Brooklyn, NY – Report: Missing Boy May Have Gotten Into Sedan


    Brooklyn, NY – The search for Leibby Kletzky continued Tuesday night more than a day after the 9-year-old boy from Borough Park went missing. Two new surveillance videos are being seen as possible leads in the disappearance.

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    One video showed the young boy leaving his day camp, located at 12th Avenue and 44th Street, and walking past his home on 15th Avenue.

    A second video, which was released late Tuesday night, showed the boy walking behind another man, according to police. Investigators believe Kletzky may have gotten into the man’s gold-colored sedan.

    Kletzky may have stopped to talk to a man and followed him in the opposite direction. Tuesday, the boy’s father went with detectives to watch the video and confirm it was his son, CBS 2′s Sean Hennessey reported.

    “We look at the possibility of foul play right from the beginning,” NYPD Chief Joe Esposito said.

    See below video

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    12 years ago

    “Behind a man” – Jewish man? Gentile? Chusid? Litvak?

    12 years ago

    Whats that last statement referring to? “Looking into foul play?

    12 years ago

    Wow I can’t sleep I knew right away that he was kid apt when I herd about the story with the fathers worker hope they find him tonight…….!

    12 years ago

    looks very suspicious to me, this does not look like a boy wandered away, hashem help!

    12 years ago

    the car looks like a two door car not a 4 door

    12 years ago

    at least he wasnt outdoors the entire time. its a matter of hours. WE WILL FIND HIM…

    12 years ago

    The sample photos of the suspect car are misleading. The car in the video seems to be a 2 door coup, while the sample photos are 4 door sedans. People should know to look for a 2 door coup.

    Also, it is important for people to know when a where this video was taken. This way people who live in that area can check their surveilance tapes for additional footage.

    This is a very important clue. I have a feeling that once this info gets out the case will be solved.

    12 years ago

    the guy looks like he is wearing a white shirt and black pants…the head isnt clear…..if he is wearing a yarmulke…i am not the fbi….but from how he begged his mother too walk home that specific day and walked straight briskly to 18th ave ….waited and was looking for someone…i feel this is someone he knew prior… might even be a “fruum guy”….it seeems that the guy told him what to do and where to wait for him….G-D in heaven have mercy please…i hope that there wasnt any foul play weeks and months prior to this ……HaShem you can do anything, master of teh universe who created us all…..please save ths pure innocent child from pain and bring him home safely to his family….
    they should question every man he ever knew…conselors, rebbeim, neighbors and relatives…
    maybe im over reaching but i cant sleep or function…..we need this boy back safely! his poor parents!!! may HaShem give them strength!!! oy vey!!!
    HaShem yeracheim!! es iz genug!!!!!!

    12 years ago

    It’s almost obvious from the previous video which leads into this new video that the child KNEW this man and was actually WAITING for him…

    12 years ago

    this Story reminds me of the Search 15 years ago for Suri Feldman in the forest, once again we see the achdis yisroel how the jewish ppl unite!

    12 years ago

    The car is NOT a Sedan, it’s a 2 door COUPE. Please look out for the right car!

    12 years ago

    Does anybody else feel that, being the kidnapper might very possibly be heimish, that he checks the updates as much as we do? Is that good or bad???

    12 years ago

    If you watch the FIRST video closely it seems as though the boy was actually WAITING for this person, because as soon as the boy spotted him you can see that the child immediately starts following him at a quick pace!! And if so they must have known each other from before.

    Also, in the CBS article on its website, it states that the boy “begged his mother to let him walk home alone from school”…Doesnt that sound like this was set up BEFOREHAND between the man and the boy??

    Am i alone in this train of thought?

    12 years ago

    Check out workers at or near his day camp who may have offered him a ride home that day. Looks like he knows the man to follow so closely. Every summer peeps come out of their closets to do harm to our children chv”s. Cars roam around to grab innocent neshomas. Awful. My heart goes out to the poor boy in his travail.

    12 years ago

    Just read in NY Post, the man he was seen with was a bearded man with white shirt and dark pants

    12 years ago

    starts by the car poling over – no guy is there!
    the car is there – all of a sudden a guy is there… how?
    the car pools back the guy has no time to get in the car! but disappears…
    no kid is sean the entire video…
    dont know if this is police trying to show they supposedly found “something”…
    for me this video looks patched!

    12 years ago

    does his family have a computer at home, that may bring some leads???

    12 years ago

    the video is not very clear. It is hard to see what is going on in the video. Whatever did happen, I hope the boy is returned home safely !

    12 years ago

    Another thought. Since most people who are in the country do not read online news, perhaps the police should arrange to show the videos to those in the country in case anyone recognizes that man the boy was following.

    12 years ago

    Did a/o think to check if he fell down into a store basement? Many times careless shopkeepers fail to safely close their basement hatches and they’re open on the streets! H’ should safely return him home speedily and safely! Keep Davening!!

