Rome – Shmuley Boteach visits Vatican, Meets With Pope


    Rabbi Shmuley met this afternoon April 28 2010 with the Pope and Cardinal.Rome – I had my meeting with the Pope today at his Wednesday audience. Let me first give you an idea of the setting.

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    There were approximately fifteen thousand people from all over the world gathered in St. Peter’s Square speaking an untold number of languages. The sun shone very brightly. The day was perfect. The Pope arrived in his pope-mobile to great excitement and fanfare. His vehicle was open-top. I assumed they didn’t need the protective bubble that has become so iconic on TV because there was security screening for each person present. As the Pope drove among the crowd they shouted ‘Viva Papa – Long live the Pope.’ There seemed to be genuine affection and excitement among the Catholic pilgrims who had gathered from all over the world.

    The pope drove up the incline and arrived in front of St. Peter’s Basilica. The people who were there to meet him sat on both sides of his dais. There were clergymen from all over the world: Cardinals, Bishops, and priests from the Catholic Church. I sat next to three Anglican Bishops from the UK. With me was my friend Gary Krupp, head of the Pave the Way Foundation, who had arranged the visit and several of his officers.

    The Pope read greetings in give languages and an American priest welcomed our group publicly from the Pope’s dais. The Pope waived to us.

    When the formal ceremony, lasting about two hours ended, the Pope came off his dais and moved along the receiving line to greet us. Gary introduced me to the Pope warmly with my formal titles. I gave the Pope a special gift we had gotten for him. It was a beautiful dual-time Phillip Stein watch. The Pope lit up when he saw it and said, “Look, it has two faces on it,” which, as it happened, was the perfect introduction for me to share the issues I had prepared. I said, “Pope Benedict, it’s an honor to meet you. This watch has the times of Rome and Jerusalem on it, signifying the eternal friendship between our two faiths. I also hope that when you wear it the future of the Jew people will always be on your mind, as Israel struggles with existential threats, like Iran, who threaten to wipe it off the map. You’re voice against these threats is essential, Your holiness.”

    He said ‘Yes,’ nodding his head in agreement, and I continued.

    “In addition, Your holiness, the dual clock face is a symbol of my request that you please join us in establishing a global family dinner night which we call, ‘Turn Friday Night into Family Night.’ It involves what we call the triple two. Two hours of uninterrupted time that parents give their kids, inviting two guests, just as I am your guest today, and discussing two important subjects.”

    While I said this Pope Benedict again nodded.

    I concluded, ‘Your holiness, it’s so important that our two religions work together on this.’ He said warmly, ‘We will work together. We will work together.’ He held my hand while we spoke. The watch we gave the Pope as a gift has special resonance because the owner, Will Stein, is an orthodox German convert to Judaism.

    I had invited my close friends David Victor, Chairman of the Board of AIPAC, and Rodney Adler, to the meeting with the Pope. Rodney emphasized to the Pope the importance of partnering with me on creating an international family dinner night and how much he believed in the idea. The Pope again warmly agreed. David then respectfully but firmly pressed the Pope on the need to address the Iran crisis, ‘a regime which denies the holocaust and threatens to destroy Israel and is building nuclear weapons.’ The Pope said, “I have spoken about it and will continue to.”

    As soon as the meeting was over, I was granted another meeting with Cardinal Walter Casper, President of the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity.’ Gary introduced me to the Cardinal and made a strong pitch for the importance of the worldwide Church partnering with us to create our international family dinner initiative. The Cardinal, a very pleasant priest from Germany who has been close friends with Pope Benedict for forty years, strongly endorsed the idea and related his memories of family dinners with his own parents.

    I made the case to the Cardinal that the pedophile priest scandal has many influential American commentators skewering the Church for being an all-boys club, seemingly anti-family. It was essential, I argued, that the Church recapture its reputation as one of the world’s foremost champions of the family. He agreed emphatically and said he agreed that the Church should partner with us.

    My friend David Victor then again brought up the threat that Iran poses to Israel. The Cardinal said that Iran’s nuclear program is a threat to the world. He asked David to write to him and Cardinal Bertone, the Cardinal Secretary of State, with suggestions of what could be done.

    It was an exciting day. Five of my nine children were with me, as well as both my parents.

    I’ll share more later, G-d willing.

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    14 years ago

    Oy. Shmuley, you run to Michael Jackson and Haiti. Now your being korea and mishtachaveh to the Pope.

    How come your Rebbe never did such things?

    Maybe it’s time for a ga’aveh check.

    Very nice. You gave the Pope a watch.

    Next thing, he’ll be at your Shabbos table.

    How much was paid for the honor of meeting the Pope?

    How come you spoke about your issues and not about Gilad Shalit? Or did he just slip your mind.

    Every time you get up in public, you embarrass us.

    14 years ago

    Big deal! I met Mickey Mantle. Now, that was a real zechus!

    14 years ago

    O how my hart was touch by this story. The sun shone very brightly ……………

    14 years ago

    Shmuley we are now happy, now everyone is gonna talk about you for a few days 🙂

    14 years ago


    14 years ago

    Is there no end to this mans search for headlines?

