Tel Aviv, Israel – Mother and Son Hospitalized After 7-Year-Old Attacked by Dog


    Tel Aviv, Israel – A seven-year-old boy sustained moderate to serious wounds when he was attacked by a dog in a south Tel Aviv park on Sunday. The boy was evacuated to the Chaim Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer with deep facial lacerations.

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    The boy’s mother suffered from shock and collapsed. She was also hospitalized.

    The incident occurred while the boy was playing in the park located on Etzel Street with his sister. According to an initial investigation, the boy threw a rock at the dog, an American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff), who then attacked him.

    Ichad Hatzolah and Magen David Adom paramedics administered first aid to the boy, who lost a lot of blood.

    “The boy ran home after he was bitten. I found him there with deep facial cuts. I bandaged his face. His mother was hysterical,” said, Uri Sheratzky, one of the paramedics.

    Police have yet to locate the dog or find out who it belongs to.

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    14 years ago

    I had these next-door neighbors who were breeding pit bulls. Nasty, vicious mutts who didn’t stop barking all day and all night. They got through the fence on the opposite side and attacked the neighbor.

    A few weeks later, they threw all their stuff in an old van and split the joint. I guess the neighbor served them.

    Anti dogs
    Anti dogs
    14 years ago

    I recently bought dog spray to carry with me just in case I encounter a stray dog. Relatively cheap and better safe than sorry.

    14 years ago

    The question remains was this a stray dog or belonged to someone? Wishing the boy and his mom a refuah shlaima. A world mishegas with dogs who are more loved than humans.

    14 years ago

    Dogs are amazing animals to bad the jewish community is brought up to hate them and fear them, if our community would have known how to love this animal, this child would have never thrown any stones on this lovely dog, and a mother and child would have not been in the hospital with life threatening injuries.

    did you notice?
    did you notice?
    14 years ago

    quote ” According to an initial investigation, the boy threw a rock at the dog, an American Staffordshire Terrier (Amstaff), who then attacked him.”

    American Staffordshire Terrier: An extremely family-oriented dog who doesn’t scare easily, the AmStaff does well with children. He is affable and protective. A child’s play rarely invoke even a defensive nip from the dog. Good sense says always to supervise small children and dogs. A dog of ever-lasting patience and understanding, the Amstaff will endure the teasing of children without response, and because this breed has such a high threshold for pain, the dog may be seriously injured. Teach your children to play lovingly with your pet.”

    While of course the boys injuries are tragic, and I wish him a refuah sheleyma, this was not a provoked dog attack. Dont blame the dog for defending himself

    Z. N. Mishegoss
    Z. N. Mishegoss
    14 years ago

    A Staffordshire Terrier is a pit bull, BTW.

    A friend of mine upstate found a stray pit bull, starving, and took the dog in. The dog is now the family pet, friendly and happy – the worst thing about about this dog is that it likes to jump up on you when it greets you and it wants to play with you. It’s not the dog – it’s the owner that trains it to be what it is. If people wouldn’t train their dogs to be aggressive you wouldn’t have such issues. Refueh shelayma to the mother and child.

    14 years ago

    Refuah shaima to the little boy. It’s time someone taught children AND THEIR PARENTS not to throw rocks at dogs.

    reply #4
    reply #4
    14 years ago

    You sound like the pit bull owner before being attacked by their pit bull. Or the killer whale(Orca) trainer before being dragged to their death by their ‘trained’ whale.

    Hatzolah of North Jersey
    Hatzolah of North Jersey
    14 years ago

    Every so often, I overhear mothers telling scared kids “don’t worry, the dog won’t bite you,” and encouraging them not to be afraid and not to keep away.

    As I have responded to quite a few Hatzolah calls involving dog bites, I always want to ask the mother how she knows the dog won’t bite.

    At every dog bite call I have responded to, the dog had bitten unprovoked.

    14 years ago

    I hope the yingala has a speedy recovery and learned never to throw rocks at dogs again.

    Torah Vodaath
    Torah Vodaath
    14 years ago

    I remember when one of the elderly Rosh Yeshiva’s of Torah Vodaath was bitten by a dog.