    Active Member
    12 years ago

    This is what I see from the 2 videos :
    1. The video from behind the parked car is spliced. The first 18 seconds show a gold car parking on Dahill Rd. near 18th Ave. and a man in a white shirt and tie and a boy (Leiby?) get out and walk toward 18th Ave. The boy apparently was no longer wearing his striped shirt and appears to be holding it.
    2. In the video showing the corner of 18th Ave./Dahill Rd./45th Street we see the boy (Leiby?) waiting, apparently for the man in the white shirt. The man approaches the corner from the direction of 46th street, says something to the boy who then follows him back around the corner onto Dahill Rd.
    3. Now back to the video from behind the parked car: we see the man followed by the boy appear to get into the gold car, start to pull out, wait for the light, and drive off.
    I’m assuming the police have already identified the make and year of this car and are scouring registration records for the owners of this type of car. Hopefully we’ll be hearing good news soon.
    Please daven for Yehudah ben Ita Esther

    12 years ago

    is this fast forwarded? because it doesn’t seem like he really spoke to the guy and it looks like the guy came from one direction went a different way and came back to get him. weird. To me it looks like this guy is wearing a driving cap or more like a turban – and has a beard (or maybe a cell phone near his face) – does anyone see this? rabbi-in-the-know – he looks like hes wearing tan pants (looks like high waisted), white shirt with a tie and something on his head – cant tell if hes jewish tho.
    does anyone see this?

    12 years ago

    It looks like a professional kidnap to me, in the first video you see that the car pulls up to what looks like a white line (at the traffic light) someone comes out of the front passenger side and moves to the back seat, the car moves backwards. the man with the boy following walk passed the camera and i assume get into the car, the car pulls up to the light. very frightening!

    12 years ago

    How many gold sedans can there be? Gd help them to find this child soon!!!!

    12 years ago

    Hashem!!! I can’t sleeeeep ;(
    let’s keep praying for a safe and happy finding asap!

    12 years ago

    Most likely a heimishe pedephile did this molested him and is hiding him or even killed him chas vshalom to avoid the shame… Our community is a disaster! Why wasn’t everyone so outraged when all the other pedephiles molested all those kids? Just because they returned the kid? Shame on our rabbis for allowing this for years

    12 years ago

    i think that they should stop raising the reward.Because it may very well be that the guy who took him in the gold sedan or whoever it might be, might be waiting to see how high the reward will go and then let him go and claim he found him.

    12 years ago

    I did the Gorel yet again. I asked what happened to him and it said (yirmiah 5:26) there are wicked people among my nation who set a trap and ensnare people. then I asked what to do and it said (yeshaya 49:25) but hashem said: cant a person captured by a strong man be saved, and the captured of a fierce man escape? I will fight your fight, I will save your children.
    libi omar li that he was kidnapped by a rasha but will escape or get saved. b’ezras hashem yisburech

    12 years ago

    How many ppl are there with a full black beard, wearing khakis and a kashket-like cap? Someone somewhere has GOT to know this man!

    12 years ago

    Maybe there is a way to look at other cameras that are nearby and find the license plate number of the “gold” sedan. Hashem ishmor.

    12 years ago


    12 years ago

    Wow I can’t sleep I knew right away that he was kid apt when I herd about the story with the fathers worker hope they find him tonight…….!

    Whats this story? I don’t know any details but it makes most sense always that the boy went with someone whom he knew.

    12 years ago

    Now is no time for recrimination but what took them so long to locate this second video. And if they have a sedan on video then the FBI should certainly have the means to identify the car and locate its owner to either rule in or out his involvement. If the video is accurate the boy will be found inside the next 12 -15 hours. Here’s praying!

    12 years ago

    If that is the boy – then the man is either Jewish or Muslim (the beard is quite evident) and the boy definitely knew him. He walks toward him when he spots him then walks away behind him. He is clearly being instructed to keep a distance as he maintains throughout. The boy knew his abducter – – – and I suspect the family might know who he is as well. Broad daylight, well dressed man – cults don’t operate like this and neither do muslim radicals. This runs deeper. I suspect if they did a search of videos near the camp or in the surrounding area of his home they will find this boy having met this man previously. You can tell this was prearranged. The boy is ‘waiting’ for him. Which means they would have made a pre-arrangement to meet there. This is where FBI and manpower comes in real handy. Maybe I watch too much CSI – but I don’t think so.

    12 years ago

    the only other problem is that when someone commits such a flagrant act he either hopes he doesn’t get caught and achieves his objective (revenge to the family?) of scaring them or blackmail. Or he knows he will get caught and is desperate enough to do anything…c”v. So now there question is whether the father fell out with a worker who the boy would identify with. Or was someone messed with financially. It is more reassuring in a sense to know that a) he is not lost which could be so much more dangerous and b) he wasn’t taken by an unknown perp. I strongly suspect the police know who they are dealing with – they’ve already knocked on his door – they cannot track him – hence the FBI. I also strongly suspect this will end ok iy”H, but the sooner the better.

    12 years ago

    they MUsT find that car to take it out of the equation,the more i watch the vids it appears hes engaged in conversation with the tall guy and then follows him.hashem yishmor .Praying this is over fast and he is at home with his family safe and sound

    12 years ago

    the man looks like your average balaboos in boro park with a trimed beard and what appears to be a golf cap.

    12 years ago

    sad news boy was found dead in house infront of home was parked this gold car he went into it r”l !!!

    12 years ago

    but why the parents have to go through all the hours waiting tzit aroius di nishama longing for their son

    for a parent to lose a son is enough,

    but the son killed by someone,

    tortured and cut up,

    but the hours, the hours waiting and waiting and thinking about where his son might be…