    Go Shmuely
    Go Shmuely
    14 years ago

    Shmuely you got our blessings and hope to hear more of you in the future.

    for those who want to hear more of Shmuely he hosts a Sunday program on WABC between 7pm and 9pm

    14 years ago

    One should never underestimate the long term value of such conversations . People who bash on these boards always seen to hide their names,wonder why ?

    14 years ago

    Lets compare priorities:

    David Victor cares about the Jews in Israel being destroyed by its enemies.

    Shmuely Boteach cares about his own private project.

    Nothing more needs to be said.

    14 years ago

    “signifying the eternal friendship between our two faiths” al tashis yadcha im rasha! buy him a roll of gefilte fish, that would’ve sealed the deal!

    Flattened Friedman
    Flattened Friedman
    14 years ago

    WOW! Look at all those yarmulkas!! Shmuley, you did a great kiruv job!! All they need now are ‘Rebbie’ key chains!

    14 years ago

    this week Sunday on his radio show 7-9, he had the wife of Dr mehomed Oz as guest speaking about her new book, they discussed additions
    shmuley said that his addiction is “ fame”
    listen to his podcast hear it for yourself

    14 years ago

    1:How come you spoke about your issues and not about Gilad Shalit? Or did he just slip your mind.
    2: why didn’t u speak to him in Yiddish! He a german!
    3: …

    14 years ago

    What with your holiness?

    14 years ago

    does mainstream lubavitch hold of him or do they think hes crazy

    14 years ago

    did you bow down to him?

    Shaul in Monsey
    Shaul in Monsey
    14 years ago

    Is it muttar to refer to the pop as “your holiness?”

    Is the Vatican a church upon which a yid should not step foot?

    What would be the justification for doing the above as Rabbi Boteach did? I’m not critical of the man, just want to understand from a halachic perspective.

    14 years ago

    Maybe he should speak with Ahmedinejad

    Big Masmid
    Big Masmid
    14 years ago

    I am sorry for asking but how could you even touch his hand?

    14 years ago

    he loves the attention and why not if goim want to give it to him kol hakovod

    14 years ago

    Shmuly – are you a Jew? Do you have a certificate from a Mohel that says you are? you seem so enamored by meeting with this Mushchas and so excited that you got to speak to him that it makes me wonder what religion you belong to. You see my problem is that I and thousands of other Yidden are crying and Davening today for Sholom Rubashkin yet you are with the pope. We are Davening to our G-d. Who are you busy with?

    Please spare us the rest of your story. We just don’t care. Jacko the wacko must have rubbed off on you.

    AND YOU TOOK YOUR KIDS TO THIS AND ARE PROUD OF IT!!!!!!!!!! Fech. Gross. Sick. Disgusting. Disturbing. Clearly you have lost your mind

    I am crying
    I am crying
    14 years ago

    Holliness!!!!!!!????? That title is reserved for one only. I am ashamed. You want a Family Night?? Make Thursday Night Family night. Shabbos was a present from the Ribono Shel Olam for US. STOP trying to give it away.

    mt mehdi
    mt mehdi
    14 years ago

    I approve. At least he’s doing something – what are you yentas doing besides surfing the net?

    A Simple Chussid
    A Simple Chussid
    14 years ago

    Good grief.
    Do we really need to read this?!

    14 years ago

    perhaps the watch the pope will give you when you convert from who knows what religion you belong to Catholicism will be as special.

    G-D help
    G-D help
    14 years ago

    Chabad throw this ego needs fame guy out on his head. He’s a Kaifer on what he said about hashem on Haiti

    Godol HaDor
    Godol HaDor
    14 years ago

    I’m conflicted, on the one hand he spoke about important valid global klal issues, nothing wrong with that, on the other hand, I cringed whem he kept on calling him your ….ness, on the other hand, you need to show proper respect to be taken seriously, on the other hand, the catholic church has been the source of all major anti-semitism in the l*st two millenia.
    Maybe that’s why he gave hime a watch with four hands…
    On a serious note, rabbi lau and others also met with a Peips, so maybe shmuli is doing a positive thing for klal yisrael. Eventhoough his massive ego is surely stoked, well so be it, that’s what makes these talented guys tick.
    As to the opinion of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, it is irrelevant to Shmuley as he no longer follows his former Rebbes directives, he has chosen his own path.

    14 years ago

    hay! were does he draw the line, praying or bowing down to jeuses? is that next?

    14 years ago

    I made the case to the Cardinal that the pedophile priest scandal has many influential American commentators skewering the Church for being an all-boys club, seemingly anti-family. It was essential, I argued, that the Church recapture its reputation as one of the world’s foremost champions of the family. He agreed emphatically and said he agreed that the Church should partner with us.

    What a bunch of BS.

    14 years ago

    This is definitely against the express opinion of the Lubavitcher Rebbe. When Paul 6 came to America and rabbis were running to meet him, the Rebbe thundered against it. He never forgot, and never let others forget, that the Pope is known by Jews as the Avi Avos. This has nothing to do with the individual who happens to occupy that office at any time; Benedict is a wonderful person, as was Paul 6 before him, but the office is Avi Avos Hatum’ah.

