I doubt they will end the fight here cuz they sooo babyish!!!!

    13 years ago

    this is not smaart
    this is idiotic

    13 years ago

    it could probably help healthy couples? hmmm?

    13 years ago

    Is this goofy arrangement really in the “Best Interests of The Children”?

    13 years ago

    This story was even picked up by Fox news and broadcast internationally.

    I think the judge’s plan was to create such an outlandish arrangement that these two would be sufficiently embarassed and would act like adults.

    Unfortunately that doesn’t seem to be happening.

    13 years ago

    I know a family friend who has been going through a bitter divorce also. He called his wife to beth din but she refused to come even after a Seeruf and did not let him see the kids. He went to court with beth din permission and when the court said she has to let him see the kids she made up a story that he abused their daughter and after spending lots of money on lawyers he was found innocent but the wife was not punished for her lies as the judge sympthizes with people with mental problems. It has been years but she still refuses to pick up her get to make it difficult for her husband to remarry as she knows that with her mental problems she won’t get married anyway. Her family ignores daas Torah due to their stubbornness.
    I am sure your readers know of other such cases where spouses make up false accusations against each other only that husbands are usually the victims in most of the cases.

    13 years ago

    his case is identical to the chana and simon taub , the boro park sweater manufacturer {october 9 ,06 } who erected a wall in his wife’s house to split the house in half so that he could still live in the house . sick !

    13 years ago

    I went through a divorce 16 years ago and the last thing I wanted was to see my exhusband who caused me so many years of pain. However, I was thinking that for those people who enjoy see the person they despise on a daily basis, maybe new blueprints can be drawn up so when people buy homes nowadays, there is some kind of “divorce option” built in so that they can divorce and yet remain with the spouse forever. it would include bathrooms and kitchens on two different sides of the property etc. Its a lovely option for the children as well to suffer like this. Scary to think of Hashem looking down and seeing all this madness going on.

    Mark the Great
    Mark the Great
    13 years ago

    Please don’t judge these people
    ‘Al tudin chavaircho ad shemaga limkomo’ its very easy to talk when you are out side the fence, believe me you don’t wanna be in their shoes, if you don’t know the whole story simply don’t make comments about it!

    ‘Osa sholom bimromov hu yasa sholom alainu’….
    It should always be ‘sholom al yisroel’
    My dear friend from now on please always be dan each other lkaf zchus!

    13 years ago

    I am a neighbor of this couple, the wife refused to go to Besh Din. Several Besh Din’s have issued “siroofes” on her.
    That lady is mentally instable. She is a stubborn women, that is not even fit to be a parent.

    13 years ago

    There are many other seemingly happily couples in the yiddishe velt that need a wall built between them. Its really really sad.

    13 years ago

    I think they should get a get there is no purpose living like this for the childrens sake.,it would more peaceful, each parent will get their rights as parents.

    13 years ago

    i say mind your own business and let the fight continue.

    13 years ago

    Unfortunately people spend years and tens of thousands of dollars or more and each end up with half a loaf anyway. At best ones loaf may be slightly bigger than the other one. With hind sight they then realize they could have worked it out amicably ended up with the same package and be years ahead with their new lives and both financialy better off.The only ones ahead are the lawyers who know their clients ego which conveniently help perpetuate the above descrbed fights.

    13 years ago

    #26 , your comment appears like a total moronic one, just read over what you’ve written and compare it to real life. I’ve lived for years near peurto rican neighbors, I can write a book.

    Rachel W.
    Rachel W.
    13 years ago

    Why has the husband been “forced to sleep in the dining room” of such a large house (for 2 years yet)? Separate bedrooms may be the way to go with a feuding couple, but you’d think there’d be a spare bedroom available for the poor man. I say “poor” because if he has indeed been made to sleep in the dining room, he is, sadly enough, a helpless stooge.

    Lee Gardens
    Lee Gardens
    13 years ago

    I know that women, she is definately not a normal person. I think the court should also take away the children from her. This laddy abuses her children, with no cause.

    13 years ago

    #33 …if you have asked me (and you did) I will declare:
    1. they have lived like this in BP for years…………it is mootar.
    2. yechood is aok…………they have lived like this in BP for years.
    3. b’shem yiddishkeit………..it too is aok……it showes stamina and tennasity.

    13 years ago

    A wise person said to me during my dating years: Never marry anyone you wouldn’t want to be divorced from. It sounds strange but it makes sense. Think about their middos; even in anger, can they show decency? Maybe someone can learn from this pitiable couple’s gehinnom-on-earth, and save themselves from a bad situation.

    13 years ago

    Both should be taken away by people in the white coats. What gives her the right to hide his medication????

    13 years ago

    where is the kitchen