    According to some commentors here, he probably was provoking the dog and desirved it, right?

    to #16 and the like
    to #16 and the like
    14 years ago

    You just stated that if a baby makes a sudden move, the dog WILL bite. It’s irrelevant whether it’s to “protect” itself or not! And many humans have a p h o b i a–they are scared. Is that a reason for them to be attacked, because the dog senses their fear?! Don’t humans come before animals, after all?!

    The poor child. A complete refuah shleimah to him and his mother. It boggles the mind to see people making negative comments about them at such a time

    14 years ago

    Why is everyone hating on dogs now or trying to prove a point how dogs are bad and not good for Jewish homes? You don’t have to be a genius to figure out that throwing stones at a dog will make it angry and force it into defensive mode. It’s like throwing a stone at a Yolie on shabbos who will then start a riot. The mother should do a better job at teaching the kid to not provoke animals and to respect them. I believe 7 year olds have the capacity to understand that throwing stones at animals is dangerous or at least should.

    14 years ago

    Why don’t all you ofgeklerte professional dog owners and defenders tell us poor ghetto yiddelech how to deal with dogs?

    14 years ago

    (continued from previous comment):

    However RMA de Fano says אבל כלבים קטנים בני תרבות אינם בכלל האיסור

    Also, the Rambam paskens that in a border town (e.g. a yishuv in Shomron) one may keep dogs chained up by day, and let them loose at night: אסרו חכמים לגדל … את הכלב, אלא אם כן היה קשור בשלשלת. אבל מגדל הוא כלבים בעיר הסמוכה לספר, ביום קושרו ובלילה מתירו.

    In any event, if someone does have a dog there is no question that he must feed and walk it on Shabbos, because it depends on him. One is also allowed to feed stray dogs on Shabbos, even though one may not feed other stray animals.

    NOTE: When walking a dog on Shabbos, if there is no eruv, one must hold the leash by the very end. The part of the leash that is between the hand and the dog is not considered carrying, but the part that is past the hand and hanging down useless is considered carrying.

    Floods, earthquakes and dog bites
    Floods, earthquakes and dog bites
    14 years ago

    If someone is bitten by a dog it is because Hashem is punishing him. The dog has no bechirah (free will). It simply does as commanded to by Hashem. Remember DOG spell backwards…

    buncha dumdums
    buncha dumdums
    14 years ago

    i was chased by the same breed of dog there vicious a pit bull is a cross btwn stafordshire terrier and a buldog the latter for its strength the former for its viciousness

    A. Nuran
    A. Nuran
    14 years ago

    To those who say owning dogs “isn’t Jewish” all I can say is horsefeathers. For most of our history we have been farmers, shepherds, stockmen and other country folk. If you’re any of those you need dogs. It’s only since we moved to the cities and gave up the work of our ancestors that we forgot the ancient partnership.

    If you haven’t had dogs do not know what you’re talking about. With very few exceptions they are loyal, friendly, loving and absolutely devoted to their owners. The exceptions are almost always the fault of owners who neglect or mistreat them. We lost our beloved dog after fourteen years. She protected our home, adored children and cats and frankly loved us more than we deserved. If chesids were like her we wouldn’t need rabbis.

    According to the article the kid threw a rock at the dog which then attacked him. If you attack someone don’t be surprised if they react like that. Shame on him. But mostly shame on his parents for teaching him that it’s alright to hurt animals who have done nothing to hurt you. That sort of casual cruelty is a sin. Better the parents should have been mauled and the dog returned to its owner.

    Chew on this
    Chew on this
    14 years ago

    Chew on this, we all know “dog is man’s best friend”, but who says man is dog’s best friend?

    14 years ago

    Families with children are more likely to have dogs than singles or childless households, at least in America.

    14 years ago

    The professional dog haters of BP have been around for ages and will never convince more open minded Yidden to give up their dogs.

    14 years ago

    The anti-dog commentators are a breed of Yidden that show intolerance to anybody that is not a carbon copy of themselves. It goes beyond dogs, it’s a mentality of “I am better than you.” I have seen their type my whole life and they turn alot of people off.

    From the Mr. and Mrs. Milhouse types that accost children on the street saying “A Jewish boy/girl is not allowed to have a dog”, to the dissaproving looks of them when people are not wearing something that meets with their standards.

    All I have to say to them is live and let live and worry about your own children.