    It’s one thing if he comes to us; we can’t afford to be rude to him, and it would be wrong to be rude to the person under the robes. But for a rabbi from New Jersey to fly a third of the way around the globe to meet the Avi Avos, is something entirely different. No matter how good he is as a person; if you have some project to push, meet with a well-placed cardinal, persuade him, and then have him push it from the inside. But don’t go giving public honour to an office which is avodah zarah.

    14 years ago

    Avoda zura,,
    In the gite tzeiten rabbi shmuly would be put in cheirem!!

    I used to be his fan
    I used to be his fan
    14 years ago

    No longer. Now I am embarrased he is a Jew.

    14 years ago

    “Your Holiness?”

    Shmully, I’m sorry, but calling the pope holy is kefirah. By calling him holy, you acknowledge Christianity.

    I’m sorry, but you have lost my respect.

    14 years ago

    Shmuely Boteach,
    Did you consult Dass Torah if you were alowed to have such a meeting?
    Why would you bring your childreen to such a meeting? Is he the personn you want your children should aspire to be.

    Calm Down
    Calm Down
    14 years ago

    Shmuely is doing right in my eyes and hopefully yours too

    what hes trying to do is bring goyim into g-ds world by teaching the 7 Noach mitzvos by starting with family time on sat is a nice gesture

    14 years ago

    Hey guys–don’t get all worked up. He didn’t kiss the ring. Just shook his hand. Not the end of the world. Besides, we need some powerful allies. I’m not a Shmully fan but this meeting was a big plus.

    Torah Truth
    Torah Truth
    14 years ago

    This is the issue as I see it. I think there is great value with dialogue with leaders of other religions. It was done in the time of the Chazal and I see no reason that it shouldn’t be done today. That being said, it is done for a reason, M’pnei Eiva and M’pnei Darkai Shalom. The problem I have here is that Boteiach seem to be enamored by the experience, glorifying the experience and has lost all sight that will the Pope is a leader he is the lead Ovdei Avodah Zarah. Is that who you should take your 9 kids and parents to? Is that he you should write a story and gush with the experience? If it was me, I would do it and then jump into the first Mikvah I could find to hope the Tumah would come off. Despicable!

    14 years ago

    Did you ask for the Menorah back? Or any Keilim or Sefarim that a Yid would cry to just be able to see…?

    14 years ago

    Wow! This is unreal going to the pope?! I don’t know what he is thinking, but this guy needs to see a doctor asap.

    14 years ago

    The day has come we can now say see I told you so! This man has lost his way so long ago I’m not sure he can see it anymore

    14 years ago

    Unbelievable. The lengths this man goes to for attention.

    14 years ago

    YOUR HOLINESS?? Have u really lost your marbles?????

    14 years ago

    is it me or is the poop’s yarmulke bigger than smelly’s?

    14 years ago

    Anything for publicity.

    14 years ago


    As someone who is not knee jerk against you, and when you do good, I say so (and I think of late you have been doing pretty well) –

    First of all your visit (noch bringing you kids???) is incredible. How many compromises on Torah did you have to make just so that you can talk to the man? Does the end justify the means when the means are against Halacha?!

    Secondly, the enthusiasm and excitement in your report is perhaps even more disturbing than the first point. You were obviously in awe of the scene and you seem personally thrilled to have come in contact with the avi avois. This second fact demonstrates even more clearly than my first point, that your behavior and motive here was not pure. If this was “a necessary evil” to you, you would never have written such an “exciting” report, with the promise of “more to come”!! Shoimu shomayim.

    Your insatiable ego is the source of your weakness. Wake up. Study some chassidus and ver a mentch.

    authentic Lubavitcher
    authentic Lubavitcher
    14 years ago

    “I’ll share more later, G-d willing. “

    Please don’t. We’ve read more than enough.

    14 years ago

    When I was a kid I was taught to make every effort to avoid a gallech.Nowadays every nobody is clamoring to meet one .

    Ari Gold
    Ari Gold
    14 years ago

    I must say I am a little surprised to see all the negative comments. This man is trying to do something good. How many unaffiliated Jews are out there who might find meaning in a Friday night were it to become increasingly popular? That’s a way to be mekarev Jews we can’t even reach.
    I am sure most of you here have never been to Rome let alone Vatican City. The display of honor and oppulence afforded to the pope is beyond your imagination. It’s truly a grand spectacle. When we see such honor we think to ourselves – one day all this honor and all the honor in the world will belong to the one and only Creator – Hashem.
    Most of you also probably don’t know that you don’t just speak to the pope. You get prepped. They instruct you how to address him, what to say and more importantly what not to say.
    Let’s not be so quick to judge Shmuley Boteach.

    14 years ago

    Did he give the pop a signed copy of his book “Kosher Sex”?

    ira z
    ira z
    14 years ago

    Shmuli Shmuli Shmuli…were u as excited meeting a Rosh yeshiva? oy!
    Its wonderful that u are mechanech ur ALL children with such beutiful things to remember.